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Posts posted by oleski

  1. All French players are cowards, and PFK are glorious honorable fairfighters of heaven! 

    Next time you come in French territory, take your Bellona then, instead of a cheap Snow! You'll wipe more of us.

    This angst!



    EDIT: Corrected mistakes.







    Why running? Fight to the end.

  2. The Bellona was grey and made of fir, doubtless PFK were desperate to get rid of it. I would have been.


    What about bellona? It can be black with black ugprade and black marines inside. Why not? If any one knows me, I'm a pvp player and i play only PVP, it means I lost a lot of ship in this game only searching "Action" not only "Naval" And if you want we can meet 1vs5 and we can figth and you can take my bellona, its only a ship(btw its fine+live oak wod). I just want Action. Im playing only this one game just to have some action. 


    And like yesterday we have 12 player from PFK (more into frigate) some player from voc and bwitc ~20 player. Our time zone 23:00, its late we just want make last Action befor sleep. We buy a flag for El toco 150k gold becouse we know this if we dont buy a flag you will not show up. Why>? 1 At the first becouse you can figth only if you have 3vs1 (coward) second: befor all this (3-4 weeks) you figth with all Dutch side only then when you get RAE (Espaniol) to atack us from West side and then you decide to atack us in East side. Tell my why>? Becouse you can not figth with honor like real man. And my opionion its for this we need to wipe All French from the game for this.


    * I dont know why people writing here some weird stuff. If you dont have a real life and this "victory" in this game in this battle its only one achievement in you live just write it here :) Becouse french now they are so excited WOW.




  3. My idea:

    Just make it like befor, with out any repairs or if you gona stay in survival mode like 10 min and you get 5% repair hull and 15% sails.


    But the main problem for now its just "Battle timer" The main problem becouse in pvp when someone not gona hit in 2 min then he can leav battle, and when he its gona leav battle i dont have any kills or any assist. Just deleat Battle timer and add like if you are 1000m away from the nearlest enemy you can leav.




    I got for this battle 500xp realy? 2vs7?

    I was gank 1vs7 against espaniol, one brits join and nornica but PioGaming leav battle after 7 min. And we have batt;e 2vs7. Trinco + surprise vs surprise+frigate+snow+frigate+surprise + renome and i think last one mercury. They are all dead becouse they have no repairs and 1 hull  at all destoryed. Why i have only 1 kill and nornica only 1 assist? becouse i can not to focouse sinking player becouse i dont want waste of my bullet to dead man. And i need to make tactic moves not to go back becouse someone magic can leav battle. STUPID. I say it now like 100 times just do it. 

    • Like 2
  4. Ship characteristics descriptions


    Wood types

    Fir - faster ship, weaker hull

    Live oak - stronger frame (+ planking), +1 class of armor quality, less speed

    Oak - stronger frame (+ planking) - no speed effect

    (need feedback on more timber types if they are needed in the timber qualities topic http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/4636-timber-types-used-in-ship-construction-request/)



    Stiffness - heel; from less reduction to more reduction

    Speed - speed; from low to high

    Crew space - crew size; from lower to higher

    Planking - structure leaking; from more to less

    Build strength - planking amount; from less to more

    Rigging quality - sails up and down speed/ yard turning speed; from less to more

    Explorer - open world speed; standard OW speed buff


    If you think more inherent characteristics please propose in this topic.


    Maybe somthing with better turn?


    Turn - from lower to higher (ofcourse a reasonable %, making softly better turn)

  5. Maybe we can make Topic, where some player can organize the small battles? Becouse i just want to see more battles then 1 in week.


    Edit: Offcourse i mean Events

    • Like 1
  6. Hello Captains :)


    1.Which would like to suggest  its the switching the ship in port to another port.


    You have ship in Jereme and you have ship in Plymouth. When you get to the port in Jeremie you can change the ship in Plymouth and play in Plymouth area with another ships, this before ships stay at the Jeremie.

    I just want to delet the Teleport becouse Teleporting now killing the idea of trading/crafter system. Becouse a lot of people just teleporting with their assets and resources to main crafter port.


    I think its good Idea becouse you can easly change you region if you want craft or make some pvp/pve


    THIS idea improve too a system where trader ships need a player bodyguard to.


    Also i will be glad if i see a system where you can hire 1 or 2 Trader snow in you fleet and you can just sail in frigate (pvp ships) in open world with the lower speed (max spped Traders ships) and protect yours traders fleet with assets/resources.


    2. Open World Repairing


    Also, after the battle if you have like 80% sails in battle you need have too 80% of speed in open world, and if you want repair you ship in OW, your ship need to stay in one place(0% sails) and repair like 1 min(if its a little repair) or like 3-5min (if your ships its almost destroyed).


    OR just make like 20% sail or 40% sails in OW and with this speed you can repair.


    See you at sea



    • Like 2
  7. If your using multiple accounts in this testing phase to promote one account why is this allowed I just don't understand as this is an exploit.

    Your not doing it to test different factions of the game it's done to ramp up a single account faster that normal.... in essence a cheat.

    Even doing it to test crafting is a player exploiting time needed to learn and craft in fact cheating the crafting  process  and  what I hope will not be allowed in the finished product.

    If this is allowed how do you learn properly how easy or frustrating the crafting process is.


    It also starts to run into the problem of game players in multiple accounts in essence robbing ports of rare materials or better said tougher to find materials so others trying to test the crafting phase can't do so because the exploiters raided the port using their multi accounts.


    Multi accounts need to go or wiped if found to be exploiting the game for ramping up so fast and not following the natural speed of ranking up.


    This effects players and game alike.



    Agreed. What i can add frome me just to make 1 ppl 1 character. Why? Its planty of used additional character, as:

    1.Buying a ship/resources/upgrade in enemy port(making new character)

    Its bad from both side. You should not have them.

    Secend, its easly to weaken to enemy just for buying all resources/ship.upgarde in his port. When you buy it. then he can not to buy it.


    2. I tested fight 1 my character vs second my character.

    Just we can make 2 character diffrent nationals, and then meet with this character and when you are gonna fast leav the game your ship still waiting 120s in global water. Then you can enter yours main character atack him and grow up realy fast with XP.

    I tested it and it works. Pleas make 1 character 1 accont. And still i think when you have the game in steam, you need watch to IP internet addres becouse i think some people can buy 2 acconts to make illegal growing up with XP and Gold.

  8. "I can renember of five player in a combat , Inferno, Valgard, Bubbles, Otto Von Bismarck, Ragnar kill me if you can and Danish"


    Im realy angry!! And this Blazex is on my black list and i will kill him when i see him.

    Why?Becouse for first yesterday all day i just trading and crafting. I have only 1 battle vs players and its on french capital and this battle its like 1ppl+15AI(may of bellona etc becouse its capitol reinformenct) and im just escape. After this im only trading and crafting. I to remember i see Danish at 23:00 in game but after we have not together battle and we not see each other.


    I will hunt this blaze and rest of French people becouse i dont like liars and coward.

  9. Hello :)


    What needs to change?


    Turn with out mast. I have fight frigate vs santi xD and i destory all the mast with 3 repairs, John Fiddlesworth have no more repairs and then i think to sink him just standing on his back and shot him.


    But i can not to do this becouse he always turn to me and he almonst sink me.






    Second of all, in case you are fighting a small fleet of NPC's, and some players join (asuming you want to run from them), you would potentially have to flee for not 60 minutes max but 90 or 120 minutes max.



    When im wanna to flee then i gona make more distance wait 1:20min and then flee, just so simple.


    And I have 1 more proposal to make leav in battle like when you have 800m distance and then make 1:20s to leav the battle. Becouse i have a lot of fight earlier when im just need time to reload my dobule (or i just missed) and enemy just left battle 100m next to me. Its just bullshiet when i have enemy beside of my and I dont have any guns to shot to make timer wipe(like pavel have no front guns to wipe timer).



    And whats else: I think we need to make surgery and repair modules like repair armor and repair sail (like in 1 battle you can use 1 surgery or 1 repair modules)

    Becouse when you in smaller ship(bell vs vici) you need to shotting at sail or/and back armor to destroy his ruder, crew(to make him slower) then keep shoting when he is out or keep shoting at the back to kill crew and boarding. Now when we have unlimited repair for crew and modules its unenforceable...


    Waiting for answer




    And what about this?

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