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Jane The Killer

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Posts posted by Jane The Killer

  1. Many of you are probably scratching your heads at the title but hear me out.

    What if we could send the soldiers on our ships to fight on land while our ships bombard the enemy from the shore line. Or we could be helping a land force controlled by AI while we fight of eneym ships and bombard the enemy creating the impossible decision of having to attack the enemy on land so your forces win and the cannons on land don't bombard you but you don't want to ignore the ships on sea attacking or you'll get pincered.


    We could even switch the roles and be told that our forces are being bombarded by enemy ships, we could know the enemy where there but they wouldn't know we were going to aid our friends and ambush those ships.


    This could create great sensation of the overwhelming power feel of bombarding the enemy and having their cannons occasionally shoot back at us but also trying not to be ambushed and keeping a close eye on the shore line.


    Good reference for this could be the Bombardment of Kagoshima.


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