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Posts posted by =Brennus=

  1. Speaking of French people and chasing, I hope the french gankers in renos stay around Jamaica if the rest end up going. All very pleasant when getting rekt by them, or when we manage to catch and sink them in turn. I've even built fir speed ships just to catch them <3 ER and co.



    They'll go where the lone victory(s) are :) How many did Brits already lost to this reno gangs, 5 - 6? I hardly can count theim anymore ;)



    edit: also the Tour de France joke is funny. Gotta admit we couldn't hold our ports. Blame it on the timers or the population, it doesn't change the fact that a nation can flip over another nation in the space of a day. That's the issue. Could be fixed by a restriction of ports you can capture per day, but it'll open exploits for rogue clans or crossplay. Anyway it's not the point of the topic. The war ain't over as far as I'm concern!

  2. Since moderator Olaf closed my post without giving me time to respond or discuss the matter witch  was the  all point of the thread and not to put blame on a player even him being the same nation as moderator Olaf, I'am to repost, sorry.


    The screenshot don't says much except you can tell by the amount on damage and the fact the ship is really low above water that his ship was about to sink. Well, then again I guess he could have surrendered before and I could have shot the surrendered ship till it looks like that..... After all why not....


    Butt it's really not a post to make a point about a particular player.  [bald]The only intention of mys post is to have an answer whether or not this is allowed behavior?[/bald]


    No need to say I think  it's bad behavior if not complete exploit of game mechanics... Moderator Olaf please answer to the question and not the trivial-ness that goes around aka whether or not  that ship was about to sink, it's really not the point, even if I don't like being doubted by "I don't know who", thank you.



  3. A player attacked me in a mission. I've been doing quite a lot of pvp and he wasn't the best player I've met by far so I defeated him without too much difficulty... But it was the first time in about a hundred pvp battles that I saw this e.g he surrendered just before sinking therefore preventing me from getting the kill reward. I don't hold any particular grudges against that player, and my point is more about to point out wether or not this is allowed attitude ? It's also my first post on this forum and I regret it is about misbehavior of another player. Anyway.


    Battle happened a few minutes ago on pvp1 my player's name is : Brennus. Took a screenshot but it wont say much...




    Best regards.

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