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Posts posted by Schneeweiss

  1. a friend of me had brilliant suggestions what the economy concerns. I would like to reveal this here with pleasure. Sorry for my bad english.



    a town with industry should be supplied with certain goods so the output of the town/your industrie buildings is protected. if certain goods are missing the performance of the industry would sink. This would have on the one hand the effect the nation for it must provide the towns are supplied and on the other hand it will be an interesting situation for war. players do not collect any more all their products, because they have also interests that it doesn`t exist a bottleneck.



    habour security:

    players should be able to improve the secuity of any habour. For example players pay to the governeur of a city and be able to place more cannon towers with cannons. every city has an default security with 3 towers and 9 cannons on each tower for example. if you pay in a governeur has the opportunity to spent money in more towers and cannons. each tower cost a million and each cannon 100k f.e. a city can have up to 6 towers with 20 cannons on it.


    if u think then all produce heavy security in habours a idea is that the security has an effect on the industry output. More security = less industry. and less security more industryoutput. So players have to decide if its important to have secure or economy.


    Guys what do u think about it ? I hope i could it explain a bit with my bad english......








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  2. i am in the main capital and waiting for guys or spending a lot of time there. It would be great if there is a tavern where all captains can meet, gamble with their money (play cards, 17+4, like a casino) or captains can create contracts, discuss diplomacy, hire ships for missions and so on.



    What do u think ?

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  3. Hallo,


    hat es ein effekt wenn man traders mit contraband angreift......in Bezug auf die Wirtschaft. Bisher hab ich das Gefühl, dass sich an den Gütern im Hafen rein gar nichts ändert wenn man ein trader erobert.


    Manchmal greif ich welche an, die grade aus dem Hafen laufen und die hatten Ware an Board, welche gar nicht in der Stadt verfügbar war. Ich hoffe insgeheim das die sowas mit berücksichtigen, denn dann würde es sinn machen in feindlichen Gewässern zu plündern.

  4. Hallo zusammen,


    was ist der Unterschied zwischen einer neutralen Stadt und einer freien ? Kann man als Schwede auch in eine Neutrale Stadt gehen ? Können diese freien oder neutralen erobert werdern....können sie selbst angreifen ? ich blick da noch nicht so durch.....treffen sich nationen in diesen Städten um untereinander zu handeln ?


    Danke für Eure Antworten.

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