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Posts posted by JohnRun

  1. My point is that you can do this in a way which benefits everybody who enjoys grouping and community without excluding those who do not wish to be in a clan. When it comes to something as critical as XP and gold making the bonus clan only is not a great idea. Make it a straight group bonus, same effect for clan members, still promotes grouping. There is no need for the kind of exclusivity you are suggesting.


    but doing that would make clans useless and in respected people should have advantages in clans, thats how every mmo has worked and its not even thet hard to join/make a clan

    you dont have to be in a mazing clan for everything and if people play together as groups why not but form a clan with them its only 100K and thats it nothing else thats all you need thats all you need to start one,


    I sorry but i find it a bit stupid the way people go on saying its not fair if clans get bonuses but it really is a clan don't just appear out of fin air people put time people put time and effort into it so they should be rewarded,

    all those people that cant be bothered to even try say its not fair are the same people that expect stuff just to be given to them and thats just wrong.


    its not fair on the people that do set up clan and play as a group they try and put effort into the game and if you get nothing for it what is the point in clans people spent 100K gold for what? people arrange events, group fights, helping others with THEIR missions and they get nothing back for it!

    and the people that can't be bothered to do it say this ideas unfair!?


    So don't go saying its not fair for those players that don't want to join because they can't be bothered to doe it yourself!


    Why do people think that clans shouldn't get bonuses how is that fair you put gold, effort and a hell of a lot of time into time into a clan


    they should get something more

  2. While i like the intention behind your idea i think there could be a different way to do that.


    Maybe add clan missions that you can only do as a clan.


    It should be similar to a raid in other mmo's, harder than normal mission but more rewarding and to dont forget the pvp aspect you could make it so that other clans of other nations could join in and attack.


    I agree clan missions should be a thing but I still think that a mission assist should be a thing


    even if its just something small encouraging others to group and play together is still needed and this is can just be the start of it,

    because just throwing them into a big clan mission isn't a good for everyone some people do need a small nug forward and not just a big leap 


    for clans they should try and set up something like this:


    Clan mission assist bonus:

    for other clan members that participate in another members mission should receive:

    50% mission assist bonus that is determined be the enemy BR rating

    and that 50% then split by the amount of members assisting in that mission so clans cannot just abuse missions my swarming a single mission


    and i do think clan missions would be a good idea but how would it work?, ill even add it to the main post if we can figure out how it could work

  3. You can play with others, and reward that, without penalising people for not joining clans. There are a lot of folks who simply don't want the drama and bullshit ego games that clans often entail, but who are happy to group up with other players.


    In this matter i understand that some may feel its not fair on those that don't want to play with others or truly don't want to deal with the monotony and hassle that large clans can bring,

    however they must also understand that when you play a M.M.O (Mass.Multiplayer.Online) game its not only are they justified to encourage to play as a group/clan but in games like this its almost required because for MMO's the community is everything so they need to keep the community together and as united as possible because if not players with just play on their own, run out of things to do and eventually  leave.


    and as a very active player of meny different types of games i understand that content can and will get stale, however as a mmo-game they have a advantage over other games and that is simply the community,


    If they can keep the community together as a groups/clans players will not only be more inclined to play their game but will be more attached to it,

  4. I will start with the idea I'm doing on my other post so not to recap to much i will just do a quick summery of it


    Clan mission assist

    A bonus for clan members that or helping other clan members in their missions,

    This would encourage players to join/create clan's and play more as a community

    This can be done in a way that that it is a nice little bonus but isn't completely over powered,

    By giving a percentage of XP/gold depending on the BR rating of the enemy.


    sorry that ended up being long winded  :P

    • Like 1
  5. Hello,


    Well this is sort of a follow on of my clan mission assist bonus idea but instead of me throwing my ideas at you I want your ideas.


    I didn't really see anything about this so I'm going to start it myself.

    I will update this post with the titles of all the ideas people made along with the names of owe posted it.

    And when we have enough we can have a poll to see what would be best first.


    So the premise is clan based suggestions that would not only encourage players to play as group but also make the game a more enjoyable experience for all of us,


    so what ideas have you got?



    • Clan Mission assist [John_Run]
    • ?
    • ^
    • ^
  6. No, players in clans already have bonuses such as easier grind and craft, solo players shouldn't be left behind.


    A group bonus XP would be enough.

    well as a community based game they should encourage players to play together because making the community play alone will make the game go stale,


    so adding clan mission assist would not only encourage players to supporting other clan mates, but also encourage players to play together ready for end game content,


    like full nation pvp, port raids and that only whats out now, wait until the game is in beta!

  7. Short maintenance on PvP Two USA

    Started by raskolnikoffToday, 02:29 PM   


    Posted Today, 02:29 PM

    Due to network related issues we need to execute short maintenance on PvP Two USA server.
    Expected down time 30 minutes, it may be extended in case if issue wouldn't be fixed in that period.
    Sorry for inconvenience.
  8. Short maintenance on PvP Two USA

    Started by raskolnikoffToday, 02:29 PM

    Posted Today, 02:29 PM

    Because of network issues between our provider and some EU providers we need to execute short maintenance on PvP Two USA server.


    Expected down time 30 minutes, it may be extended in case if issue wouldn't be fixed in that period.


    Sorry for inconvenience.

  9. i understand what your saying that if people have multiple accounts it would be bad in the sense of they can just fight on the winning side and that not fun,

    so why not do a system that you pick your side before making a character then you can make 2 different characters but don't have the problem of them nation jumping,


    but if they want to change sides then they have to delete both characters and both start again in another nation.


    I think if you can do that then everyone wins

  10. Not everyone enjoys doing missions on their own and it but you don't get hardly anything for helping others in their missions,
    So there needs to be a bonus for helping, something that encourages people to play together other than their clan mates cant kill the ship.
    Why not add a mission assist for the nice people that use all their play time helping others in their missions even tho they get almost nothing from it other than a thank you,

    This would encourage players to join/create clan's and play more as a community

    and it can be done in a way that that it is a nice little bonus but isn't completely over powered,

    By giving a percentage of XP/gold depending on the BR rating of the enemy.

    so add it today so being in a clans really gives us some sort of bonus.
    but what do you all think? 
  11. Not everyone enjoys doing missions on their own and it but you don't get hardly anything for helping others in their missions,

    So there needs to be a bonus something that encourages people to play together other than they got obliterated in the mission before.


    Why not add a mission assist for the nice people that waste their time helping others in their missions even tho they get almost nothing from it other than a thank you,

    it would not only encourage others to help each other and all you need to do is make it so clan members that assisted in a mission get a percentage bonus depending on the BR rating of the enemy ship.


    so at it today for people like me stop wasting their sweet time on their clan mates/friends


    and it would give at least one perk for being in a clan

  12. In naval times the sea is the life line of almost every country not only to trade goods between harbour to harbour so that other island do not run out of recourses but also to capture the creatures of the sea for food and materials,


    as a fishermen you had to explore the open seas for the ever moving sea creatures and had to fight of not only pirates but also had to fight off some of the most dangerous sea creatures out there,


    I feel this would be great to implement into the game because not only would  it give us more verity of ways to earn gold, more resources to collect and sell, adds more things to see other than ships to interact with.

    this idea was my mate DeadonGaming  idea I don't hold credit and more than likely he's not the only one that has thought about it,


    so what do you all think.

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