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Posts posted by Garrand

  1. In general, "minimum" requirements are just there to eliminate most of the performance-related issues that the devs don't want to waste time on or would negatively impact the look of the game - outside of specific DX version requirements, I haven't seen games that don't run on specs just under the "minimum" specs. It's not going to run great, but it should at least run.

  2. If you want pirates to be something other than another nation, then we need to identify what it is the pirate "faction" should be. The developers have stated in the past that they want pirates to be the "hard" faction, or more PvP oriented faction, and if that's true then removing their ability to capture ports by rolling up with 25 3rd rate+ ships is probably a good call, because that's where we are headed. It's going to happen, and when we see 25 SoL's vs 25 [Nation]SoL's then there is little difference between them and any other nation.


    What should "hard" be? High risk gameplay? Then you need high rewards as well, or nobody will play pirates after the first few weeks where all the nations are running around in 3rd rates and up. Historical accuracy is quaint, but when accuracy starts to impinge upon good gameplay then accuracy needs to go - yes, pirates were not running around in SoL's constantly, but is there an adequate compensation for being, say, unable to craft or purchase them?


    I don't think pirates should be able to take and hold ports (other than their starting capital) for any appreciable length of time. I also don't think that pirates should be able to craft SoL's from scratch. How do we solve these "problems" while introducing unique gameplay elements that are risky and fun?


    Allow pirates to raid. I mean actually steal everything not nailed down and that they can transport. Loot "drops" from boarded ships should be increased for pirates. Pirates capturing a port should begin a timer, say, 4 days (if you're going to have these "defense windows"). During that time, loot is "generated" for pirate ships to come in and take. Let the pirates that were in the initial port battle receive higher quality loot (because they would have scooped up all the good stuff, seeing as they were there first). Allow something similar to the teleport timer to be clicked on, say once every 12 hours or whatever (per account), where pirates can receive random mods or resources. Perhaps the quality slowly drops over time as the port is ransacked more and more. If enemy nations don't retake the port before the 4 day timer expires, the port is completely ransacked and rendered unusable for a period of time, maybe as long as a week.


    For crafting, prevent pirates from crafting 3rd rate or higher ships like other nations do - instead, they must capture a ship of the desired type and send it back to a free town, temporary pirate port as described above, or the pirate capital. The pirate's previous ship should suffer from a crewing penalty for a length of time dependent upon the distance from the outpost the ship was sent to, since a skeleton crew would be on the captured ship sailing it. Once the ship is safe, then they can use resources (through the crafting system) to "repair" the ship up to 3 durability. Additional durability after this would not be allowed, because then you start to run into situations where pirates have fleets full of exceptional SoL's that are impossible to fight with a normal fleet.

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