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Chetamista Noud

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Posts posted by Chetamista Noud

  1. @admin You stated twice earlier that you could "teleport between national/ALLIED ports".  For clarity, are you changing your stance or alliances or changing the mechanic somehow?  This is VITAL for our preparations for after the wipe.  

    Also, i like the idea of being able to TP between ports of your nation.  I would suggest a timer on it so once you hit the button it takes longer than the 5 min battle timer or whatever that timer ends up being, to get to the port.  We can wait a couple minutes to TP and it will help against just TPing and helping someone who has been attacked.

  2. Full disclosure:  I will be playing on the global server.  

    You want a solution?  Implement 12hr PB windows.  The nation decides the window, like it was many moons ago.  

    I am pretty surprised at the salt from some of the EU guys.  I remember getting night flipped by the Chinese in the early days, but we just redoubled our efforts, and finally came to a truce with them.  I really think the nation setting its own PB window is the only way.


  3. 7 minutes ago, Aventador said:

    The main argument that I'm hearing is that rvr hasn't changed and that there will still be nightflips.... Have you been on the testbed? Have you read through what's proposed? Its all changing significantly. Having to sail your ships to places is a huge part of that. If you are afraid of nightflips... the US has no reason to sail all that way for a pointless region and we will rarely ever fight the traditional eastern alliance (with the exception to Spain). The focus of the US will be on Spain,GB, and Pirates. If you are Danish, there are a large number of Chinese Danes on pvp2 that would be amazing partners to you, if you are French, there will be a decent amount of people from pvp2 joining the French nation etc... You have to talk with these people to get a better idea but having 1 global server is ultimately what is best for the @admin @Ink because they won't have to deal with 3 servers anymore and it will probably save them money and it's best for the community and the game in general.

    well put

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  4. 9 minutes ago, Jean Ribault said:

    This is the norm with any sort of development, and should be expected.  Testing & development (or R&D for that matter) can only be defined by general goals and anticipated milestones, not by exact dates.  The trajectory of completion changes during the cycles of develop, test, and discover, repeat.  The developers are hesitant to throw out exact dates because they know this firsthand, and don't want to make promises that can't be kept.  Also they know people just like we're seeing on this forum will unfairly accuse them of breaking their word, every time.  Think about it, should we for example stop cancer research and fire all those involved because they didn't discover a cure on some exact date?  There's a point at which a time investment or delay becomes ridiculous, but we are by no means anywhere near that folks, just be patient.

    I guess my feeling about this is that the admin specifically stated that BY april 19th the servers would be wiped.  I understand that time frames are hard in development.  My possible disappointment is that IF the wipe and restructure doesn't happen by the 19th, we will have just been waiting and waiting longer.  As soon as the wipe was announced the server populations crashed drastically, and aren't gonna come back until after wipe.  I just wish they would have kept it under their hats until they were closer.  I think its already been a month since the announcement.  Not bitching, just hopeful and want to start playing towards something again.

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  5. Agreed Christendom.  IMO, the ONLY viable way to move forward is to have 1 PvP server with all tz's covered.  With the lack of population, it seems the only way to create the amount of content we all want.  

    See ya at the meeting on Saturday!  We are greatly looking forward to it.

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  6. 5 minutes ago, ElricTheTwo said:

    France on PvP2 has already had a few players from other nations come across.  I think it gives a chance for players to meet the new faces.

    Alliances - if they go away totally, or are modified to eliminate 60% of players in one alliance, it impacts what resources are going to be available to each nation.  If the map is reset back to where it was at the last port wipe, then Denmark and Sweden start with almost no resources, whereas Spain would start with the most regions, and probably the fewest players again.

    Every nation is going to pick on Spain in a massive land grab.  Most of the existing Spanish players have already stated they are changing nation, so this is going to make playing Spain a huge challenge when all the other nations are nibbling away at every corner of their empire.  Much of the map really could benefit from starting as neutral to avoid this.


    Totally agree...gives a flat playing field.  Considering i will be rolling swede after the wipe (BORK, BORK, BORK) it would really suck to only have the one region to start.  Hopefully they can make the ports neutral, but inaccessible until they are conquered.  This way everyone is in the same pain...lol

  7. The Danish Clan of CZ or whatever (the Chinese clan a.m. ustz) took ft.Baai this morning, and are a small force. However they have, in the past had brit screeners, so I assume they are also allied with brits. It's a shame, but there is more good fights to be and in the future. The Swedes aren't done yet.

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