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Posts posted by Gortex

  1. I chose pretty much the same as what others voted on which is interesting.


    I do think the AI involvement is important as the economy is constantly changing, and especially with player predictors focusing on AI traders which of course would effect the local ports supply should said predictor be sinking or capturing these ships of that said flags nation. It would then encourage the defense of said shipping lanes by battle ships of defending flag nation. 


    It would also encourage the involvement in trade as you would be able to make great gains from successful deliveries but also run the risks of losing cargo or profit.

  2. Navigating with the current set up is fine providing you can use the following 

    1, Map,

    2, Topography of the main land and islands 

    3, Visibility is good

    4, Use the compass

    5, You don't engage an enemy and your current reckoning is not totally put out


    I personally find that when ever I lose site of land I have to rely on the compass alone which is chancy at best. I think the use of a noon day site (mini game) or loner reckoning and being able to plot on the charts you have would help a great deal and especially with long distance travel and or trading runs from port X to port Y on the other side of the Gulf of Mexico.

  3. I know it has been mentioned but will echo the suggestion for the Julian Stockwin series. If you read and enjoyed Hornblower then I would highly recommend Stockwin's works. It covers not only the Royal Naval involvement but also the political, social, psychological and scientifical aspect of the 18th and early 19th century through a fun fictional point of view.



  4. If you use a bigger ship like the Snow trader then it would be a good idea to have an escort with you. For example I have a friend in game and when doing a big run with lots of goods (hold full or Iron Bars) I ask him to bring his Frigate and sail in group. If then attacked it is his role to defend the trader by delaying them or destroying them. 


    As a reward for helping he then gets a proportion of the cargo and I then do the same assistance for him. Even better for the escort ship would be to support multiple ships and their by reduce costs and increase profits for all involved.

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