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Posts posted by GrandGeneralRevshawn

  1. There must have been some quiet changes under the table because the CSA feels like utter crap right now. A few days ago I was performing a masterful massacre of Union troops on every difficulty level. Now I'm watching Archer pop an entire volley into an enemy skirmish troop at full troop numbers and he's only killing 20 troops a volley. One union militia brigade unit of 750 outshoot a 2200 troops under Joseph Davis. Something strange is going on here.


    Then I switch to the US. Too easy. The CSA will often just sit their troops out in the open, allowing you to wittle down their troops with heavy cannon fire. Unless you are a complete moron, you troops are just too overpowered to worry about danger. You will mow down literally everything.


    You guys sure you buffed Confederacy? It feels like you may have buffed the Union by accident. Especially considering their artillery. Way OP.

  2. It doesn't matter what happens in a 'real war.' This is a game. I can sit here and literally look at my watch, watching for a full minute of gametime for my infantry unit scrambling to find the last 14 men of the artillery unit after they have COMPLETELY OVERRAN THEIR POSITION. If you guys want to argue realism, it's not realistic for 14 men to be isolated, dragging a huge cannon behind them, be in my unit's LOS so that they can chase them and circle around the cannon like a bunch of indians...yet for some reason my own troops cannot work up the gaul to kill them.


    Total annihilation should, obviously, be acceptable under those circumstances.

  3. I just watched my confederate troops run over a Union Artillery. The troop number dropped all the way down to 14, but with over a minute of running back and forth after that my Confederate troops could not find the last 14 troops. Overall, I love the buff in charge mechanics and morale. But the effect is nullified if you cannot crush enemy units when you manage to catch them isolated like that and give them semi-invincibility until they can return to the Union lines.

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