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Landsmen (1/13)



  1. What do you play mostly atm? I don't play many tbh, as I'm really picky, just WoT and sometimes war-thunder but not very much. Was waiting for world of war ships to be released but I actually prefer the idea of this, the aspect of having to check the wind and sails gives it an added dimension. I imagine its going to be more of an older crowd game (im 28) but feel quite old haha
  2. Sorry, if it's any help, it was better than I expected. actually quite a relaxing game, the sights and sounds and colours are nice. Slower than normal pace but that allows for more strategy and anticipation.....probably not helping am I
  3. Arghhhhhhrrrgggg, had nothing planned tonight, purchased the game yesterday, to my surprise the key turned up this morning, I got about 30 mins play then off. Great game so far though, like the fact you have to control/sail a ship and fire. Looking forward to playing some more when the servers return. I am a bit surprised ntohing like this has come before
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