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Posts posted by Durfee

  1. I think Marines should be a complement (fighting complement) for the crew if your rank allow that.

    I mean, right now, marines use an amount of your crew, so if I have 200 crew max, and I am sailing a cerb, if I use marines I will have some people that are there just for boarding, and never will going to have good sail or reload times because of that.


    Now it is that way:

    I am 200 crew rank, and I am sailing a cerberus with marines, so my crew is still 190 but from them, 70 are marines and 120 are original crew, and my perform in sailing is devastated.

    It should be like this:

    I am 200 crew rank, and I am sailing a cerberus with marines, then my crew raise up to 200 (ten more. 190 original plus 10 marines), even if with that upgrades I could have more than ten. And not in exchange of my first crew.

    If I am 250 crew rank, and I am still sailing a cerberus, then I will have 190 original crew plus 60 marines (to the total of 250 I am able to cap)

  2. Pues yo de lo que estoy hasta los mismisimos es de que nos tomen el pelo y encima trolleen en todos los hilos.

    Salir del paso y seguir con la alpha es tan sencillo como eliminar los timer, al menos hasta que se implemente una buena solución.

    Salen siempre con eso de que es que somos unos pringaos que no nos organizamos, ninguneando el problema real que es ni más ni menos que a esa hora aquí se duerme.

    Les demostramos con las conquistas últimas que esto no es así, y como les hace pupa pues van y ponen también los timers a esa hora... oh wait!!! No decíais que eso no era un obstáculo y que es que simplemente sois la hostia de estrategas y de buenos?

    Pues no lo cambieis y dad la cara, so mierdas.

  3. Some people like crafting. Some others like explore. Somo ones like battles. Some traders...


    What do you think if, in starting avatar (and only when you start a new career, can't be changed after that choice), you choose between all of those things, and this choice gives you some extra advantage.


    Possible avatars could be that ones:







    When you choose one of those you choose between:


    Can Teleport in 4 hours (instead of 8)

    Have an extra cargo load, than can not be looted (about 30% cargo?)

    Have an increase in number of crew

    Get 80 craft hours per hour instead of 41



  4. I have been reading some thread about improving survival crew along the battles goes on, and other one about Pellew sight and so.


    Is it possible to link all this things together, so only expertise crew has acces to gold crew updates?


    I mean... you sail with a newby crew, so you have your men just in number, no upgrades.

    Then you go on a number of battles, and still have your crew (only few lost). And you have win battles by boarding ships, so your crew now is upgraded with common boarding axes. 


    Time after, you still win some more battles, and by boarding as well, so your crew upgrade of boarding axes get blue.


    Time after again, you win more battles, so your upgrade goes into gold. And even more, you gain an upgrade or common pellews sight.


    Then you loose half of your crew, so your boarding upgrade return to common or so.


    Crew upgrades only can be won with time and victorys, and survival crew, so can not be loot or craft or sell/buy.

    And they don't need a place to put in, just appear in your crew description, so number of slots for upgrades are just fine for ship upgrades, that can be craft or loot or sell/buy.


    I think crew upgrades should be linked to expert crew only, and not able to put (or not) in a free slot. Should be awarded, not crafted.



  5. ... if you want larger or more cannons, just buy/build a bigger ship...


    Same for Speed Upgrades then. If someone want a faster ship, should sail in a fir Yatch.


    ... the suggestion would mean a lot more work for the devs...


    Agree with that. It would be a lot more work to upgrade for more cannons. 3D models would multiply.

    But that is not the point for bigger cannons. And one bigger is not that crazy. I understand that a snow can't have a 24 pounder, but may have a 9 pounder with some repairs.


    Anyway, I don't have enough knowledge about sailing, shipbuilding or naval history to defend my suggestion, but I have read some about crafting the ship to allow cannons that haven't there before, especially in trader ships captured by pirates.

  6. First of all, awesome game, devs. Congrats!!

    I have been playing for a long time and it really makes me feel like a captain; planing routes, preparing for battle, looking for new markets... and that's just the beginning. Wow, really nice.


    And I have't found an answer for a few things that I have been thinking during my travels.


    The first one is if there will be somo voices in Open World like Sails Ho! or Land Ho! That is because sometimes people may use to do another things while travelling long distances.

    I mean, I guess they trace the route and wait for an hour or more to land again. At least it's what I do. Or sometimes you have to sail for a long time, and then reach to a point of interest where you will change the heading, and sail a long time again.

    Like I said before, This really makes me feel like a captain, and I would like to have some help. Stay in my cabin waiting for a Land Ho!, then check the land and change course. Or a Sail Ho!, and check for the sail and prepare for battle or run. An option to have (or not have) this implement would be desiderable.


    The second one is that I think it wold be nice as well to have an upgrade (permanent or regular, not an in-build) for making stronger ships just to allow them to load a higher size of cannon, or even more cannons.

    Lots of captured ships where upgraded to be armed this way. A trader brig could carry some cannon or a Snow could carry 9 pounds.

    There are upgrades to smooth disadvantage for some ships, or to improve advantage for another ones, but anyone for that matter. It would be surprising to find an armed trader (maybe not IA, but human...)



    What do you think about that?

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