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Posts posted by ztrexx

  1. So today i lost a portbattle and got trown to a port without an outpost and then wanted to teleport back to kpr but clicked abondon instead and when i got the warning i thought it was because i was about to leave a port without an outpost whre i had some random stuff so just clicked yes, and then it dawned upon me that i just deleted more or less everything i had, a ton of high grade notes, build mats and resources, exceptional ships and more, most likely in the range many millions, is there a chance for a reimbursement please?


    And if not please change delete text to "you are about to delete everything in X port, u sure u wanna do this?"

  2. Regarding 4, the WIKI i made has a lot of Data and teak gives more armour VS Oak however Oak gives more structure, the devs have allready said they want to leave a lot for us to discover so dont expect everything from the devs :P


    Regarding 5, the reason the devs have said that russia(or portugal for that matter) is not in game is that they did not have any foot hold in the Caribbean.


    Also why should Denmark-norge and sweden be merged into one nation if you dont mind me asking?


    4: WIKI is a 2nd hand communication and is not always correct, need 100% correct data to actually test things.


    5: But Usa was not even a country and therefore did not a have a foothold in the Caribbean sea why do they have a nation and not Russia?


    Why i want Denmark-norge and swden to be merged is only if russia gets its own nation ofc.

  3. Major issue.


    1: raids/groups of at least 25 people. Port battle flags planted by grp member should give a 5 min timer where only people from that raid/grp can enter, the last 25 mins is open for all. OW 1 min grp timer.


    Every single day my clan tries to some sort of grp play it is being interfered with low lvl players(most likely alts that's griefing us) sailing with our big blob and then when we get close to enemy's, tags them and drags all of us intro combat, joins portbattle with crappy ship to steal slots from us.


    OW combat with 25 man grps, if a friendly dude outside of grp tags an enemy, only he should enter enter combat with enemys and the grp left alone outside not forced intro combat, if one from grp is tagged and br is good for battle his grp members should all be trown intro combat before non grp members will join the combat(given that all grp members is in tagging circle) 


    This will shut down alt's griefing other nations naval efforts for good(spys would still be possible but that's always been a part of every sandbox mmorpg, and it is not game breaking)


    Ohh and making a mmorpg and then max grp number is 6 is a joke imo, so please this needs to be implemented asap.


    2: Combat result screen is being used as a safe heaven by most players, even i use it and it is gaming breaking, there should be a 2-10 min timer on it, so if you have done a long ass screening or port battle fight last over an hour give 10 mins result screen so people can go to the toilet, a fast smoke, or a drinks/foods and then needs to figure out how to get home alive.


    Also with this there is no longer the option to alt-f4 on the screen and be in the safe heaven, if you make the choice of going deep intro enemy waters for some pvp, how to get back home is just as big part of the choice.


    The second you choose to cater to internet issues like disconnect it will be abused, sorry but if internet fails its not up to the game to cater to it, its up to the individual player to get connection back up and running asap or take the loss as a man.


    Mediocre Issue(soon a major issue).


    3: clan menu needs a overhaul, online/offline box, officers needs more control, like being able to kick people,  ability to change clan founder, etc.


    If this is not implemented this will soon be a huge issue for my clan.


    Minor issue.


    4: A site/place with every single game data/detail, so we know exactly the correct numbers of everything, its hard to help test things when we don't know  what it is supposed to be. Take the teak option in crafting, no info on what it does so how does crafters know what to test for ?



    5: Russian nation, the game claims it want to mimic RL as much as possibly and then have a USA nation and not a Russian nation is mind blowing(Russia have had a strong navy since 14-1500 and USA was not even a country during the time period of this game)


    Denmark, Norge, Sweden, should be merged and named as Scandinavian.

  4. You british guys are funny:


    1) Your pocket pirate clan FTS takes 3 ports at Jamaica, then u take them back without any opposition. The reason behind this is simple - just setting up timers on them. But no, it's too simple! You create a "role-play" thread, claiming a major victory out of this bad joke. Basically it was brits "fighting" brits and you made it public. Huzzah indeed.

    2) Your pocket swedish clan DRUNK makes a "battle" with your another pocket danish clan RNON. And once again u create a post about it. Clap-clap.


    Do you really think this line of "diplomacy" gonna work? Sometimes I think that u guys just want to destroy the British faction this way. I'm not gonna stop you.     

    haha someone is salty ;)

    • Like 2
  5. Congrats for all involve yesterday for your good spirit during this fights.

    On this two port battle, french lost 4 ships. À special congrats to Louis who follow order to explose near à Victory althought he was almost full HP.

    WE count at least 4 firebomb into playon but only 2 explose.

    WE are loving thé way the war is going with no insult on IG chat and not toxic behavior.

    The PB timer issue is the real things that make this war dirty.

    After have insulting us when WE were falling, treaten as coward, treaten as puppy, dogs and worst, british face us and meet fighters they probably did'nt expect.

    After few ports lost changing their old timers (portebello for exemple) is the only way they found to stop french Victory.

    When all ports around on prime-time timer will have bé taken what would people do?

    I'm not in mood to awake up the night to fights towers. Glad to the british to have enough people to do so but french have'nt. Ths war will become dirty on this point and thé nonnorability WE coule still have will fail.

    WE are fighting goods clans and having fun with them every day. Why should it stop? Why when assembling and taking à town with à full fleet thé british can't at least set a décent port battle time ? And don't cover yourself with ausie. WE have a chonese clan in french who are 10-30 but nothing in regard on our nation number. Having 65% of port on Australie timer is just à shamish mark you all have to assume.

    You can say many things about french but we assume our choices; are not hiding behind anything or anyone.

    Assume your weakness and your unability to défend yourself and defeat us in primetime and at least would you sunk as sailors...

    WE have too much respect for thoses who fights to not warm them that their nation is covering their action of shame.

    Usings mécanisme not yet fix to avoids fights will not make you get bonjour point. You are just fixing thé people opinion on your nation.

    À vaincre sans péril on triomphe sans gloire.

    Don't declare war on a nation, and expect the defending nation to fight on your terms .....

  6. In my opinion - proud aside - Brits just ate the bait by taking back jamaica the following day while loosing other ports on their borders. It was a well played diversion.

    yet after we took the 3 ports back we have not lost a single port, where is this bait ?

  7. Great victory achieved in "have nothing to lose ships". As Hethwill already pointed another 10+ unsuccessfull attempts were just forgotten.


    Let's salute to this "brave" british captains, who are aftraid to leave port in actual valued ship.


    Yesterday 2 swedish guys in 2 Consti ambushed my friend's Bellona and allied trinco near La Orchila. That was a fair fight (BR was even in Dutch favor) and they managed to sink Bellona. Now they did it in a fair battle deep inside dutch territory in an actual valued ships. But these skilled swedish captains haven't come here boasting about their victory. Cause for them it's a regular military action.


    But Brits are happy with each sank French trinco. But of course when you are loosing one port after another in Panama you have to find at least something to be happy about.


    I used this game mechanics exploit (unlimited basic cutters for everybody in every port) myself when I had first leut rank and was afraid to lose my first captured Snow. Now I am ashamed of this time in my naval career. But I guess everybody has it's own moral standards.

    wow the ignorance .....

  8. To my British friends I just can say........ "This dead is very much alive".


    Underestimating an enemy is the first problem of arrogance ...... And not the only one....

    the reason we are focusing Spain so much is because we know, you still got alot of "teeth" left, at no point are we underestimating spain ;)

  9. Small nations of Naval Action, please take notes. After we were conquered, you will be the next. One by one, lie by lie, broke truce by broke truce. Until the devs can bring a real national diplomatic gameplay system, peacey treaties are useless. There are no real consequences to broken one. Spanish players we were cursed by the location of our capital in middle of the the major factions.

    haha someone is salty, perhaps your faction should not start something it cannot finish.

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