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Ive seen the Youtube videos and like all Ive seen.


But I was wondering what about 1v1 pvp....will it degenerate into the kind of fights that turned me off of POTBS pvp where its all about who can spin like a top the fastest?



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But I was wondering what about 1v1 pvp....will it degenerate into the kind of fights that turned me off of POTBS pvp where its all about who can spin like a top the fastest?


To your opinion what would be the alternative to that?

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To counter maneuverability add big guns and higher damage to heavier bigger boats. 4th rate vs frigate - usually the 4th rate will do massive damage to the frigate before frigate gets closer. So, in the end we will have many sailors killed, reload decreased on frigate who is now very close to 4th rate. Now we have maneuverable damaged frigate vs less maneuverable 4th rate who can punch hard. From here, player can try to use the sailing skills to survive.  :D

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To answer the Admins question and to borrow the good Doctors quote......accuracy of course but also imo the proper selection of guns, ammunition type etc. as well as of course the maneuverability of a given ship.

And if I may say.....the particular build of a ship, since as I understand it we at some future point will be able to build our own ships according to our own specs?

I would like to see weather as a factor as well.

According to the Aubrey/Maturin Novels of which I have been a fan since 2005 the larger vessels fared better in heavy weather than their smaller counterparts.

Imagine if you will a cutter, schooner, or ketch laden with precious cargo running for a given port to make his fortune.

A much larger rated ship takes an interest and begins chase.

But the smaller vessel quickly begins to outdistance him.

That is until he runs into foul weather at which point the larger vessel begins to close the distance.

What will our daring captain do to save his cargo and ship......tune in next time...........=D

All of which I would love to see incorporated into shipcom.

I quite agree with you Mr. Maturin, but you would have to agree that two vessels yard arm to yard arm could not help but land home their broadsides.

And if given the ability to spin like tops in order to circumvent the need for skill they will surely do so.

And thereby imho ruin what promises to be a most wonderful game.

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Close range yardarm-to-yardarm fights are rather uncommon in the testing battles I have seen so far. Someone will always try to break the symmetry and seize the initiative for a raking shot. Midrange maneuvers with carefully timed broadsides are the order of the day.

I think you'll have to better explain your prejudice for me to tell you anything more concrete. What exactly do you mean by 'spinning like a top?'

I will say that the time it takes to reload a gun deck is now comparable to the time it takes to change tacks. So the aggressively maneuvering vessel will just be depriving himself of speed and options if his moves are not carefully timed, with a cost-benefit analysis from looking ahead a few minutes.

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Yep, indeed, do not try to comprare the meaning of raking fire in PotBS with Naval Action or Age of Sail II: Privateer's Bounty, it's a different story when you use it in a pure naval action game :)

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I'm in the agreement with you Moosycat with respect to stern camping. I believe that so far NA has made an effort to hinder this tactic. First, the ships arn't quite as maneuverable. Second, you can do devastating damage on a target approaching you from a distance if you are in a rate and third, the devs have slowed the reaction time of sail changes to make it more difficult to constantly fine toon sail settings so that there is more of a chance for the stern camper to overshoot and receive a broadside.

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