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Posts posted by Rizzar

  1. Hey guys.


    One thing I really miss a lot in this game is the opportunity to check the direction of an object.


    When someone asks you which direction to go you can only give vague answers.

    Whether it is a distant port, a ship or a landmark, all we can do is estimating the direction via the ships compass orientation.


    This affects OW and Battle (in addition there is no given cardinal direction !?!?!?) aswell.



    In reality it would be very easy to take your compass, point it to the targets direction (or with a fixed one get yourself behind it) and determine its bearing.

    There are even sights on compasses to make this really fast and accurate, too.



    I suggest to implement a single compass line showing the viewing direction of the camera.


    This would help with/improve navigation, targeting and communications.


    quick example:


    (hope this will be visible)



    Greetings Rizzar



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  2. Good Morning.



    We have encountered some random group size behavior in fleet missions which leads to the suggestion to make it a little more consistent/group size dependent (e.g enemy +1, AI reinforcement case dependent).


    Our Group was sized between 5-10 ships on 169 fleet order and we observed the following constellations:


    There was often a similar amount of ships in the battle.

    But there is always AI spawned with the group whether needed, or not. Most of the cases the AI disturbs the group tactics.



    Sometimes there were larger enemy groups with more AI to reinforce the player. especially when starting with a small group.



    But in some certain cases the enemys were absolutely outnumbered by us. Even then we had AI added.

    That was about 11 ships to 4 on the enemy side.

    Needless to say the level of difficulty was kind of a joke.



    I would suggest to have a look into the creation algorith and only ai reinforce if needed to reach certain group thresholds, and make the enemy number dependent on player group size (e.g. equal, +1, ...).



  3. Hey.


    Observed this and decided to make a thread in addition to an ingame bug report due to its urgency.


    It is possible to block the buying price a city is willing to pay for its consumed goods.


    e.g.:If you set a buying contract in a city that consumes live oak, even if the price is lower than the one the city is willing to pay (city: live oak 150 , your price 105) another player will only be able to fulfill your price of 105.

    The logic prefers the player contract no matter how high the need of the city is.


    When you return you can claim your contract and the old city price is valid, at this point you can sell your goods with an insanely high profit since you are the only one in control and selling your goods to that port.

    Side effekt is if someone is forced to sell you the goods you have even a higher amount of profit after you claimed the contract.



    This makes it possible to block the price until the blocked player returns (and claims) or the contract is fulfilled.



    Please fix this unintended priorisation since certain players are taking benefit from this abusive mechanic.




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