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Marquis De CrocDurdan

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Posts posted by Marquis De CrocDurdan

  1. Seriously,


    it's a good thing for low and middle craft notes. But for the high grade note , it's clearly a bad decision.This level 35 requirement is too high. What's devs want to do with this decision ? Limiting amount of ships on sea ? Affecting guilds or big teams ?


    Nothing of this will happen, guilds have tons of crafters, and they have tons of high grade notes in advance. it's just a different organisation for them. this decision only affect independants, and low levels Crafters.Some crafters (only few of them) accept to do ships for independants, but they want golds crafting notes (250x4 hours), who will accept to do them ? NOBODY !!!.


    So it's simple, when  you have chance to see gold notes on market , it's 200 k each, so 800 k for 4,expensive !! but i saw 2 gold notes on market since 3 days (lol).All high  levels crafters refuse to do crafting notes gold, they have better to do, a common crafting ship, give more xp than than to do the boat and craft notes (why doing crafting notes so ) or they do for their guild, independants can go to hell. You are rich, you are good on sea, but you are independant, you can go to hell, or sail a medium tonnage ship. For you no capital ships, it's only for guilds of big team.


    Marquis De CrocDurdan

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  2. i'm a crafter assistant, and i leveled up by this way. now,you must be reach level 35 to do gold crafting notes, and this level is far of mine , even if i crafted for my crafter every day and spent all my hours each day, since the first day of the release. We were doing good ships for independants and alone players, and now it's clearly over for a simple reason : doing no upgraded ships give more xp than to do exceptionnals ships(ship crafting + golds note hours craft)


    My opinion is level 25 was perfect to have ability to do all crafting notes. it's half of max level, and majority of players are not  (level 25), you can't doing third rates and you are just a complement of a good crafter like assistant and master.


    If you could modify that. Independants or alone plyers have the right to obtain good ships too, even if you want to limiting amount of big ships on seas.


    Marquis De CRocDurdan

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