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Posts posted by CdrNexoe

  1. 12 hours ago, HamBlower said:

    Why couldn't you return?

    Tag through the wind, sail away, repair, come back and hack him down. Where is the problem? Your screenshot shows only normal game mechanics.

    By the way - if you have to repair very fast, klick "6" and "7" so you get more Crew in repair and maybe survive.

    Because I was stuck in getting shot at by in fact a hull down fortification, that was very stable platform.  As for "normal game mechanics", look at the right lower corner and measure were he was related to the bridge (in fact NORTH of same)..

  2. Had to ´reformat and reinstall Win10.  Could reach Naval Action afterwards via Steam. Account there. Nationality there. Outposts and ships there. But cant use the mail function, the Nation Channel, the Global Channel, nor follow Combat News.  Can't use FIND either. When typing in Find or Mail, it dont works, but other short cuts (map, warehouse) activates.. In Open Worls, seeing a live player, Message not To Work dont function either!

    Please help!


    (Also lost the Clan Channel, but suspect that comes back when Clan reinvites me)



  3. In my brit Requin, I was fighting a AI LGV just east of Cuba,  30/7, 16.30 CET. Means 320 BR for Brit, 340 for Pirate. Raczy (Duch) therefore could enter via British circle in his Wasa, meaning he a brit for that fight. He start bombarding me and the AI who is locked in Boarding, sinking also me! Request Developers action!

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  4. Did a longhaul to Carriacou over night.  With some "logg out due to inactivity".  This morning finds my self at coordinates X1335997,5 z -456436,3  (Sic). That is, WELL outside the map, half way to Africa.


    When I did not know what happened, I went south to pick up South America. Just found some bare landscape, where also I could sail over solid ground.


    Reset me to Carriacou asap. 

  5. Notice that in all but one of my outposts, I had a stock of repairs in warehouse, or in one case on board a trader ship.

    Those in warehouse disappeared. Replace please!


    Also, I did not get but 2K Doublons to be redeemed for my lost Lvl 3 Ship Yard. Please fix ASAP!


  6. Had Lvl 3 Shipyard (Check who built my Tier 1 ship. Its me so I MUST have had that LvL).

    Just got 2K Doublons redeemable. 


    So must have hit the Bugg



    Looking forward to get the additional Doublons


  7. Bought a new officer (After buried the previous at sea w all honors)  The new died 1st time early on. So now 9/10.  Still dont take XP over 8 Points ( The battle resulst CLAIM I earned Officer XP, but... :O(

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