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Posts posted by Drunxton

  1. Jezus, why all posts that imply pirate and when some nationalist( british exactly) join in , soon or late it becomes  "pirate should act more like pirate".

    The goal of this post is not even about complaining that Bigvalco has a deal with the british, it s just about he keep saying that he didnt do that, it s about hypocrisy, if he has done something that s so obvious at least  have the honesty and courage to admit it .


    Just as KOTO won't acknowledge their vassal state to the Danes in exchange for not having the Slavic Steamer deposited on their chests? FTS has no permanent deals, sorry we don't play our game to your expectations. In the future, please restrict your protests to the Metropolitan Museum of Art for the art going public refusing to interpret Jackson Pollock's work in the same fashion as you. Since you are a philistine prone to more demogoguery than the most ignorant Trumpian ideologue (with contentless posts that only rival the vacuum of space for their vacuous emptiness), please find the attached Pollock work for your reference.



  2. This behavior is disturbing, and anything short of drastic action will be insufficient. The precedent that needs to be set here is that exploiting mechanics as such is unacceptable. Anything else will result in a slippery slope of increasingly flagrant infringements upon the spirit of PvP conquest. If this is not quashed, than who is to say that loading another clan's deepwater port battles with cerbs is not unacceptable? In this particular instance the motive, method, and perpetrator are clearly established, and there appears to be no attempt to take statements out of context to smear otherwise innocent players.

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  3. Big Valco = British puppet.




    Pirates timing attacks with enemy's so Pirates lose ports = disloyal.


    @ British Nation - You seem fond of him.  You can have him.  FTS has some solid and respectable guys and I hope they stay and get sorted elsewhere.


    Big V in action:




    The amount of tinfoiled heads jammed in microwaves going on in this thread beggars the mind. I can address this though.


    1. I was leading the capping group that took the three ports in Jamaica the night before. I wanted to provoke a response and test out some new PB strategeries. The tears from GB that night were delicious.

    2. We are not beholden to KOTO, and quite frankly, we'll go find content to entertain ourselves when left in a vacuum. KOTO ceased coordinating with us over manufactured suspicions that we were riddled with spies about a week ago. These suspicions were proven to be unfounded.

    3. I set the port timers to the TZ when we actually play this game. I don't know about you, but I like to PvP, FTS likes to PvP, and FTS is a US TZ clan. We hung some bait out to get fights in our primetime. If KOTO or anyone else would like in the future to coordinate a strategic defense, they are free to unban our diplomat BigValco from their TS, or come to ours and request an audience. 


    Here I'll make it easier for you Zombie, here's our address:




    These are not the witches you're looking for, Salem. We'd be happy to clear up any sand in your nether regions using buckets of you tears from this thread, but we are not servants of some perceived higher cause other than our own entertainment.



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