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Gentleman's Armed Yacht Club - Pirates (EU PvP 1)

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To all those who sail upon the waters of the new world,






Let this be an official announcement of the presence of the Gentleman's Armed Yacht Club in the Caribbean!


We are a loose conglomerate pirate clan of over 60+ members who have agreed to unify and spread the proper and gentlemanly way to conduct battle on the high seas and find the finer enjoyments to be had  from doing so while still maintaining the pirate way of life,

mainly concerning the freedom and fun to be had that can't be found while flying the colors of an empire's nation. (Lookin' at you, Great Britain!)

While having been made since the release of EA, we have finally decided to officially announce our existence and let it be known to every sailor that the Gentleman's Armed Yacht Club is on the scene.


Relatively new to Naval Action, our main goals are to loot, pillage, and throw wild parties in ports of call requiring some fun to spice up the Pirate community.


Contact James T Skoll, or myself for any information.


We recruit on a case by case basis only.  This thread is mainly for discussion and information regarding our clan.




So pull up a stool, grab a drink, rip off your shirts in the most manly way possible, and let's get pirate partyin'!


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