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Posts posted by Yorkie

  1. If XP is only found in pvp battles but Xp and rank is tied to your Steam Account, what stops a person from gaining rank on a PvE server? 

    The entire suggestion is flawed when it comes to this basic thing that was recently implemented. 


    There is also the issue that others have alluded to when it comes to PvP, if you [and I use 'you' here as a general term] are at a disadvantage would you seriously go against all thinking and stay and fight. You say there is no choice, but I put it to you, there is always a choice, and just because it would be a pure Pvp server does not take the choice of running away, away form someone. 


    If you [again I use 'you' here as a general term] are in a lesser ship and you initiate combat you are would be forgiven for being deluded if you think you are at a disadvantage. Pvp is more about skill than it is about the ship, if you are the better sailor and you can prevent the other person from using the majority of their firepower, does that still put you at the disadvantage. 

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