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Ser Davos Seaworth

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Posts posted by Ser Davos Seaworth

  1. Variable Winds would be really interesting in Battles, cutting winds entirely or making the area so dangerous for your Vessel than retreating would be more sensible than fighting. Masts and sails could be damaged unless you tacked? back on your sails.


    Tidal Influences would make for tougher time navigating, especially over larger differences. River mouths could influence the flow of water near their outlet.


    Shallows could damage your ship and you could be able to run aground. It might take some time to pull your ship back from shallows and initiate a  repair.


    I completely agree to all three points. They would make sailing in the Open World a more immersive and realistic experience.


    I also think that bad weather should have a bigger impact on instanced battles:


    1. There should be the risk of getting damage on sails/masts/riggings when sailing with full sails in strong wind. That would make chases more unpredictable and fun.


    2.  Bigger ships should need to keep lower deck gun ports closed when sailing in rough sea conditions, at least on the downwind side, to avoid taking on water.

  2. I agree with this: I really don't like instacrafting!


    "Question 2 is with regards to cost, I'm proposing the removal of labour hours as such, replace it with set timers to craft and a cost associated with the craft request. The number of consecutive craft requests could be limited to 2 (increases based on say every 5 levels in crafting to a max of 12 consecutively at level 50). This removes the abuse of multiple characters accruing free labour hours by forcing a cost to be associated with crafting along with hard limits on craftable product per request."
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  3. My thoughts about this interesting topic:

    First thing I would like to see is production buildings. I'd love a system like EVE Online, with a player driven economy where everything is produced by players, and with a realistic "stock market". I think that woud give depth to this beautiful game.

    I haven't tried crafting yet, but I personally don't like the labor hours system: i really don't like just clicking the mouse to see goods appearing from nothing. I think that a system based on real time hours and production cycles woud be more satisfying and realistic.

    Then I would like to see exploration gameplay and exploration missions, maybe with instanced "secret" sizes on the open sea, and maybe hidden resouces on islands. That would give more variety to PVE and would give more satisfacion on sailing around the world.

    I would also like to see instant deliveries replaced by delivery missions.

    Eventually I would appreciate officers and refined crew management, as a way to improve ship customization and strategic depth.

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