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Posts posted by Internetbaron

  1. If you do some basic calculations about combat medal earn rate and ships that have to be sunken to receive new ships of certain classes (1st rates especially) you will get some ridicoulous results without taking into account that you grind can grind medals in PvE. I think medals in PvE are fine.

    Furthremore i opened now ~25gold chest since the permit patch and have receiced only one permit of 1st and 2nd rate permit (a buc , hehe). I hope after relase all 3rd rates and higher can be bought with permits so everybody can choose what ship he wants to grind for. 

    A post from Admin about the loottables from the chests would be appreciated.....

  2. I support the cause. NPC are too strong.

    Nerf NPC in Mission and Oen World and keep the ELITE Npc for Bigger Events and Special Missions. Maybe put Elite NPCs in special fleets with a small icon like it is in EVERY OTHER MMO.

    "Pve is fun when the Ai is Hard" . Ehhh no . Its fun when you can get a Challenge from the Ai when you want a challenge. Right now AI is 24/7 a challenge and you only Sail in bigger Ships against it.

    There was a statistic from Admin who said 800 AI kills result in 1 Player sunk. Well The players know how hard the AI is and only sail when they have an advantage.

    Npc under and including 5th rate classes should be way easier to kill.

    It is so frustrating to see the AI in a similar Ship and you know he has boarding mods, is turning faster, sailing faster , reloading faster and outdamages your broadside 😃 .



    • Like 1
  3. O7 Sailers,


    just a small question.

    I sank around 20 ships (3th and 4th) in the gulf in the last two days and i did not get a single ship with doubloons?

    Is there a bug with the loot tables? Usually you would get doubloons at every 2nd or 3rd ship you loot but 20 without anything is kinda strange.


  4. Because Craft xp are linked to your Account this methods preventx Xp collecting abuse.


    An Example of Abuse which is prevented by the Current Systeme which is good.


    You log on pvp1, spend 1200 craft hours get 1200craft xp by melting iron ore.



    Log on pvp 2, repeat the same. By the Amount of farmed gold with a 3rd rate easyily doable.


    You made 2400craft xp by abuseing switching to another server.


    You can now log in on Pvp3 and profit from your made 2400 craft xp on another server.


    This would give players who player the game regular on 1 server a huge disadvantage.



    This is prevented by the devs and its necessary to prevent it.

  5. Hey Dev's


    First the American players used the Timedifference against the Spanish, now the Danes abuse it against Sweden and France.


    Marigot 12-14                                       

    Aves 14-16

    Charlestown 14-16

    Oranjestad 14-16

    BasseTerre 14-16


    These are Mid European work times (Not in Russia....) i think this is a clear abuse. We wont be able to Counterattack against the Danes because the purposly set the timers in Worktime.

    This is killing the GAME. only People with wich are unemployeed can attack at this time.  Or defend...


    Terre-de-bas 6-8

    Deshaies 6-8

    Basse-Terre 6-8

    Point-a-Pitre 6-8

    Le Moule 6-8


    These hours are even worse, nobody can ever take any of these Ports again.


    Danes are abuse this system massively


    I think best woud be to limited the Attack window to a certain time frame:


    16:00 - 24:00 server time or something like it..



    As i said in my post in the other thread. There is no simple solution for this.


    The real Issue is that EU vs EU player abuse time windows to prevent battles.


    "What i can not tolerate are your PB timers you set in some of the cities.....your prevent PB and reconqering on purpose to cripple the Gameplay and fun of the Others. Cripple Gameplay for others with ramming etc. is called griefing. To a caertain point this goes under the same definition. You cripple  the Gameplay for the Playerbase on both side on purpose. No Dane will have fun in defending PB and no French can have fun attacking it. If they manage to attack during the Night it will be senseless action since the Port is mostly like complete empty and its just zerging some towers against some lonely defender who showed up

    We cant punish our fellow US bois for playing in their primetime."


    This is a problem that cant be solved easily through an overhaul of the system. Atm it has to be fixed by hand in every town that has an abusive timer. I heard that SLRN is doin it too and thats not acceptable at all.



    Maybe you could say that a Port window for a specific town is only open 2 time a week for 4 hours. or sth like that. Therefore you can plan and focus your defence better. Bigger Nations would have more targets to defend at the same time but there have more likely more palyers to do so than smaller nations.

    If you sit 4hours in front of that port is your decision but i think with intelligent porting and storing ships near the vulnerable town it should be not a big effort to play as you like and if the fleet is announced you port back to the city.


    There are some  differten cases if your towns are located 5min aport from each other but therefore you can scout with cutters.

  6. Sry but your eyes isn't enough blue to do whatever you said. Devs doesn't force british players to make adequate timers on they ports, instead of deep night, so why they should force danes to make something?



    Can you stay on a proper level to discuss and dont tend to be provoking?


    If you would have read my post above you , you have seen that i also  dont tolerat such behavior of ANY faction expect the US because it is their real primetime.


    So this is NOTHING against the Danes its against EVERYBODY!

  7. While i agree with your opinion on the timers, i must say that that's what we are facing in the west against the brits, mostly SLRN (01-03 for danish(++) and 03-05+ for the russians) .. It should also be said that in our trip southeast last evening we didn't have much time to discuss the best solution for the timers and had to go for the next one, thus setting temporary timers. Sorry about that


    I support you this is unacceptable by SLRN, dev have to take a look at this after the next patch.


    Poor devs they have so much work :(

    • Like 1
  8. I congrat you on your playning and execution it was a fine effort. I respect and honor that.


    What i can not tolerate are your PB timers you set in some of the cities.....your prevent PB and reconqering on purpose to cripple the Gameplay and fun of the Others. Cripple Gameplay for others with ramming etc. is called griefing. To a caertain point this goes under the same definition. You cripple  the Gameplay for the Playerbase on both side on purpose. No Dane will have fun in defending PB and no French can have fun attacking it. If they manage to attack during the Night it will be senseless action since the Port is mostly like complete empty and its just zerging some towers against some lonely defender who showed up.



    Are you afraid you cant defend a Port now against the french?


    Spain had troubles with the PB set timers against the US boi which is a problem that cant be solved easily BUT EU vs EU player with 2hours timezone differnce setting the PB tiemrs during morning time sry thats just abuse of Game mechanics for me there are no reasonable arguments for it. Yes it is a tactical advantage but its dishonorable and straight abuse.


    All the Timers you set now:



    Marigot 12-14                                       

    Aves 14-16

    Charlestown 14-16

    Oranjestad 14-16

    BasseTerre 14-16


    These timers are ok. It its the start of your primetime for us a little early but its fine no complaining about that. Marigot is a little wierd after server inspect and wont be redeemble for us becuase after server restart you can hardly assemblr a big fleet maybe at the weekend.



    Fort bai1 8-20                       Fort Bai and Phillip totally fine we can fight for that and have same fine battle coming.

    PhillipsBurg 18-20




    Terre-de-bas 6-8

    Deshaies 6-8

    Basse-Terre 6-8

    Point-a-Pitre 6-8

    Le Moule 6-8



    and these timers are complete trash.


    Sry but in my eyes the Devs should force you to reset these timers ( of the exfrench cities) for a proper EU time so everybody can Fight for it.


    Ports should stay to the nation that can Take them or ACTIVE (with ships in Battles) defend them and not be defend by an absurd set timer.


    And you Danes are no Americans who play at this time!

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