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Posts posted by theprof739

  1. Within the past 45 minutes or so, I was exiting a battle against an AI, and bad luck as my invisiblity dropped a couple of players pirates Gamover and Moscalb, happened to appear on the horizon. So I try to make a run on the open world and they gave chase, I was in an Agamemnon while Moscalb was in a Bellona and Gamover was also in an Agamemnon. Moscalb was much closer, but on my screen I was managing to keep pace and eventually it looked clearly to me like I was outrunning Moscalb, while Gamover was beyond the horizon for my vision.. at this time I had been dumping the excess cargo I had. Moscalb then disappeared behind me, not like it was off the horizon, which is more of a fading effect, he just vanished. A few seconds later I saw the text on my screen saying "bellona has targeted you"  and Moscalb was along side me and I had around 11 seconds on the timer.

    Moscalb, was at that time Streaming his game on Twitch. To him, he was gaining on my Agamemnon, and when he tried to initiate attack several times,  the timer didn't engage and he pulled ahead of me and even dropped sails to try and tag my ship into battle. before it succeeded. I f11 reported the incident during the battle and Gamover sad in battle chat that they had reported it as well. I lost my ship in the battle and I was very upset, I don't accuse Moscalb or Gamover or anything, they seemed as confused as me. but it's really annoying to have lost my ship in such a way when to me it looked like I had quite clearly escaped. 

  2. On 7/14/2017 at 3:33 PM, Aussie Pastor said:

    You really think that a Ship Captain will have ALL his crew at the stern to be graped shot?


    Ball; Yes!

    Grape; No!

    There was many ways to protect the crew from constant bombardment.

    As prater said above usually grape was never used alone but in conjunction with Ball, usually double or even treble shot. but as a little counter point when HMS Victory raked Bucentaure at Trafalgar, nearly 200 were killed and another 85 wounded. And its not like anyone had "dropped" Bucentaure's Stern armor either, Victory was first to cut the French line. Now I honestly don't know what Victory had loaded in her guns when she raked Bucentaure, perhaps one of our Naval historians can enlighten us, but as for was the protect the crew, Bucentaure couldn't do a darn thing about it. Villeneuve and the rest of the ship watch Victory coming at them for over 40 minutes when Victory cut the line. That's plenty of time to break from the line of battle or get the crew out of the gun decks, which probably would have been the only way to "save" them. Either of those actions would have been foolish in a battle and thus Bucentaure did what was the most sensible as they watched Victory approach, kept the crew at the guns trying to blow her out of the water. 

    I agree that a lynx vs the larger 5th rates and above is absurd, and maybe in the future that might be adjusted in some way, but Raking was a devastatingly effective tactic at the time.

  3. 2 hours ago, Tiedemann said:

    I do not see any reason to change the line up or implement BR limitations. In 1. rate pbs we have 3 ships to chose from. They all have pros and cons. It should be as balanced for the 4. rate and 6. rates as well. Then we can pick what ship to use according to our own play style and we would get more variety. 

    this is where I have a problem with the system, for Lineship port battles, that really just means 1st rates, no need for 2nd or 3rd rates. Same story with the 4th rate battles right now you have 2 choices Agamemnon or Constitution. This lack of utility for other ships I think is a serious let down. 

    I do like the idea of more dynamic shallows, where there are channels and region where the 1st and 2nd rates couldn't operate, but 3rd and 4th rates could, and even shallows for 5th and 6th rates to move about it, where the could come out to harass the bigger ships targeting sails, but then duck back into the shallows for safety. 

    • Like 1
  4. I recorded the battle from the US side and for the portion of the battle that I was in, things went more or less as Aphilas (good fight BTW) described. AS you can see in the video the battle started to drift beyond the capture circle and the wind made getting back into the circle difficult, the pirates were better able to keep control of the point. 


    Video link: 


    • Like 1
  5. No such luck, unfortunately.

    Also after spending the past little while looking up the ships involved, atleast the ones I found names for and on pages written in English. It seems like the Endymion is the only Naval action ship which could be a stand in for a Participant in the Battle of Navarino, the HMS Glasgow. Though if Game-Labs adds a Téméraire one of these days *hint hint* then we'll get the 4/10ths of the allied SOL contingent.

  6. IMAG0974.jpg


    So this painting has sat over the mantle of my parent's house for years. I never gat it much thought before I started playing Naval Action, but Now I'm curious what battle/event it depicts, what ships are shown, etc. I'm hoping someone here might recognize it and can enlighten me. Before you ask I checked the back of the painting, and there is no card or tag with the name or artist. 

    Also, sorry for the crappy cell phone picture, it's the best i could manage with the lighting and my old phone.

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Snoopy said:

    I hope the SoLs-should-be-rare crowd takes a good luck at those numbers hehe

    I just think 1st and 2nd rates should be more uncommon in game.  The data show less than 25 1st and 2nd rates total, vs roughly 100 3rd rates. I would not at all be upset to see 4 Bellonas for every Vic or Santi in the game. :)

    • Like 3
  8. 5 hours ago, Wind said:

    Ah yeah, I remember games that had this in 90s. 

    Okay, I fully admit. this isn't an entirely new or original idea, and might have been inspired by  Age of Empires III and a few other older games...645677-925735_20050309_005.jpg


    But I think it still has the kinda look and feel the game needs. Making the ports feel alive, especially since we won't be able to walk around towns in first person. Especially if the water is moving, the skybox has moving clouds, day and night time, throw in a few flying birds, and some sound effects and it's really make it look alive, even if it's a glorified menu.

    • Like 1
  9. I know this is a low priority item, but I'm going to share my idea now so people can discuss it.

    ever since I first saw this Image in the Work in Progress thread 10372937_332541546903770_5601034009226276068_o.jpg

     I've loved the idea of using a similar scene for the Port Screen UI.

    I'm not a game developer/programmer/etc.. So I don't know all the technical detials. but making the port screen a small 3D environment with animated water and a skybox that matches the OW time of day. it would be something like this:Naval Action Port Screeen UI IDEA.jpg

    Obviously in a finished state, but the buildings in the port would be clickable buttons that take the place of the buttons in the current port screen, each would have a border highlight and tooltip that when hovered over told you what the building was and what you could do there.

    I.E. hover the mouse of the Warehouse and it says "Warehouse; buy and sell provisions and outfit your ship's hold." or the Shipyard "Shipyard; buy and sell ships" etc...

    The Fort would be the missions tab and politics interactions. The Tavern for managing crew and officers. Workshop for crafting, and so on.


    Additionally when you click on say the workshop you get, say a cleaned up version of the crafting UI, but over a background that looks like the interior of said building like this:Workshop Interior.jpg


    I think that having a UI like this for the ports would add a little flavor and immersion to the open world experience. 

    • Like 5
  10. This is <sorta> available in the game logs, but it requires knowing port #s. I'd be willing to hash it all out and build maps using d3.js (that's my day job) but I don't know which #'s correspond to which port.


    Thank you very much. I don't know the port #s either or how to find them, but If I find out I'll message you. 



    There are 365 ports in game



    captured / owned ports

    1. 76 / 89 - Great Britain
    2. 55 / 62 - United States
    3. 50 / 55 - Pirates
    4. 29 / 37 - France
    5. 28 / 32 - Verenigde Provincien
    6. 21 / 26 - Spain
    7. 17 / 21 - Denmark-Norge
    8.   7 /   8 - Sverige

    Top 3 Lord Protector

    1. 12 - Stephen Decatur / Xemko
    2.   7 - Thurston Beers / Bigvalco / Amnesia
    3.   6 - Fiskey / Luxaeterna / Tommy Shelby



    Oh nice info. I am aware of 363 ports (I didn't include Kidd's Harbour and North Inlet) but deliberately left out the secret island because well, you can't see it on the map, so it's not really useful to track. Are there 2 other hidden ports or are they visible on the game map and I miscounted?


    The number owned versus the number captured it a great detail, thanks!


    Also how did you get the numbers for the Lord Protectors? I'd love to include this for future updates.

  11. -snip-


    and because im a pirate im going to have a poke at the US aswell, when they say there prime time is like 10-12am US time (Around that) in the middle of the night for them when most people are going bed for work while we put ours around 6-8pm UK time about dinner time when most people are not doing much/just got in from work etc. I understand they work during the day but could they not put theres for US time 6-8pm? that be 12-2am UK time which is alot better for us... The last 3 nights i went to bed at 7am due to trying to take american ports in the bahamas it's killing me... this monday...


    Yarr take that ye scallywags! I had a go at both culprits! 


    To be fair, the USA is spread across 4 time zones (not including Alaska and Hawaii, which would add a further 2 timezones), So I on the East coast may be most active from 8pm-1am EST while another player from the West Coast might just be getting online when I'm heading off for the night. In essence our "prime time" could last anywhere from 1am GMT to 8am GMT. 



    That aside, glad to see the Spanish fighting back against the Rats.

    • Like 2
  12. It would be nice if the port ownership info with timestamps was made available through a simple API so the map images could be generated and a history kept. It would be great to be able to replay the port changes in an animation months or years in the future and see how things developed over time.


    I do eventually intend to make an animated timelapse of the maps I've been making, but alas I'm not the most tech savvy person. 


    I'm gonna take the lessons I've learned from doing this into the next wipe, whenever that might be.

  13. [Minor Update] I have uploaded the map images to Imgur and then linked them which should provide a larger image. The first 2 are still a bit lacking in quality, but the last update is about the max size I can achieve, without the port names appearing and making the map a complete mess. Let me know what you think.

    • Like 1
  14. I could ask you to show me the acutal data about the player base of the factions on which you ground your assumptions.




    But I will not. It's not my attitude wasting time in discussing a problem with people that simply deny that there is a problem only because the problem does not affect them (because basically this is what you are saying in all the threads on this topic: I win, so nothing shall change).





    As to the first thing, this was posted to the Naval Action official Facebook page, and so right from the horse's mouth:



    A to the matter of "denying that there is a problem only because the problem does not affect them" we don't deny that there is a problem. I invite you to read this thread (http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/8263-petition-remove-port-capture-windows/) where many USA players have commented on the port timer issue, including myself. You say you are new to this game, I've only been playing since December, so nowhere near as long as Guys Like Prater, but before the Steam EA release, the issues Spain is facing were being faced by the US faction, I was there I saw it. At that time nothing was done about the issue by the devs, despite the numerous complaints and suggestions. We have had absolutely no reason to assume that a fix or a wipe would be coming soon (until the addition of land in battles was announced) and a peace offer could give the spanish breathing room until the game mechanics are fixed.

  15. What are they giving us? They're asking for ports back and offering nothing????


     C'mon Grape, there's no need to be excessively punitive. We get peace and don't have to defend more than we need to, meanwhile the Spanish get some security around their capital and can focus on their other enemies, like the Pirates for whom we share a common foe. Better to be magnanimous and enjoy a happy coexistence, than you force them into an begrudging peace where they are constantly looking for the opportunity to strike when we can not afford to be distracted.

    • Like 5
  16. May I just clarify that the timer was set at the time of conquest. It was set, confirmed, and checked again. For some reason, whatever it was, the timer did not activate after maintenance.

    Either way, congratulations and well done  :)


    I can confirm, I was there for the port battle and we even joked about trying to make Stephen paranoid by asking him if he'd set the timer when we were halfway along to the next port, so he's have to go back.


    I don't know why it didn't seem to stick, but I'm glad the Spanish can experience what we've been doing.


    We found no oposition from the US navy (since they were all sleeping) and learning from our enemies we have put a timer that we think is the middle of the night in the US.


    Since you have several hours from the east to the west coast we think some of you may wake up early and take it back. Good luck with that.


    For us the experience was boring as hell.


    We prefer 100 times yestedays  defeat at Puerto Real that todays victory at Espiritu Santo.


    All my recognition to the US nation who has gone throgh this hell of boredome for more than 30 times stright  :lol:  




     We're in complete agreement we much prefer a fun PvP fight, and look foreward to when the game is able to allow that to happen in a balanced way. Good job taking advantage of the gap in our defenses. I admire the spirit you guys have, still looking to grab a victory where you can, even when things have seemed totally against you.This gives me hope that as changes are made and the balance is found that the Spanish faction will turn out to be a tough foe and respected faction.

  17. Personally I like the idea that once or twice an in game day (which is what, like 30 minutes long), you could be given a pair of coordinates (much like if you use f11) and then you have to look at the in game map (which will have a grid on it, much like some of the excellent community maps). You mark that spot on your map, and can use your protractor and pen tools to make a line for your current heading. the other map tools would be a compass rose and the ability to see your current compass while in map view.  Maybe with officers the coordinates you get will be better (or worse) and lead to more or less accurate positioning. I think they above suitable simulates the navigation experience while still making it something that has an element of skill to it. The captains of the 18th century didn't personally aim and firing their guns or set their sails, but they did consult their charts and plot courses. 

    • Like 1
  18. Assuming a leader of TF was there for a diplomatic meeting between the French and the Dutch, As the USA and Dutch are allies, the implication of any diplomatic accord would also affect the USA. 


    Historically before WWI broke out France and Russia were allies, so if Russia's diplomatic stance towards Austria-Hungary changed, that too would change the relationship between France and Austria-Hungary and by extension Germany... The same sort of thing can apply. If France make peace with the allies of the USA, then either the allies of the USA must make a NAP with France, if France continues with hostilities with the USA, or France must end hostilities with the USA. 


    There doesn't need to be some sinister reason for the USA being there.

    • Like 1

    16th February 2016






    71 British (36.5% increase from last update, 215% total)

    70 American (200% increase from last update, 1000% total)

    44 Pirate  (29% increase from last update, 267% total)

    40 Spanish (48% decrease from last update, 61.5% decrease overall)

    34 French ( 6% increase from last update, 31% total)

    33 Dutch (43% increase from last update, 450% total)

    33 Free Ports

    20 Danish (0% Increase from last update, 400% total)

    10 Swedish (43% increase from last update, 1000% total)

    6 Neutral



    *edit, I also tried to increase the image size, hopefully it's a bit better.

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