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Authentication Error: Steam Authentication Server Error


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First time I've posted here on the forums, but have been playing for the last two weeks extensively.

I encountered an issue today that has pretty much put me off from playing again, or at least until said issues are fixed. I had just entered a battle against 7 x 74's with a fellow player and had just started boarding one of them. Very shortly after the first boarding round the game crashed, not just for me but for my friend too. Not a big problem, or was it... After booting up the game again we discovered that we could not log in, we were both receiving the error "Authentication Error: Steam Authentication Server Error". So after restarting my PC, steam, my router, even trying an alternative connection (4G mobile) I could still not get in.

This wouldn't normally be an issue, I would just go and do some work or watch a movie and try later, but because of this ridiculous bug, which has no doubt kept both of us in battle, having 7 x 74's unload broadside after broadside, I have now lost my beloved ship which took the best part of 100 hours of game play to find. Not only that but also my boarding mods along with it. I have yet to gain access on to the server, so my hopes are that the game kicked us out of the battle and we haven't lost our ships, but it is doubtful.

I understand that the game is in it's alpha and there are bound to be a few issues, but a Classification A bug such as this needs to be resolved. I say this, not only as a tester but as a gamer... This sort of thing really dissuades me from continuing enjoying your game.

Kind Regards, B00M. 

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Same here, last played earlier today, logged out properly in harbour. Getting Steam Server Authentication Error. Have restarted, reloaded and re authenticated Steam, tried to play the game from Steam Library...all no use still getting that damned error.

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