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Posts posted by 1MonthFreeTrial

  1. So, I recently got into a bit of a trap with the repair system recently. After capturing a privateer during a battle and returning to port, I didn't have enough gold to afford to fully repair it, and it was too damaged to sail from the port. Thusly, I was trapped in the port and completely unable to leave. I ended up having to "buy" the Lynx again (for 0 gold, luckily) and take it out to battle in order to make enough gold to fully repair the ship.


    If it isn't in the plan already, would it be possible to include a repair system that allows for players to repair percentage increments of their ships, in order to get back out on sea and use battle repairs to repair further. Having no option but to repair fully every time in the port may lead to some problems, especially for early or new players.

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