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Posts posted by Brockosaurus

  1. Currently, missions can spawn on the clear opposite of land masses.  This is a real problem for Spanish-faction players - a mission started in a north-Cuban city can spawn on the opposite side of the island and vice-versa, starting from level 3 onwards.


    This is a serious quality-of-life problem which is contributing to players leaving Cuba and overall weakening Spain.  Missions taken in Havana spawn often near Batabano; those taken from cities like Robras and Batabano often spawn off the north coast near La Habana or Bahia Honda.


    These missions do not respawn on a fast enough timer - if you cancel the mission and take a new one, you get the exact same spawn location, on the wrong side of a very large island.


    On the same lines, deep-water missions should not spawn in shallow-water areas.


    Simply put, more restrictions & filters need to be put on locations where missions can spawn.  They need to appear in places which are reasonably accessible to the players, not ones which require 30+ minutes of travel, 50% of the time.

  2. 4 battles were had today while I was around:


    #1: [RYP] is tired of the Spanish faction being ruled by pathetic PVE-oriented clans who are afraid of PVPing on a PVP server, so we ride north from Havana to Key West with a squadron of 6.  Engaging some Americans, we find many others pull some classic undockski tactics and are quickly ridiculously outnumbered.  We had a lot of fun dieing o7


    #2: We respawn in the so-called Free City of USA-occupied Key West, but manage to sneak out northwards under the cover of a storm.  As we return to Havana, we encounter an American blockade and figure, WTH, we're in it for the gudfites anyways.  More fun was had, this time we repsawn in Havana.


    #3 after many arguments with to cowardly leadership of larger Spanish clans, we sailed North with a number of solo players/pubbies in search of more gudfites with the Yanks.  Since we had been so horribly outnumbered in the last 2 battles, we drew up a plan to bring them south into reinforcement range, call in the AI, then pile into the battle and fight.  However, USA's fighting numbers had also dwindled down to about 11, so they were awfully outnumbered when our trap was sprung.  The third battle was a GLORIOUS Victory for Spain, where our combined fleet + AI reinforcments sank a single USA Cerberus.  Big respect for Mr Duffy for going down fighting o7


    #4 We sailed north towards Key West, intent on liberating [RYP] King of Spain and his powerful Frigate.  Turns out his Frigate had only 1 durability and had died in the first battle of the day, and now he's in a basic cutter.  Operation Saving Private King of Spain resulted in the annihilation of the Spanish fleet.  In particular, your humble narrator was rammed by two Yanks in the opening moments of the battle, and thanks to his heavy drinking habits only realized that he was sinking when he was already 2/3 underwater, thus spending the entire battle calling targets & taking screenshots.  We all died & it was awesome.


    Good fights USA, let's do it again o7


    P.Ss:  To the British & Dutch - please take over Panama to kick our cowardly clans out of there and force them to play the pvp game.


    P.P.S.: more screens on my steam o7


    P.P.P.S.: why can't I add decent non-faction people like this Agoney guy as a friend in game :'( gamelabs plz

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  3. I don't care for your replies. The fact is that over the past few weeks, people have been leaving the faction and going pirate, so I may reroll, I may join them but this is how spain died on pvp1: only very few of us were ever willing to defend. We had heaps of people wanting to attack, but that was unsustainable. (they all defected cause we tried to explain that we don't need ports)


    You might think we don't need ports, but we definitely need PVPers.  And when we see what carebears the major clans are being, refusing to make even the simplest of conquests against undefended neutral ports in our area to deny other nations' raiders, it's no wonder they'd leave.


    Honestly, if all you and [ARF] want to do is grind missions, you should go to the PVE server.  That'd be an improvement from telling PVPers that PVP doesn't matter on the PVP server  :blink:

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