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Jack Marslow

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Posts posted by Jack Marslow

  1. I don't care about pixel, if i don't want to lose a ship i can go on pve.


    We had good fight because we have taken your ports during the night at 4am and we  put normal timer at 20 pm. That is the ONLY reason  we have good fights.


    And after you place again shit timer.

    Britian is under attack from 4 different nations. France, Danes, Spanish, and pirates. It is in our best interest to end the fight as quickly as possible. Our nation also is spread out over every time zone on the server. Timers are being set that way to end the fight so we can focus on other areas. Sorry man that's how it's gotta be till RVR gets reworked.

    Good fights though. I loved bringing the cavalry to save the day and Haulover!

  2. Really? Using an Alt to call in reinforcements isnt an exploit? How long have large groups of players been doing this? How much of an advantage have they gotten over those that made the assumption its not allowed. Players who used this via Alt should have their XP removed from doing so. 

  3. Agree with Wang. If we could trust ALL of spain to not attack Id say give them the Northern Yucatan. That's a lot of good ports. Problem is, some people wont be happy with just getting that. They would want more so they attack for more. I'm just a player so I don't carry any weight, but I'd rather be in the east sticking it to the pirates and the Danes. Why doesn't Spain want to attack the Pirates on North Cuba? 

  4. Ohhh.... sry, the game told me you guys have ports near the Danes. So i thought you were able to attack the Danes from the other side when their entire fleet ws in Sweden and France. But the game must have lied to me then... oh welll...

    You mean while the British were fighting Pirates, Spain, and the US, all while ready for a Danish attack? Even if we were attacking the Danes (and we were given any opportunity) they ran both Sweeden and France over in 2 days. They didn't even use 60 players.

  5. It seems that the only intelligent people of the server are americans players. They are clever enough to see that they are no match for us, the British Empire. And Im quite sure that is not a matter of cowardice.


    Ruskies, spaniards, oranges and frogs and the pirate scum will suffer their own foolness and lack of vision.


    I have to say I really miss to sink ruskies, where are you? Maybe afraid of your mistakes?


    I doubt the US is thinking they cant win against Britain. More likely they would just rather avoid a costly drawn out war. 


    As for the Russians I think our time to sink them is coming. There just sitting there. getting more experience, gold, and ships every day. At some point they will say "we are ready."

  6. I hope spain will reform and make an alliance. No reason not to. The problem is, that every time its attempted, ludicrous demands are made.  Spain, Britain, and the US could be a powerful force. Instead we quarrel while the Danes and Pirates shore up their fleets. Thats bad for all of us. Green Yellow and Red are nice colors dont you think?   

  7. How the hell did the British backstab spain? Spain attacked Britain in the middle of the talks to give them territory. Britain also most definitely helped Spain vs the US. Britain attacked the US  in the gulf and screened for Spain on the Northern Yucatan. This post is full of lies, slander, and propaganda.


    The US stopped attacking Spain the day after las Tortugas was taken by Britain. Spain attacked Britain a few days later whilst Britain was under attack by pirates. Spain was trying to take south Cuba which they believed was "rightfully theirs". Peace talks began and in the middle of the negotiations Spain attacked Misteriosa. 


    The Spanish members who left and joined the Pirates left because the inability of Spain to work together, realize they are a minor power and make allegiance or atleast a NA pact to anyone on their borders.   

  8. Interesting. instead of taking a port from the Danish on Hispaniola, the Danish bullied the Dutch into giving up two ports so the French can open up a new front in central America.


    This looks to be the gist of it. Eric just bought a flag for Fort Oranje. Do the Dutch wish to be attacked too? Allowing the French to attack is a dangerous proposition. 

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  9. You know, if the player(s) responsible came forward and admitted to it (with dev confirmation ofc), and apologized I think I could deal with that. More than anything this was just down right dirty play. It was however a blatant exploit. I'll buy someone an alt account my self if a dev comes on and says that this use of an alt is fine and acceptable. We all know its not going to happen. Name and shame would do more to wreck this person(s) reputation (and possibly their clans too). 


    Also, some people have mentioned the example of Danes buying a flag for St Nics to prevent British from buying it. This doesn't work. AFAIK every nation could buy a flag for St Nics within half an hour of each other. It would be a race to see who plants the flag first. At that point it might become questionable as to if that should be allowed.


    Example: Britain buys flag for St Nics. Danes buy flag for St Nics. Danes plant flag first but do not actually fight the battle.  

  10. A 'meh' on all your houses.


    There has already been far more energy spent whining about this utterly pointless port in the middle of nowhere, than was ever spent on trying to take it. Especially when the British have had half a dozen chances to attack it unmolested since then. If the punishment were to fit the crime, a 24-hour time-out would be in order.*


    And on the other side of the coin, everyone with half a brain had already foreseen this exploit. No one was doing anyone a service by demonstrating it in practice. Pretty sure I've already written several posts on how to limit flags while avoiding this precise type of skullduggery.





    *It's the apparent hiding of tracks that is the more severe offense. If I were the devs I would call for he perpetrator to confess in private or face a sterner punishment.


    Plenty of time was spent on trying to capture the port. It was captured by the Spanish in a surprise raid on Sunday.


    Monday the British attacked (and found out that the ring of death doesn't actually do anything to prevent defenders from running away as long as its in the last 10 minutes). This issue was then reported on the forums. The battle its self was VERY fun. We all had a great time. 


    So Tuesday roles around, and we are all ready for another fight. Hopefully contested. Hopefully another fun fight. We set up a blockade to prevent Spain from buying flags on ports with no timers in the Yucatan. However the Spanish bought a flag for Sigueana an hour before we were to attack Misteriosa. On Monday I had purchased the flag for that port my self, died in the shallow water port battle there, respawned at Barcos and rushed off to fight at Misteriosa. I forgot to set the timer. Noob move. Lucky for me several players in the area delayed the flag until time out. I owe those players a few beers. So now that the Spanish are off to the north, and their cutter scouts have reported we are blockading Misteriosa we ready for the hour to tick over to buy the flag. Either the Spanish were off balance from the attempt to take Sigueana, or didn't have enough players on line. Either or, someone bought a flag to prevent the battle from ever starting. 


    Today the British fleet again assembled, and this time we had several players waiting to buy the flag. We got the flag, attacked the port, had a fun battle, and won. 


    There were no "half a dozen chances" to take it. There were 3. The first was a loss, the second an exploit prevented it, and the third we captured it. Nor was it "utterly pointless". It was a strategic port from which Spain could attack in any direction on ports that had no timers set. It was of utmost importance that it be retaken. 


    The crime is not using an exploit everyone knew about. It is that it was done to grief 45+ players who just spent a good portion of their day blocking the port, ready for battle, and wasting their time. It was done with clear planning and intent. I heavily suspect the Spanish could not get to Misteriosa in time after the loss of the Siguenea flag. Of this I have no proof of course. The exploit was done in a heinous way.  Using a known exploit in any game is reason enough for a ban. The only reason this exploit hasn't been used before, is because everyone knows what a scum move it is. The person who did this cheated, knowing full well the implications of his actions, and then attempted to hide the evidence. 


    I very much hope the devs find the person who did this and name and shame them, then ban them. This is the kind of behavior that destroys game communities. 

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