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Posts posted by flashieh2nl

  1. ...LMAO...

    Hello ladies and gentlemen,

    Its good to see you all in this thread expressing your views ....:)

    First of all i would like to thank you all for attending... enemies and friends!

    So let me start by saying that this thread has been created with only one scope...and i am going to reveal it NOW below....!!! :) (honestly i would love to see the faces of some of you people when you read it)

    Let me start by saying that we created this thread to make a good laugh and expose our real enemies!!!Basically we did it in order to TROLL our enemies and one more time we made it successfully like we do in game...we play and we achieve...successfully!!!

    As many of you know already there is a rumor that the dutch nation is divided....well this is not true!!!

    The dutch nation is united! It just happens that we have 2 different teamspeaks and captains who choose where to go and fight!

    Dear dutch captains of DAS ,ARSE, and the rest of your pathetic friends thank you for coming here,revealing who you really are and what are your feelings about those who fight in daily basis!!!

    You all thought that this thread would be a golden opportunity to come and insult,make me look like fool huh???,pretend the good guys while on the same time you showed THANKS GOD to all of us who you really are...I KNEW ALREADY BUT it was a great opportunity for some of our captains to realize with who have to deal with.


    It was one of the best weekends in this game.... the moments when we were reading your comments 25-29 aprox captains from all clans will stay unforgettable to our minds for many days to come!!! You gave us a brilliant moment in this game when we were reading all together your pathetic stance towards a thread which was focusing to show our achievements in the game and troll the enemies....but no ....you preferred to show your real character and prove us how low a human being can go in order to reach his target...for some of you i would suggest to dig more ,further deep in the ground make a whole and get into it...i suggest you stay there till the end of days because your pathetic comments automatically made a reservation for you in the island of HELL!!!

    But lets be serious a little bit...enough with the laugh...for now...Lets see some interesting stats of this thread!

    From a quick view of who participated in this thread lets see who wrote and from which nation and clan...its interesting...




    DAS clan 9

    WOLFS clan1

    PVP clan1

    AIE clan1

    FRANCE 3


    SPAIN 4

    ARSE clan1-2

    UF 1

    Sweden 1

    7up 1

    58 replies and almost 30-35 of those replies come from a single clan and their friends...

    We knew so far that this group of zeros which is called DAS is nothing more than a zero...today they proved us that they be can minus zero too...

    You really thought that we would allow a PvE clan to ruin our nations gaming?The good news is that you can now merge ARSE clan to your private group of zeros...both of you united you will achieve the perfect ZERO!Think about it...maybe it worths to try to merge and make a full fleet of noobs who have no clue how to play this game ...you can call your fleet the "miserable fleet of failure"!!!

    From now on when we will be counter counting we know what we will be saying...5...4...3...2..1...DAS! OR ARSE...its the same after all...both of you are for the bins!!! How many are you..??15-20?30?well merge now....NOOBS UNITED NEVER BEATEN...at least in the forums...because in game you will never see a white day...

    It would be a good idea to change names...STEEL SANDWITCH???STILL NOOBISH is a better description for your skill and personality mr failure...BUBBLES?NOOBUBBLES is better...Monkey Bullet???Leave the bullet and let the monkey...suits you more ...we still remember your countless failures...i mean OOOOOOO MYYYYYYYY GOOOOOOD when we count your failures...and you had the nerve to compare yourself with me?Are you drunk dude?Go to your planet and finish school before you come and compare success with failure mr failure!!!

    We knew from before that DAS is a clan which fights in the forums and does PVE in game but now we know that even in the forums they fail....We set a trap...you saw the cheese but it didnt work as you would like... did it???Thank you for wearing the clowns costumes and attending our event here...i mean if you are keep failing even in the forums how do you expect to succeed and win in game like this when you dont open your noobish narrow-minds and listen suggestions that could actually save your ass?

    Now gentlemen before i finish i have to say an apology to all the British and American captains who attended this thread!

    The apology is not because we own or i own an apology but simply the way this thread was written mislead some of your captains and they completely misunderstood what was this thread about ...

    I am sorry gentlemen but some of you should read more carefully and don't hurry up to come here and write assumptions made by the writing of one thread like this one...

    It was obvious that this thread was intended for something else...and that something else was to expose our real enemies...not you not our relations as nations.

    We will always be grateful to the British and American captains who are sailing with us in daily basis and they are fighting like crazy and we are sharing moments and fun events with them...

    Honestly i am not really sure if i had to write this ....that we are grateful....because simply we are showing it every day to each other so the fact i haven't mentioned you captains in my first post you should become suspicious why not...but in the end of the day i understand that it might have been difficult for some people to see this coming ...so please accept my apologies if we frustrated you ...this Trap wasnt for you....it was for the real enemies of the Dutch nation so i am hoping to your understanding.

    Finally i have to say this...

    qq enemies and safe sails allies cu all in the coming battles!!!

    captain Pellasgos


    Its a Game, you act like it is real life.

    Have a life get a job and stay off the bottles of vinegar

    And if u play the game play nice to nation members

    And just work toghetter

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