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Posts posted by Detonator

  1.         I did say tied to the captain in my last post, I did mean the crew, I guess I was just referring to them as one in the same.  But yes I do think being able to level your crew in some way is a good idea.  It will add value to your crew, because it is as Puchu says.  Blowing up your crew just to evade being boarded or fighting to the last man isn't really the way thing's would have been done back then.  There should be a reason to surrender and there just isn't one right now.   Levelling them up doesn't have to be time/use based, it could be done as the captain is right now, through damage dealt.  Then it's almost impossible to bot it or use a macro.  Because you would have to actually be fighting.  The only way I can think of being able to do it is stat padding and should be really easy to spot. 


           I'd like to even see some kind of XP debt if the crew XP is never gonna be an option.  Could maybe scale with the amount of crew lost during a fight, means if you loose your crew enough times you could end up with a high enough rank to command a rowing boat :D.  Just kidding, a bit extreme but just over exaggerating it to get a point across.

  2. I would like to see some kind of level up system, like a progression tree that's tied the Captain.  So you could spec yourself out however you liked.  I don't mind the upgrades though as long as they're balanced.  It adds versatility to the game.  Not everyone is good at the same thing so people should be able to customise their ships to suite their play style.

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  3. I also think I remember reading there was something like $200,000 worth of real money content lost in one battle in EVE one time as well.  I know premium ships are going to be a cosmetic thing in this game so something like that should never happen in Naval Action if that's the case.  Some people just don't have the time to continually grind out ships and gear though, I hate loosing my ship at all but if it has to be this way I would rather we did have the 5 chances before you have to get a new one.  There will always be people who argue for and against it  I suppose the durability is a good middle ground.  It at least gives you a chance to gather the resources to get another one before you loose it.

  4. If you leave the instance before the battle finishes, I'd call that escaping.  I'm sorry bud but if you jump into a fight in a 1st rate and I'm in something smaller I think it's only fair that I can try and escape with my ship and durability in tact.  Same as with boarding, I had some idiot in a Constitution ram me into a boarding round yesterday how he done it I don't know because one minute I was full speed then all of a sudden he T-Boned me, his nose into my side at a 90 degree angle and then an instant boarding round started.  A round I would have had no chance of winning since his ship was vastly superior as well as his crew.  I don't really think it's fair to loose durability in situations like that either.  That's just my opinion though.  I would rather see an insurance type system being implemented(one not unlike Elite Dangerous)durability being done away with altogether.

  5. Can 2 different factions group up in this game?  I only received my key on Friday so I don't know all the ins and outs of the game so far so forgive my ignorance please, as I've only strolled about on my own so far.  The reason I asked is, can't this be used to help facilitate 3 sided battles?  Only allowing players from other factions to back up people they where already in a group with before the battle began. 


    This would allow for alliances to be useful in the game but also stop the aforementioned abuse. 


    EDIT:  Or have I missed the point?  we're actually talking about a 3 way slug fest?

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