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Posts posted by Wolfar

  1. Do your crafting total hours contribute to how a Ship is built. I.E. Tend to come out Purple vs. Blue.

    If so is there a way to see how many crafting hours you have accumulated? 

    I have been real into crafting since 2016 and lately I have been crafting Purple ships much more than my other clan mates.

    Thank you!


  2. I have also been in a few port Battles and we have literally been run over. 

    The AI comes hell bent for the circle and everything in their way be damned.

    We lost some good ships defending what at times seems to be undefendable.

    Those numbers that Bubba posted would help to lower the frustration many of us feel right now trying to defend our home turf.

    I feel that nerfing the AI just a bit will help greatly.

    Right now we are about 50% successful in defending ports.

    The ones we lost the amount of resources to bring it back online is staggering.

    Thank you for considering this posting.

    • Like 2
  3. So much this. Toxic behaviour only happens because it thrives in a community which allows it or is apathetic towards it. If the community doesn't want it then they need to form a consensus that such behaviour will not be tolerated. Reporting each and every instance does two things. One, it lets the Admin know that its players don't like it. And two, it lets the perpetrators know that they will be challenged and that there will be consequences.


    I am actually on your sides with this. I hope it does go that way. Trust me after years of running a clan in WoT I am very tired of that atmosphere!

  4. Is it really broken? I only capsize smaller ships when boarding so far, two or three snows with my brig. I've since then learned to shoot down one mast, which makes boarding trivial and doesn't require turning them into the wind.


    I will give the mast thing a try. People told me it takes a long time but I will see just how long then.


    Thank you,

  5. Ships of roughly equal size should not be able to capsize the other one.


    When you spend 40 minutes prepping the other ship to be boarded only to watch it capsize when trying to turn it into the wind it is frustrating.


    Now I can see a Ship of the Line capsizing a cutter.


    Thank you for this consideration.

  6. I have looked around before I posted this.


    If it has been brought up before sorry I missed it.


    After capturing a ship if you cannot take all the cargo it gets tossed into the ocean. It had the cargo on it when I captured it I should be able to send it back with goods in its hold.


    Thank you for considering fixing this.





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