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Posts posted by Muinko

  1. 5 hours ago, Liq said:

    To answer the question, a quick way is taking a small manouverable ship (eg herc) and tagging solo npc 1dt rates. Sterncamp it and sternrake, proceed to sink it by raking damage (structure)

    Do you really think a new player can stern camp a 1st rate in a herc? Many new folks are still learning manual sailing basics. 1 or 2 bad turns and you end up eating a broadside or two and thats all she wrote.


  2. Only got the EXP/ship redeemables on PVP EU server. The Global server just has a yacht and forged papers. Was gone for a few months so not sure what syncing up accounts means but I would guess that is why. 

  3. I doubt that there is anything that the anyone can do about this but I was most of my redeemables tied up on the EU server when I am on the global server now. I doubt that I can get it moved over but just thought I would ask. 

  4. I would much rather have permanent modules removed entirely and have ship quality (ie fine, common, exceptional) be based on how many module expansion slots it has. 1 for basic 2 for common ect. It is a simpler system but removes the stacking of mods of a particular type making a hard limit for when it comes to something like speed mods being one exceptional speed trim and exceptional copper plating. 


    i do however like the idea of losing your mods when you sink but keeping your ship. This will still put some value in exception modules and have a sense of loss associated with sinking. Although you could also have your modules just drop down a rank when suck as well (go from Fine to common for example) 

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  5. While the idea is interesting,


    Personally, I'm going to have to say " No " to the idea. Having such additions/limitations for Nations would handcuff a players ability to play how they would like for their chosen nation.


    Ex: If a new player choose to sail under the Spanish flag, but also wants to be a Trader for that Nation. He's now a lesser Trader then any of the Nations with a +10% cargo/sale price bonus. 


    So in short, if he wants to be an effective trader he's now forced to a nation that has Trading bonuses? 


    However, your idea could work as a Nation sub-choice . Every nation would have the same bonuses in certain fields but broken down into " Career Paths "


    Military Captain - +5% crew/gunnery skills (unlocks SOL's)

    Trade Captain  -  +5% cargo hold/sale price (unlocks Merchant vessels)


    So on and so fourth. This would at least allow a player to choose their Nation. And then their career path that best suits their play style.





    Maybe something along the lines of a commission that you could buy and be applied to your "character" that has a certain time frame associated with it. ie


    naval commission-

    +10% crew size, fire rate and it unlocks SotL, 100k for 30 days


    Trade company charter- 

    +10% trade income(waived tariffs or the like), unlocks merchantman 80k for 30days


    wouldn't be necessary until you got to endgame and could be implemented in kinda a premium time ala WoT to help the dev monetize the game ( I know people hate that pay to win but it could be bought by players for real world money and put onto the market for in game money and it will give the dev more money to flush out the game more, because lets face it more money for the game devs is a good thing)


    EDIT: although hiding the Sotl behind a paywall would kinda suck so might want to rethink that. 

  6. All nations had their own naval traditions and tactics that made them different. Would/should these implemented in a small way to give each nation it own flavor? Not very big bonus but just enough to notice and give variety except for the pirates and neutrals which honestly need some large modifier:


    possible examples:


    Britain: +5% fire rate -5% crew size

    Spain: +5% crew size -5% fire rate

    France: +100% to run away (jk +5% to boarding action effectivness -5% speed)

    Dutch: +10% to sale prices for trade goods and +10% cargo capacity, -10% crew size

    Denmark: +5% hull HP, -5% speed

    Sweden: +5% damage dealt +.01% chance for SotL to sink when you turn .... cough Vasa... cough Kronan

    United States: Frigates cost 15% less SotL cost 15% more


    Neutral: -20% crew size, -5% to combat effectiveness, (reload, hull HP) (maybe given the ability to join a specific nation later?)

    Pirate: +50% crew size on ships below Frigate, +10% speed on ships below Frigate, , -50% ship sale price, -20% crew size and speed on ships Frigate size or larger. No option for SotL (false flags usable aswell?)



    Honestly the primary nation traits I could do without but I do believe that the pirates and neutral should have significant factor bonuses/handicaps


    edited : words


    edit2: opps forgot the US


    Edit 3: scrap the primary nation idea, what about just the pirate/nuetral gameplay changes?

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    Ports will be in important resource that will shape the way the OW evolves. I have put together a list off ideas that I would like y'all option on.


    • Ports should be unique and provide certain resources or strategics positions. (ie a port that provides much more iron than other, or one that has a higher fort level.
    • Neutral port should always remain neutral and cannot be captured. This is to make it harder for large guilds to take complete control over large areas. 
    • Capturing a port shouldn't be a matter of a couple hours. Guilds will have to siege a port for a certain amount of time based upon its fort level. (ie lv 1 being 12 hours in game lv 2 16 hours ect. very subject to change)
    • A siege can be reset if the defending nation gets a fleet into the port (I have a couple ideas about this, one being having a resource such as food that needs to be loaded up on the relieve fleet and lowers the time to reset not just resets it. on the other side if the siegeing fleet has bomb ketches with motors they get a small boost for each one in a fleet (should be capped though to prevent blitzing))
    • Ports can be upgraded by the players through a donation system either through the nation or the guild that controls the port depending on which way the devs go with it.
    • All docked player ships in a port that is captured could either be moved to the nearest friendly port or are captured, would like to hear you guy's opinion on this.
    • Ports on mainland or with a over land connection to another non sieged friendly port should be much harder to siege
    • Port traits such specialized shipbuilders or better ironwood be spread through out the Caribbean to make monopolies harder.
    • Successfully sieged ports have a cool down 3-7 days after capture when they are much more easily sieged back and offer limited port facilities. 
    The time frames I gave I think would be good for OW release, in the limited alpha we are in they should be much shorter so that the mechanics can be fleshed out. 
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