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Posts posted by Tandro

  1. Bueno, aunque llevo muy poco por aquí acabo de leer este post, y la verdad que es uno de los más divertidos que he leído en años. A ver, corregidme si me equivoco:

    Los americanos han hecho una estrategia consistente en ocupar puertos mientras toda Europa duerme? Jajajaja, en serio?? Jajajaja y lo que no entiendo, para que quieren una paz ahora?? Digo yo la paz la piden los derrotados , no? Jajajajajaja. Por que no siguen conquistando?

    Y el pobre hombre este, el tal jonny red, dice que atacar cuando nadie defiende porque está dormido es una estrategia, Jajajajajaja, la verdad que pensando lo bien es una estrategia genial, la verdad es que los españoles somos tontos, no se como no se nos ha ocurrido a nosotros. En fin queridos enemigos virtuales americanos, creo que ante esa exquisita, refinada, e increíble estrategia,digna de una mente privilegiada sólo podemos quitarnos el sombrero y saludar a estos grandísimos adversarios.

    Pd. Voy a hablar con mi hijo pequeño a ver si me ayuda a concebir una estrategia parecida a la de nuestros amigos del otro lado del océano.

    Pd 2. De verdad que a ninguno de nosotros no se le ha ocurrido atarcalos mientras ellos duermen?? Jajajaja

    el problema esque ellos siempre tienen jugadores, tienen europeos jugando en esa faccion, por lo tanto son capaces de atacarte puertos a las 4 de la tarde hora española como a las 5 de la mañana.... el caso es que su hora para defender siempre será las 5 de la mañana para que no tengas oportunidad, porque se ha comprobado en varias ocasiones que a las 9-00.00 de la noche tienen la gente suficiente para atacar y defender... simplemente no quieren correr riesgos aunque farden de ser los mejores.

  2. Hello, fellows!


    I'm the leader of Guild [OFF]. We play for Spain on PvP-1.


    Looking forward for a contact with a Spanish Clans/Guilds which are still fighting on a Spanish side.

    Let's coordinate our efforts!


    Thanks in advance.

    But ur clan will help spanish faction or just enter battle ports to fuck an slot..  without atack and leave when we need BR to win....

    Or hitting our ships in battles agains Dutch?...

    • Like 1
  3. Maybe another good idea about conquest flag is that the prices should be % to the numbers of ports that the faction got;


    so if any faction is fucked with a few ports they will pay, for example 10.000k*number of ports, so they can keep trying to conquest ports without a big ammount of losses.. and on the other side, a big faction with a stronger ammount of ports should pay more and more for flags so they shouldnt be able to buy flags like a Cola, and they had to decide which port are better to conquest instead of take all the map.

    • Like 1
  4. One thing that i see today, if you can deff a battle port and win, other faction should not be able to purchase the same flag, make a protection between flags for sometime, hours.


    The biggest problem atm are the ports, its a really dependent game, if u dont have ports, u can't do nothing... maybe a timer like, if u put the timer 4pm-6pm, this port is able to atack at 4am-6am too... And maybe if u conquest a port nobody can buy a flag for it in 2 days?...


    About spanshi fac... too much random player, too much people flaming other people and clans in chat... a lot of spanish people (im spanish too.. ) scare a english player with spanish language... so make a tool to create channels and people who dont speak spanish (or other language at other fac) can create for example Spanish fac English player.


    Balanced factions is really hard to get, because so many people wanna play facction where got friends.. its not a solution...


    Let player change their capital to other Regional Capital, and if they lose it, it will be automatic redirected to the main Capital. ( I mean TP)


    More puunish agains verbal abuse.





    In Summary; sorry about my poor english xD,  ports should got a doble timmer (Some clans are using it to put hours that know that the other clans cant take it, not only USA players with this time), and an invulnerability time (like 2 days), think that decreasse PvE exp should be a good idea too (i see players with rank 9 atm, its crazy, when at least there are a few players in spain with rank 8.. and there isnt a problem with hours that been playing).

  5. Hi, today my clanmate after a battle near Canalete he appeared in Cabo Cañaveral... Now he TP to la Habana and start a new battle, after the new battle he appeared in West End now... wtf? Now he dont have TP avaliable for 3 hours, stucked in a enemy port, and now he cant move because are in a shallow port with frigate  ... ahahaha





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