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Posts posted by Frostben


    Great Britain was called out for not doing PVP and always hiding so we amassed a fleet to Mortimer Town and won a battle, then went to Parrot Cay and won another 2, The Pirates may have sunk a Victory and some other ships but we won the battles and the day.


    The Last battle the pirates outnumbered us by 6 3rd rates, they eventually ran like cowards, rammed people with fire ships and sunk.


    My Victory was rammed by a 3rd rate on fire, a cowards way out.


    Great Britain even had to buy a port flag to force the pirates out of hiding.




    The port battle was a lie, we didn't want to do it. We got the flag so you would stop hiding and actually come pvp, it was our WIN, you guys left and sunk, we had more ships left. Stop making excuses all the time, it's all you pirates do.



    They sorta do when the NPC are firing at ya, stop trying to make excuses, it's childish.


    what are you even on about, a vic is extremely slow and 3rd rates turn amazingly, 3 3rd rates can easily take out a victory cause all you have to do is stern rake, all i am hearing is excuses.



    We even bloody went to Mort town to fight but the coward pirates sat in the port and were hiding, please read before commenting.

    Do you not see "The Notorious" in my name? i am not here to be liked. im not here to please everyone, I don't give a shit if people do not like me.


    All I'm seeing is you creating excuses for you losing, no wonder why the ocean is as salty as it is, it's your tears.



    oh man you are literally the most toxic person i have seen.

    Well when the last 2 run away from the fight you know not worth chasing


    Is this what the game just becomes? people just using 3rd rates and never using any other ship... what is the point of using other ships in this game when 3rd rates are just sooo easy to cap..



    Are you literally 13 years old? have an actual conversation instead of being toxic and insulting. 



    It's really quite sad that you guys just result to trolling because it's the only thing you know how to do best, have your little circlejerk, i'm going to have fun doing something else instead of responding to toxic trolls.



    Lord Roberts please. If you want to stop the the "trolls" then you need to look at yourself first. Opening up the topic by calling pirates cowards is a great way of inviting others to counter-insult your own actions regardless if they were good or bad. Be respectful. I get it "No one is a saint" but that doesn't mean that you can't emulate their actions or be the better man in these situations. Every topic is a different topic, don't justify insulting others by bringing up past grievances from different threads on the forum or even on the same thread. A little humbleness can go a long way Lord Roberts even on the internet there is no need to call others cowards or trolls regardless of the situation. I hope this can be somewhat enlightening and lead to much more healthier conversations in game and on the forum.

  2. Cool, its about time you guys starting acting like Pirates. Now this attitude is more like it.


    No no no no no no. That is the exact attitude that splintered the Pirate faction in the first place. REMEMBER the current ideologies of the pirates already in place. Maybe the SE coalition part no longer applies, but still we have not been given an actual guideline as to how to play the pirate faction besides the title of being a pirate. Should we nation build since we have been given territories and a capital , as well as the ability to capture other ports? Or should we instead abandon such pursuits and instead focus on practicing the act of piracy out of various free ports? Until there are solid guidelines or large amounts of progress in nation diplomacy, which will affect the pirate faction greatly, I don't believe it is at all appropriate for anyone to say "It's about time you started acting like Pirates."


    What we really need is a new guild of like 20 members that wants to just live there full time. Maybe one of those pirate guilds can join France and do it. It would be like joining France minus Slamz because I never go out there! It's everything they could want!


    I love how you acknowledge that no one out of your faction likes you very much, especially the remaining pirate clans.

    • Like 1
  4. Good post Ben. Good to see you other than just through a cannon site. May I ask which of these three types of pirates you would prefer to play if situations were different?


    Haha thanks it feels good to make oneself known throughout the community through writing instead of being shot at.


    To be honest when BSO decided to join the South-Eastern Coalition I was personally tied between staying at Mortimer and joining them in the SE, but ultimately I decided that where my clan goes I shall go. If situations were different however and BSO decided to join the defense of Mort I would gladly accept the title of a Nationalistic Pirate.

  5. This is the first pirates thread ive seen that acually points to real issues with the pirates and the reason they are how they are.


    Thank you that was the main reason for this post in the first place. Many people shout and exclaim about how dumb it is for pirates to be doing this and that when they should be doing that or this without understanding the reasons for the current actions being taken by clan leaders. Also as you mentioned, the pirates and other nations don't know how the pirate faction should be played given the current state of the game which is one of the main sources for all this division in the first place. Many pirate captains have justified their actions under the pretext of "We're pirates and this is what pirates should be doing in the first place because blah blah blah" when we cannot fully understand our role in this game.

  6. The problem with #2 is the same reason we French did not want to move to Louisiana regardless of how ugly it got for us in our starter area: I think it's a death sentence for your team to be separated from its capital. It makes it that much harder for any new players to get started AND for anyone to transfer over. Transferring people to France was easy with us fighting within a 45 minute drive of the capital. No big deal to help people transfer their stuff and get them set back up in Fort Royal.


    So I think pirates are hurting themselves by trying to hold onto that southeast zone. Even if it works I think you'd cause more harm than good to your team in the long run. The handful of veterans would enjoy it but no new blood would likely join the team just because the startup is so unattractive.


    Whereas I think #1 should be attractive if you, well, look at what the French did. Lots of fighting in smaller ships. Lots of shallow port battle defenses (which are frankly almost impossible for attackers to win, especially if the defenders teleport in). Basically take everything that was learned fighting us and try applying it to the forces around your starter area. It should result in non-stop PvP. Frankly if I had known that most of the pirates would run off and then quit, I would have made Purge be a pirate guild! We would be doing our Pedernales Defense except it would probably be endless around Mortimer Town. (Maybe we'd get tired of it eventually but I dunno, we didn't get tired of Pedernales. It was, if anything, just exhausting to PvP literally all night every night for as long as we wanted. I slept like the dead on the weekends trying to make up for the late nights.)


    We're too invested in France now to want to do that but honestly I don't know why more pirates don't want that. You joined the PvPingest team on the PvP server. Why is anyone in the corner??


    For our part, we are doing our best to gently nudge your teammates back to Mortimer Town. At some point they have got to get tired of moving their outposts. And now they've lost the reinforcement bubble around Cano Mac so their favorite thing to do is going to be a lot harder.



    #3 is viable too, incidentally, though technically any team can do that. It's probably what we French would have done, had the pirates been able to totally wipe us out.


    I still think #1 is a solid choice if approached with the right thinking but #3 can certainly be done as well. #2 at this point seems silly. The French, if I may suggest, are not going to give that up, and have been demonstrating that they have the firepower to take it back.

    These categories are not plans for the future,they  merely state the current mindsets and Ideals already in action.


    The damage is unfortunately already done for the South-Eastern Coalition, the original plan was to never wipe out the French but force them into a position in which we could force a peace treaty and keep large amounts of ports. Whether or not the pirates and french could operate in the future together was also in mind, however this never happened and the splintering of the Coalition made it impossible. That being said, BSO had decided to stick it out even if it means basing out of free ports.


    Also you are forgetting the main reason for the South-Eastern Coalition, to escape the constrictions of having 3 power factions crushing you all at once. Imagine the beginnings of the Pirate occupation of the Lesser Antilles and instead triple the size of the enemy fleets and constant port assaults without break. BSO was one of the last clans to leave Mortimer for the Coalition and we saw the Americans roll down the Bahamas with 70+ high level sailors non stop. It was much worse than the French situation.


    Also #3 is honestly a fine thing for pirates to do, but the fact that many of them shove it down others throats is quite irritating.


    Don't forget the last few paragraphs i wrote, this post was never meant to point out a solution for the problems that we face, merely shed light and explain the situation for why things have gotten to this point. Its not really meant to justify anything nor try and persuade others to take a different course of action.

  7. As of the moment we can categorize the Pirate "Nation" into 3 categories or Ideals:


    1)Super-Pirate Nationalists. These pirates believe that it is of the utmost importance that we all defend Mortimer Town and its surrounding ports and shove back the American and British Clans swarming the areas no matter the cost. I believe it can be said that we all admire these pirates for their brave efforts in maintaining the few ports left around Mortimer Town itself.


    2)The South-Eastern Coalition Pirates, whom believe that Mortimer Town and its position as the Pirate capital is absolutely disadvantageous being in the middle of the Americans, British, and Spanish territory. With this view they sought to control the Lesser Antilles and work from a much more strategic position to allow an area for those who wish to strengthen their forces through crafting and leveling and someday make a much more formidable force in the Bahamas.


    3)"True" or "PVP" Pirates. This is where most of the bickering seems to come from, they simply believe that the whole Pirate "Nation" and conquering of ports is simply not what "real" pirates do. They would rather attack trade ships and attack other players of opportunity.


    This categorization does not include Individual Pirate captains who do a little bit of everything (PVP, crafting, trading, and commerce raiding).

    Perhaps this can shed some light as to why the Pirates are how they are in their current situation both politically and socially with each other and other nations. With the split of 3 major pirate clans from the SE Coalition (Invictus going to the brits, OMG turning french, and CF going dutch to nurture their large number of low level players) their leaves only 3 Pirate Clans in the Lesser Antilles, BSO, FC, and SIN and a small number of individual Pirate captains. The Lesser Antilles is currently in a death struggle with the French who now have experienced OMG members with them, the question of the pirates being victorious or not will take a long time to answer.


    The current direction of the development for diplomacy seems to suggest that the Pirate Faction will represent a caribean version of The Barbary States of North Africa, where other nations may bribe or pay off Pirate Lords to stop attacks towards their own ships and ports, possibly even use the Pirates as mercenaries for a proxy war against another nation or pay for the assistance of Pirate Clans in battle. However if this is the case then it may be very well expected that the Pirates will be used as a proving ground for PVP and to capture Pirate ports to increase territory without having to officially declare war against another nation.


    It is my belief that if the diplomacy is developed this way it will bring together all 3 ideals, making room for each to cooperate with the other. However until this happens or if this happens it is most likely that the Pirates will remain divided unless the South-Eastern Coalition is decisively defeated and chased out of the Lesser Antilles back to Mortimer Town.

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  8. I may be a lowly Pirate but I do definitely enjoy these detailed articles you write! Although it would be nice if it wasn't so biased ya know what i mean? Maybe include some of the succesful port defenses conducted by the pirates, and the deals that fell apart between the Pirate Lords and American top brass? Also what about the capture of Morgan's Bluff by the pirates that started the American retaliation?

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