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The Battle of Frozen Cay


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This day, the First of February of Two-Thousand-and-Sixteen, the attempted capture of the port of Frozen Cay from the United States of America; by the combined naval effort of the Pirates in the Bahamas, was thwarted by the quick response of American vessels in the operational area. Harbor bells rung across the islands, alerting the U.S. Fleet to the current situation at Frozen Cay. In response, twenty or more U.S. Ships responded to the provocation.

The first ships to enter the fray against the assaulting Pirate fleet were Captains Jobadiah, and Archimonday. Vastly outnumbered, the two fought a desperate delaying action against the enemy fleet, whilst the rest of the American fleet flew to their rescue! Although these two captains were ultimately defeated, one being forced to retreat, and the other dying in a boarding action for his own survival, their efforts kept the battle tipped, until the rest of the U.S. Fleet could arrive.

After thirty-three minutes, squadrons of ships from the Continental Navy (USS), the United States Navy (USN), the United States Marine Corp (USMC), The Sons of Liberty (SOL), and other nearby ships joined the fight, tipping the balance of power against the beleaguered enemy fleet. 

Notable efforts go to the following Captains of the fleet: James Cavendish, Jobadiah, Rent, Admiral Donald Trump. They are awarded the fleets highest honors, and their names shall forever be remembered in the text of our history!

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