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Pedro Mesia

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Posts posted by Pedro Mesia

  1. Pues nada, pasaba por aquí tras 4 meses más de no jugar (ya hará casi un año) para ver si renta instalar el juego y regresar, sin embargo (y gracias a dios) he leído primero el foro y me he encontrado con que todo sigue igual o incluso peor, las notas de los últimos parches me acojonan y ver lo dividida que está la facción le quita a uno las ganas de jugar. Sinceramente, parecéis niños y os lo digo yo que tengo solo 22 años (joven para lo que es este juego). En fin, de aquí a 4 meses me doy otra vuelta para ver si algo ha cambiado o borro definitivamente el juego de la biblioteca de steam. La imagen que da la facción desde fuera es lamentable. Comprendo que gran parte de los jugadores hayan dejado el juego o la facción. En fin, suerte resistiendo como podáis contra los british.

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  2. Buenos días, seguramente nadie me recordará pero yo era un jugador de la facción, perteneciente a la RAE. Dejé el juego hace unos 6-7 meses aproximadamente porque me quemé de tanto exploit, favoritismos y todos contra España.

    Mi pregunta es si el juego ha mejorado lo suficiente como para regresar a el. (Y también si sigo teniendo sitio en mi antiguo clan o tengo que buscarme otro)

    Un saludo capitanes.



  3. Sparse info on this feature went out in the Russian forums so we must share it with everyone. 


    We are working on the very big feature now which was taking 90% of the time for the devs and art team. The feature is in development in secret since October. 


    We have taught the engine to pull the land from our procedural map into battles.

    • If you attack a player in the hispaniola channel you will fight in the hispaniola channel.
    • If you attack a player in a narrow passage you will fight in a narrow passage.
    • Attack a player near land if wind blows towards land he will not escape.
    • Port battles harbors will be based on our map harbors making some ports extremely easy to capture and others impossible to capture.
    • Attack someone near a shore battery spot and you will have to fight under battery fire (this will allow us to eliminate reinforcements button).

    This will change the gameplay completely and might ruin the game. Or will make it awesome. 

    The feature is in internal testing as there a a lot of spawn problems to be solved. But it plays and feels epic. 


    ETA Unknown but hopefully by mid spring it can be given in experimental build for testing. 

    well cartagena de indias will be inexpugnable then

  4. I would like to try making some game models with plans. So i ask the devs.


     what program should i use to make them easier to an hipotetical test by devs?


  5. Believe me when I say the Russian Bias pisses a lot of people off...


    We have a frigate that never got past the drawing stage...

    a Russian 2nd rate instead of some of the most produced ships in the age of sail...

    and now a ship designed by the Tsar instead of much more popular and known ships that are presently modeled and ready to be added or could be if they had not focused on yet another Russian ship...

    In my opinion it ruins the game, i understand that devs are from that region but.. damm its a caribbean game.

  6. Well, is sad to see that you are adding russians ships to this game but we have only one spanish ship. I like St.Pavel and The new  3rd rate (dont remember the name) but come on guys. This game is set in the carribean between 1775 and 1815 and we only have one spanish ship.


    Spain was a huge naval force in the 18 century (and i don´t speak about 17th) and we have only 1 ship, we have 2-3 british ships 3 french ships and 3 USA ships and 3 russian ships, i think that russian ships dont make sense.


    Spanish, british, Dutch and french ships should be the priority in development not for my personal idea, just for some historical issue.


    I add some sugestions



    Santa Ana 1st rate



    Rayo or Fenix 2nd rate





    Bahama 3rd Rate.



    Glorioso 3rd rate. Read his Story





    I don´t add smal ships because you have some posts in forum so, youn know them.


    Another suggestion


    I think that for long time development each faction should have one ship of each class and be only able to craft by the faction members. But, for instance if a british or french or dutch player captures a Santissima and destroy it in harbour, will get the BP .


    In that way we all can sail all the ships but it will give the game more histórical inmersion. For Factions that dont have 1rst or 2nd rates you can add a Russian Generic one.


    For pirates, is anti-historical have ships of the line and even being a country but maybe their crews should have exceptional marines and boarding axes without upgrades, added as Extra crew, that don´t affect the gunnery, so pirates can capture ships and get BP too. of course this marines bonus is just until rank 5 or 4. (more will be OP)


    So guys please tell me your point of view and please made a list like mine of brits, french, dutch... ships












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  7. A cabezones y testarudos no nos ganan ni todas las facciones juntas, si nos wipean a la habana seremos un punto de grano de pus en medio de cuba al que si alguien se acerca perdera el barco y si hace falta saldran escuadras de 25 cutters con carronadas.

    ¿como vence un 1rt rate a algo a lo que no puede dispar, que maniobra mejor que el y que al adversario le sale gratis?

  8. Hola, buenas. Se presenta un nuevo grumete para defender los intereses del Imperio donde no se pone el Sol.

    Espero pasar muy buenos ratos con este juego en el que francamente tengo muchas, muchísimas expectativas puestas.


    Dicho esto, estoy más perdido que un hijop*** el día del padre. He visto que en navalaction.es hay un tutorial pero está incompleto. Básicamente no sé ni cómo empezar. ¿Algún consejillo de veteranos, por favor?


    PD: perdón si hay una sección específica para presentaciones o cosas así. La he buscado pero no la he visto.

    bienvenido seas a la faccion. solo un mandamiento. Mantua nunca debe caer

  9. Hello captains,


    idea is to have government orders, generated by game, to ship certain goods to Europe. Luxury resources located in Western part of the map (Central America, Gulf of Mexico) would need to be obtained, captured from Natives, crafted put on ships and escorted to Eastern border of the map. Once completed, all participant of escort would be rewarded.



    - cargo has to be shipped by players within specified time limit;

    - we're talking big here, 6+ cargo ships would be required as minimum + escort ships

    - part of the cargo can be lost to complete quest but for lower reward (you get 100000 tons of cargo, you can lose 35% of that on your way to Eastern border)

    - goods are only available in Western part of map, that would encourage all the nations to expand, fight for these lands or make alliances;

    - goods cannot be send in free ports, have to be shipped by player ships

    - such large convoys of ships can be spotted by other nations or Pirates and captured by organized parties;

    - large enough payment in gold or in form of high quality modules/ships to encourage large shipments of good at such long distances;

    - missions can be done only every few days;

    - goods captured by other nations cannot be sold on local market or traded to other nations, but shipped to Europe ir required by that nations capitol;

    - only pirates can sell captured goods on black market;

    - pirates cannot run these missions, but see point above;


    What are your thoughts?

    well, think about 5h travel.....

    Hello captains,


    idea is to have government orders, generated by game, to ship certain goods to Europe. Luxury resources located in Western part of the map (Central America, Gulf of Mexico) would need to be obtained, captured from Natives, crafted put on ships and escorted to Eastern border of the map. Once completed, all participant of escort would be rewarded.



    - cargo has to be shipped by players within specified time limit;

    - we're talking big here, 6+ cargo ships would be required as minimum + escort ships

    - part of the cargo can be lost to complete quest but for lower reward (you get 100000 tons of cargo, you can lose 35% of that on your way to Eastern border)

    - goods are only available in Western part of map, that would encourage all the nations to expand, fight for these lands or make alliances;

    - goods cannot be send in free ports, have to be shipped by player ships

    - such large convoys of ships can be spotted by other nations or Pirates and captured by organized parties;

    - large enough payment in gold or in form of high quality modules/ships to encourage large shipments of good at such long distances;

    - missions can be done only every few days;

    - goods captured by other nations cannot be sold on local market or traded to other nations, but shipped to Europe ir required by that nations capitol;

    - only pirates can sell captured goods on black market;

    - pirates cannot run these missions, but see point above;


    What are your thoughts?

    maybe AI tresaure fleets made of 20 3rd rates or even  some 1rst rate and you need to capture the ships but you can not take the ship for you. you will earn X money for ship taken. if you sink the ships there will be no reward.

  10. Considero desde mi humilde punto de vista que ya hemos recuperado nuestro honor perdido y demostrado que podemos organizarnos. ahora bien, ¿que pasara con los franceses?. No podemos traicionar a los aliados que nos ayudaron a recuperar la facción.


    Esta paz seria buena para nuestra economia y para reconstruir nuestra Armada, que por muy motivados que estemos si se plantan 10 flotas con 20 santisimas victorys y pavels poco podemos hacer.


    El golfo de mexico es en su mayoría americano, si se acuerda cedernos la zona SISAL INCLUIDO se puede negociar. Si nos arrasan quedaran pateticamente, una de las naciones con mas jugadores arrasando a una de las mas pequeñas (si no la que mas) porque no pueden jugar con los grandes.


    Desde mi punto de vista, si volvemos al estatus de antes de la guerra + el sur de cuba y Cesan los ataques sobre los franceses y viceversa. We have a deal.

    En caso contrario no descansaremos hasta que  no quede un solo barco que entregar al fondo del oceano y no queden jovenes almas en habana para tripularlos.


    Los franceses se han comportado como buenos aliados, si los abandonamos ahora por pactar con quien nos traicionó por la espalda perderemos todo nuestro honor y credibilidad.


    D. Pedro Mesia de la Cerda. Miembro y con orgullo de la Real Armada Española.

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  11. Oh it does not at all but I guess there needs to be some arcade aspect to the game, even though the game is listed as simulator.

    anyway i agree with you. pirates should not be a nation. at least with the same game mechanics.

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  12. Light Forum PvP


    I also said it does not make sense, never said they should be nerfed, just a simple opinion mate, I even said congrats but that was overlooked real fast.

    now you understand our feelings when you betray us and use 3rd and victory against our trinco and frigates

  13. Recuerda que la historia la escriben normalmente los ganadores, y ya sean unos u otros todos esconden cosas para engrandecer se victoria. Pero ya haya verdades o mentiras, la batalla la ganaron ellos.

    Que la ganaron ellos es indudable, el caso es ¿tan aplastante fue? o esconden algo...

  14. Recientemente he encontrado esta serie de videos sobre la batalla de trafalgar. son puras mentiras o quizás estemos ante otro claro cambio de la historia por parte de GB. Para quien tenga tiempo como curiosidad es interesante.



    Y esto un poco de historia si confirmada, no nos vengamos abajo con la perfida albion!!!

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