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Rusty McHook

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Posts posted by Rusty McHook

  1. How did he try to "steal" that? Was he hacking into your computer? Was he breaking into your house to take over your keyboard? 

    He used normal game mechanics. People can join battles that others started and if they then board a ship in that battle, they can keep it. Don't want that to happen? Then hunt prey somewhere further away where not many other players are. There's never a reason for deliberate friendly fire. You should consider yourself fortunate that you get a friendly warning to stop your abusive behaviour, instead of an immediate ban, even after you've admitted that your actions were deliberate.



    Normal game mechanics huh? I used normal game mechanics to shoot him also. There are reasons, back in the day ships would turn on so called "friendlies" at any given time, especially being a pirate. I am happy that I was warned - thank you for the warning, there was no where posted (except for the forum, which a good chunk of players don't read) that these rules were put up, otherwise I would have thought twice about killing him and just crippled his ship to the point in which the ship he was trying to board would have killed him instead of myself. 

  2. Goodness, number 1? I only got rid of 120 crew and killed one person due to him trying to steal my trader brig booty. What is the threshold for the reset? What if someone comes in-front of my guns and dies when they are at low health..


    AP514 comment on something you don't know the story on just shows your ignorance, don't make comments on topics you have no clue about. I started the battle, the other individual joined and tried to steal my booty. I thought pirate on pirate was ok?

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