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G'Kar Rah

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Posts posted by G'Kar Rah

  1. Just reduce the Battle Rating (BR) of Captured Ships to 50%.  Captured 3rd vs Player Built 3rd, 250BR vs 500BR.  Make the ship type "Captured 3rd Rate"  just like "Basic Cutter" vs "Cutter".


    This would reduce open ocean tagging effectiveness and give a preference for using crafted 3rds.


    I still think the combat effectiveness of Captured 3rds should be reduced.  Crafted 3rd rates need to be much easier to produce for players than 1st rates.

  2. The British Captain Seaman Staynes has for several weeks has been involved in hindering fleets engaged around port battles by ALT tagging enemy single ships to pull our fleets into combat, and joining port battles and not fighting.


    Today this ALT allowed the French fleet to get a flag to Manzanilla by tagging in several of our pursuit ships and then our main battle fleet outside of Manzanilla allowing the French to plant the flag.


    This is clearly GAME BREAKING and needs to be fixed!  ALTS should not be able to influence port battles or hinder fleet moments.  I'm not accusing the French of using this mechanic to plant a flag, but clearly someone is trying to work against the British.




    Seaman Staynes at the Battle of Port Morant.  Joining and not saying a word.





    Seaman Staynes Tags British ships outside of Manzanilla 



    Seaman Staynes tags more British ships into combat on the way to Manzanilla



    • Like 7
  3. Make captured 3rd rates nothing but derelict hulks.  


    They should be in such bad condition, unable to repair above 50% armor, missing masts, missing sails, have permanent leaks that require crew on repairs and survival.


    The Captured 3rd rate should also have much lower BR , maybe 250BR. (even this small change would make them unusable in PB's)


    This would be visually hilarious, to see a fleet of captured 3rds roll up with the ship type "Derelict Captured 3rd" missing sails and guns.  


    This would still give captains the ability to learn to sail a cheap ship and allow it to be used to some effectiveness if nothing else is available but would be less that half the quality of a true crafted 3rd rate.


    With this change to the game, even 1st rates could be added back into AI fleets.

    3rd is the basic for PB, it give an opportunity to unguilded players to play in Pb. When you can afford Bellona and greater ships, you don't command caped 3rd anymore. Well, again, it s a non problem. In few times we'll see only bello and + in Pb, and some 3rd if there is some free slot in Pbs....


    And when you are commanding your gold 3rd full gold upgrade, it's precious ! 


    I personally have Santissma's and Victories, yet often I choose only to risk one of my 25 captured 3rd rates as it will only take 5mins game time to replenish.  


    I keep 3-4 captured 3rds in every port, when a PB comes up at a nearby outpost I'm often the first to give out free 3rd rates to fellow national captains.  This proliferation of cheap disposable ships makes the game fun however!!  So I don't want to see captured ships go away entirely.

    • Like 1
  4. Royal Britannic Vanguard




    The Royal Britannic Vanguard [bRITS] on PVP1 is recruiting both new and experienced captains!  


    BRITS is a very active clan in both the EU and U.S time zones with a strong crafting and pvp focus.  


    We have over 60 members - many being the most active experienced and knowledgeable crafters and sailors in the game.  


    We have more Rear Admirals than any clan with Santismas and Victories.


    New Members and Experienced Captains are equally welcome!


    Come join us on teamspeak at  PW: Chud


    Register on our forums http://forum.sealordsvf.org/

    Post an application in the Britannic Royal Vanguard Recruitment Section

    • Like 2
  5. As "that guy" that lost a Santisma being firebombed 5x then captured!.  I was also involved in fleets sinking another two Santismas with firebombs and captured a Santisma I have a few things to say about fireships vs 1st rates.



    I absolutely love fire ships and believe they are an exciting and realistic part of the game!


    1. The Fireships as implemented are too great of a threat to a moving Victory / Santisma or grouping of any 3rd rates without any clear counter other than shooting masts of every ship before shooting hulls.  


    3.  The Fireship is far too devastating, the magazine explosion even from 5-6 ship lengths causes 1/3 crew loss, 400 crew on a Santisma and Sail/Hull damage basically crippling the ship for the remainder of the battle.  A crippled Santisma is just a sitting duck for more fireship attacks.


    2.  The Fireship as implemented is against organized cohesive groups focusing fire and working in tactical teams in port battles.



    Fix Suggestions:


    Reduce the damage caused by explosions.  Reduce the chance of catching fire over 50% health.  



    A suggestion is to make the "fireship" a selectable option!  

    This option when selected starts a 60 second countdown and causes the crew to abandon ship with rudder turn only.  

  6. Mr. Decatur is on the right track.


    Does the community think this is ok, considering you can do the same thing by camping a third rate fleet spawn?  Or is this behavior out of line?


    What are people's thoughts?


    There are very few large 3rd rate fleets in the open ocean that provide optimal engagements.


    A few fleets are near Puerto de Nipe, Leogane, Cayo Romano, Ysil, and a few other scattered ports throughout the map.  It is rare to find these fleets and many people have outposts with "grinding" ships in the few areas of the map.  Searching for these fleets and competing with other grinding groups limits the XP per hour.


    If you feel that this reinforcement tag is the same as finding fleets then make some major changes to the game for both AI fleets and Mission.


    1.  Reduce the Mission Spawn spacing to a 5 minute sail from cities.

    2.  Increase 3rd rate spawns around Regional Capitals.

  7. Royal Britannic Vanguard




    The Royal Britannic Vanguard [bRITS] on PVP1 is recruiting both new and experienced captains!  


    BRITS is a very active clan in both the EU and U.S time zones with a strong crafting and pvp focus.  


    We have over 60 members - many being the most active experienced and knowledgeable crafters and sailors in the game.  


    We have more Rear Admirals than any clan with Santismas and Victories.


    New Members and Experienced Captains are equally welcome!


    Come join us on teamspeak at  


    Register on our forums http://forum.sealordsvf.org/

    Post an application in the Britannic Royal Vanguard Recruitment Section

    • Like 6
  8. I agree with the OP - the port battle system should allow for more organized groups to have more control over the players in offensive battles.  


    The fundamental flaw with the port battle system is limiting players that are not part of these organized groups from having any chance at joining at port battle ever.  If a single player in a frigate wanted to join in port battle fun, there is no option for them to do so.


    Please Devs, in the new port battle mechanic there needs to be skilled combat roles for all classes of ships to participate and contribute to the success of the overall conquest or port battle.


    If the conquest of a port involved at least 3 battles to take the port, a shallow, a medium frigate battle, and a heavy line ship battle.


    1. The SOL battle [4th rate SOL and above] would be fought first at the far range of the port towers to allow the frigates and shallow water ships to get closer to the fort.  

    If the SOL attackers win the battle the could give long range fire to destroy some fort batteries making the next frigate and shallow water ship battle easier for the attackers


    2. The Medium Frigate Battle [Constitution to Renomme] is fought at medium range under the fort batteries to destroy the medium size towers.  If the SOL failed at destroying any towers, then this battle will be very difficult but still achievable.


    3.  The Shallow Water ships [Niagra to Privateer] ultimately decide the outcome of the battle as they are they only ships that can get close enough to the inner towers of the fort.  If the SOL and Frigate battles were won by the attackers then this should be an easy win for the attackers.

  9. Well, if we are all frustrated with port battle timer shennanigans, maybe we should continue to push the devs to give us a road map for the changes to RvR they want to implement in the future. Maybe, with improvements on the horizon, people will relax a little more and not burn themselves out because of colored dots on the map.


    I, personally, am not enjoying the mechanics as they currently are - and neither are many of the newer / casual players of this game. I WANT these guys not to leave, I WANT there to be a role for the non-hardcore players to contribute to RvR... Let's hope we will get some insights for the future soon before these furious wars burn out all but the most hardcore players of this otherwise awesome game.


    Well, back to the frontline now....



    It has been suggested many times in many posts.  A mutli stage port battle that takes place over 24-48 hours at the attacking and defending ports that all players can participate in.


    For example:  


    Port A Attacking Port creates an Invasion Fleet.  This fleet requires resources and many players to help make it stronger.  24 hours later the invasion fleet sets sail to the destination.


    Port B the destination port begins to prepare extra defenses knowing the invasion is coming.  When the invasion fleet arrives at the port many different battles for control of the port take place allowing both large fleets and small fleets to participate.


    Both ports would be in contested modes for this time period, the attacking fleet building the invasion force requires trades and resources that can be intercepted.


    The Defending fleet can have its defenses reduced through open ocean combat against the forts.

    • Like 3
  10. Oh really ? I think you are offering them peace since you are starting to lose the upper hand.

    And to be honest what you did to them (although i think the real problem is the Devs not aknowledging the problems at the moment so i'm not really accusing you) was really harsh, reducing Spain to like 4 ports is a really tough punishment and i don't know why Spain should take the hand that you are giving them at the moment since you pretty much killed a lot of their player-base.


    The British Nation has CONSTANTLY tried to NEGOTIATE with the Spanish.  The Spanish are the ones that  WANTED this WAR!  While Spain had 30+ ports we were negotiating making them a stronger nation turning over more gold / coal ports.  During these negotiations while on teamspeak diplomatic comms they laughed and attacked ports in all directions, Spain believed they could win a military victory against a weakened British Nation to take the ports we were already offering them diplomatically faster.  Impatience!!!  SPAIN DECLARED WAR against Britain when we tried to NEGOTIATE!    Read the forums, it is the Pirates and the Danes that are fueling this conflict as it weakens what should be a natural alliance.

  11. This war with Spain is pointless for both Britain and Spain.  We should be natural allies given our boarders and shared enemies with the Pirates and Danes.  Why do both our nations have to continue to be self destructive.  


    The Spanish have lost access to resource ports slowing their ship production and leveling of new players.


    The British fleets are tied up in this being unable to defend Jamaica and Hati.


    The only positive outcomes of this are for the Danes and Pirates, just last night Pirates attacked Corrientes . The Pirates also control all of North Cuba.  National Spanish pride should look to turn attention there.


    Let's cease this conflict, put aside pride and past relations, and put our heads together to come to a solution so that both our nations can thrive.

    • Like 6
  12. Great Idea! 


    Historically Accurate and this is been done in every other MMO - faster ways to travel.


    POTB had speed buffs that you sailed over to gain..


    Hopefully Naval Action can do this a little more realistic and make it that you would have to sail into the stream and it would gradually accelerate the ship.  Even more interesting would be to have only a very slight visual aid to see the stream, trial and error to find it.

  13. The Spanish and RAE are to blame for the current situation of war with all of their neighbors.  The Spanish inability to work together as a nation and constantly attack every other nation around them even while these nations seek peace with Spain against common enemies of the Pirates is the cause.




    February - RAE Spain Declares War on the Americans 

    Americans Capture Spanish Ports

    RAE Spain Runs Away from the fight and moves to Panama

    RAE Spain fights a two front war against Dutch and Britain - Demanding Britan give them 14 ports from San Juan Del Norte to Buena Vista


    March - RAE Spain moves to Cuba - Demands Britain give them 18 ports Corrientes to Sant Iago, but they will "allow" us to keep Puerto Escondido and Baracoa (front lines from Pirates)

    Diplomatic talks with 13 Spanish Clans represented by Gaizeka Britain agrees to help the Spanish setup in the Gulf of Mexico and mount a massive 14 port offensive against the U.S. to give these ports to the Spanish.

    RAE attempts to sabotage this offensive hours before by attacking 4 British ports in South Cuba while Britain is involved in a major operation vs. Pirates.




    March - U.S. and Britain agree to peace with Spain and will turnover Sisal - Conil to Spainish.

    On the eve of the exchange of ports to the Spanish RAE mounts a major 4 port offensive against Britain taking Placer, Misterosa, Santanilias, officially declaring open war against Britain.

    The EXPLOIT of buying the ALTERNATIVE FLAG from a BRITISH ALT at Misterosa enraged the British!!  


    British Clan Council agrees that we can no longer tolerate the constant backstabbing attacks of the Spanish!!!  Spain will be reduced to one port so that Britain can again turn our attention to the Pirates and Danish threats.

    • Like 9




    Today Britain dealt a serrious blow against the Spanish - capturing 5 ports and effectively halting the Spanish invasion!  The War of Spanish Aggression is just getting underway as the tides turn against the Spanish!


    Ports Captured:!






    Baxo Nuevo



    Then late into the night British forces again fought on to retake the ports of Tiburon and Portillo -  slipping past Danish blockades and evading Pirate Patrols to quickly capture the ports on the fringes of the overextended Pirate Nation.


    The British Nation can rally in support of these successful attacks with a strong defense into the weekend to continue our holdings as the push against the Danish and Pirate invaders continues.



    RGL AUSEZ TRR BWITC SINK &  BRITS ALLIES.   Leading the charge with Victories and Pavels at Misteriosa the Spanish tactic of fleeing to the edge of the boarder was no match for the superior firepower of the British Navy!!




    This time we bought the flag at .0000001 seconds after the 22:00 timer at Misterosa opened!  No doubt some Spanish Exploiters attempted to derail the inevitable invasion force again!




    The Leader of the Spanish War of Aggression is de-masted and left to watch the rest of the Spanish Fleet destroyed.




    The line formation of the British Nation at Tiburon.  Port of Tiburon quickly captured before any significant Pirate forces could arrive to defend! 



    • Like 8


    1. Alternate accounts joining the opposing side on PB's to to use up PB slots to decrease BR.
      (This will get so bad with accounts that I can see 25 cutters joining a shallow water port battle
    2. Alternate accounts used to start attacks on your nations ships to avoid reinforcement circles or force engagements.
      (this is most exploitative when used by a cutter that sits next to a Port Assault fleet and tags the flag carrier into an unwilling battle)
    3. Alternate accounts buying flags on the opposing nation to prevent that nation buying a PB flag.
      (as seen by the OP for this post)



    These are three of the most exploitative game mechanics that exist.  While these players should be found and IP banned the real issue is to address the fundamental game flaws with solutions.



    1. Create a PB joining system that involves some kind of earned position in the battle, a voting or approval system for port battle leaders or maybe raid groups?  This could be fore the first 2 minutes then open to everyone?
    2. When an allied ship initiates an attack and drags in nearby ships, there should be a popup to INVITE nearby ships to join the battle but not instantly drag them in.
    3. Buying a flag with an alternative account as a blocking flag is a terrible exploit.  A voting system for a flag that requires at least 6 positive votes to buy the flag?  This wouldn't stop 6 accounts from being used, but would increase the number of exploiters that could be investigated and banned.
    • Like 2
  16. How about a diplomatic way to change the allegiance of your player character based on who you attack.


    If anyone has every played Sid Meyers Pirates,  I'm proposing a system where each player can change their allegiance based on actions or choices made in game.  If a player attacks ships of an enemy at war, they gain fame with the opposing nation.  For example:


    England is at War with France

    England is at War with Spain


    An English Player attacks any French or Spanish Players, they gain favor with England and lose favor with France or Spain.


    If a French player attacks an English player they gain favor with BOTH Spain and France and can dock at some Spanish Capital ports.


    If an English Player, attacks another English player, they lose ALL allegiance points, become an enemy of England and can no longer dock at any English port.  


    When a player has enough fame points with another Nation they can dock at the Capital and then request to change allegiance to the other nation.

  17. I would like to see Naval Action, as a simulator game integrate all aspects of Naval and Port warfare centered on the protection of trade and infrastructure at a National level.  To create an unrestricted trade system, only restricted by a players own ambition to develop a trade empire.


    Port Battles should be based on large scale national interests: economy, production, and ship building.


    Open Ocean Patrols focus on disrupting or protecting trade; trade ships become the only means of supplying resources to shipyards.


    PVP Naval Actions. strategic value of resources, the need to protect upgraded infrastructure, and maintaining trade lanes becomes a reason for



    1.    Resources


    Open Ocean objectives can be created by overhauling the resource distribution system in ports and dividing ports into types.  Differentiating ports and spreading our resources is the reason for trade between ports.  Coal needs to be shipped to a forge.  Iron Ingots need to be shipped from the forge to the shipyard.  This creates trader vessels AI and Players on the open ocean and a reason to defend shipping lanes from enemies.


    Ports can be one of three types. 


    Resource Port. 

    Has one raw material.


    Manufacture Port. 

    Can build one manufacturing building.  Forge / Lumber Mill / Textile Workshop.


    Shipwright Harbor / Trade Port.

    Has a built in shipyard that a player can rent a dock at to build a ship.  (1hour – 48hours to build)


    Regional Capitals


    Only place to build Capital Ships – Can also be teleported to without owning an outpost (using a Capital teleport),


    2.    Infrastructure


    Ports Battles over economic Strategic Ports have meaning and purpose.


    Ports can be upgraded in infrastructure levels to allow more players to buy permits for resource buildings or the use of the manufacture center.  Labor is not used in generating resources, each resource collector generates a fixed amount of resource per day and has a maintenance fee that can be paid for on a daily basis or up to 14 days in advance.   The maintenance fee must be paid at the port every 14 days or the permit will be automatically revoked.


    The local government of a port is run by the elected Lord Protector or the Flag Purchaser in Conquest.  The Lord Protector sets the price for the purchase of resource permits and a tax rate on maintenance fees.  If you as a new player want to open a coal mine in Pedro Cay you need to buy a permit to open the mine.


    Port Infrastructure levels are 1-5 (adjust as the game population increases).  Each level increases the number of coal mines that can be opened.  No one player can have more than 10% of a ports buildings, but other than this do not limit the number of permits any one player can buy.


    Each Player can also upgrade their individual mines.  A basic mine produces 12 ore per day, an intermediate 24 ore per day, and an advanced mine 48 ore per day or 2 per hour.  So a maximum coal ore port could maintain 150 permits at 48 ore a day for 7200 coal.  See Trade below for how to get this ore to the manufacturing port/forge.


    This makes an upgraded port contain a considerable investment into the port for players and the Lord Protector.  If players are unhappy with the Lord Protector they can call for a new election with a weight given to players with the number of permits they own.  When a port is taken, all resources and infrastructure in the port are lost and can be taken by the victors of the port battle. 



    Level |   Permits  |  New Permits  |  Cost to Upgrade    |  Cost Per Permit (Base)

     1                5                                   

     2              10               5            $   100,000.00              $ 20,000.00

     3              25             15            $   250,000.00              $ 16,666.67

     4              60             35            $   500,000.00              $ 14,285.71

     5            150             90            $ 1,000,000.00             $  11,111.11





    3.    Trade



    Remove the risk free shipping / delivery system currently in ports.  This is artificial and creates no risk for shipping goods and no reason for traders and haulers. 


    Replace the delivery system with either players needing to transport goods in trade ships, or players paying for an AI delivery from one port to another, an actual AI trader ship that sails with your goods.  If the AI is sunk the player would get a small insurance payment, but still less than the upkeep cost of the raw material. 

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