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Posts posted by Cakezsensei

  1. Do you speak for what is left of the Spanish Nation? If so we Pirates welcome your hostilities. Just do not expect us to be as merciful as the British and US.


    I would take that mans words very lightly as I do not think he does indeed speak for the whole of the Spaniard nation and that I am sure they would much less rather have another Natio/Faction/Group of people knocking at their door step as all others have done so far. It would seem to me he speaks out of anger and viciousness towards the wrong group of people and that he seems to not have much of a diplomatic mind at that.

  2. You right sir, dont know both sides of story. But i can recognize if someone runs away like a coward.


    Sorry but this is a game, the only real cowardice is running away from a fair fight, not a slaughter. And I'm sure if you were an experianced player you would probably know this. I'm putting the blame on nobody at this point, just poiting out what I've seen and what seems to more than likely at this point be fact.

  3. You clearly missed that point. I wonder who forced Spanish players to attack British ports in the first place even when they knew that they are going to get crushed. But that's not my business, just wanted to point that out. 


    You clearly just blamed those people for ruining the faction lol... but okay. The Spaniards made that decision on their own mate. They were asked and asked, so. Just don't go blaming people when you don't know both sides to the story.

  4. Most of those Spanish players who attacked British ports a few days ago turned to pirate. So basically ruined faction and left. Alot of foolish language in global chat aswell




    So... you're saying these people RUINED a faction? that it wasn't ruined all on its own because of previous "Leadership" already? I mean, if anything from what I've seen these people united the faction in time of war more than anything else I've ever seen from anything sort of "coalition" that was created before them so... and who cares if they went pirate? or if they didn't. You people sure do sound awefully worried that they did for some reason. It's a game, they have the options and it is their choice to do so. I'm sure the Spaniards can still do well on their own even if they have "nothing left".

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  5. [TDA] can confirm a number of RACC has gone pirate. We sunk a bunch of them outside Key West as Spanish and then many of the same guys later as pirates. Oh, and Pepe, sorry I cut your cutter in two... I wish you had stayed around to see it.


    You mean sunk... as in... sunk Cutters. Right? XD

  6. You can't blame one single guy for trying to bring a faction together and then that faction falling apart of their own accord rofl. After all it is just a game. There's nothing wrong with one doing their own thing after something like a whole factiong doing their own thing after trying to be led towards the right step.


    and Jager, ain't no reason to insult people for their choices. It's just a game mate.

  7. Please, have a Dev talk about this if possible... Cause missions are indeed just absolutely horrendous to be quite honest. And sometimes something on a much larger scale can be alot funner. I can see how you would deem it as an 'Exploit' yes since the Pirates can just attack eachother and call their own re-inforcements in lol.

  8. Que no vas a ayudar !?!? Si no es RAE la que esta tratando de retomar el Sur de Cuba! No seas siego! Si no ayudan en la guerra QUE TE DIJIMOS que los Ingleses ivan a montar contra nosotros porque son unos mentirosos de mierda!


    Esta "Alianza de Clanes Españoles" la unica cosa que tiene es MIEDO!!! Miedo simplemente. Si ustedes se unirian con el resto de la faccion en cosas de guerra NO PERDERIAMOS. Pero como no saben ni lo que quieren ustedes ahora no van a ayudar? Si claro... -_-  que lindo ejemplo desde la Alianza de Clanes Españoles...

    Tu tambien sigues poniendole la culpa a un clan, pero usted iso lo MISMO! 

    Si no van a ayudar a la faccion 
    Española, entonces porque esta jugando por ella?

  9. You get ZERO freaking warning at all... I haven't done anything these past few days and I log in one day play for a couple hours, talking to everybody in my clan just fine maneging my clan, I load into a port and i'm freaking chat banned -_- ... It's getting pretty dumb, I wish they would provide proof to chat bans and what not.

  10. I guess you could say that they...


    Run Away Everytime?



    Also "South Spanish Dream" sounds so poetic. I really like that.


    And I'm sorry... but retreat at a strategic point isn't really a bad thing. Spcially since it's ONE clan against half a faction and then two British clans rofl... only took you guys long enough XD

  11. "Tradition of losing to Americans" ... ? I mean, It's not like the Spanish can even actually defend their Ports since you know... at the time you all attack they are always offline and sleeping for their next day of IRL work and stuff XD

    Sure, wooooo! you took two ports. Two ports that nobody could defend because nobody was online at the time rofl. Great Victory! haha.

  12. nothing ridiculous


    first you had to tag a friendly ship, THEN you had to look at a huge window come up confirming that you want to proceed and become a pirate:









    Having accidentally selected a friendly Fleet ship in a small area when there was like 35+ ships on the screen and then pressing ENTER ONCE to try and prompt the chat to type to the leader of the fleet and instead being INSTANTLY thrown into the countdown, I'd say it's pretty lame. I did not get message pop-up and instead was thrown right into the countdown and there was then nothing I could do... So yea, that's pretty lame. And again, the fact the the 'Enter' key interacts with that menu and or those buttons at all, is also pretty lame.

  13. There's no way to get reverted or something?? Because it was completely accidental and a bad interaction between the UI and the enter key :/... I wouldn't like to restart all over honestly, rather tidious proccess and I work often so going back to zero would really reeeaaaalllly suck :( Hopefully A GM/Dev or someone could give some clarification. Kind of something really lame :/

  14. Unfortunately no, there is no current way to revert from piracy. Embrace the black flag.

    No even for a GM/Dev or whatever to revert the process if they even help players with such a thing? XD I'm not embracing no black flag =/   It was purely accidental due to weird/poor interactions with the UI and keyboard shortcuts -.-"  ...

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