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Unplanned Exit without Wait - Now Game Starts Underwater - No Ship, No Controls


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Had an unplanned Exit without Wait - Now Game Starts Underwater - No Ship, No Controls, have to close client.exe to exit.


Steam Username ***removed by Leviathan***

Player Name  Muttley

Email ***removed by Leviathan***


Tried verifying local cache


Same result on relaunch


Have not dumped local files (someone online said this may be server side to my username / game name)


Can someone reset me or tell me what to try next? Thanks


Bob Williams

Bristol RI


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Sorry - thanks for that (der)


Any thoughts on how to 'reset' myself?


Should I simply remove local content and re-download the game? (I play from my laptop(s) when on the road - never had a prob like this before - wonder if exiting without waiting for safe exit was the cause)

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Still broken - now Tuesday - three days - cannot play.


Had an unplanned Exit without Wait - Now Game Starts Underwater - No Ship, No Controls, have to close client.exe using Task Manager to exit.


Player Name  Muttley

- Verified local cache

- Dumped local files

- Reinstalled game

- Sent email to support - 2 days ago. No reply


Can someone reset me or tell me what to try next? Thanks


Bob Williams

Bristol RI


Edited by BobW-Bristol-RI-US
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Still no reply from support email or response in the forums.


What gives?


Does anyone at Game-Labs even read these?


Would seem to be a fairly simple problem to solve - resetting someone's server side status - more the concern is no response whatsoever after 5 days???




Still waiting... over a week now with this situation... over five days with no response.


Bob Williams (Muttley)

Bristol RI, US

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Still broken - now Saturday - six days - cannot play.


Had an unplanned Exit without Wait (after upgrading ship to Surprise, then had probs entering any port, then teleported at all stop to get ship into port, after teleport completed - had control of ship - then unplanned exit) - Now Game Starts Underwater - No Ship, No Controls, except chat and (strangely enough) Teleport works - but still results with underwater, no ship - no controls. Have to close client.exe using Windows 8.1 Task Manager to exit.


Player Name  Muttley

- Verified local cache - No change

- Dumped local files - No change

- Reinstalled game - No change

- Added new character - No change

- Uninstalled Game, then uninstalled Steam - Reinstalled Steam, then Reinstalled Game - No change


- Sent help request through in-game chat - No reply

- Sent email to support - 6 days ago. No reply

- Now sending help request through forums admin message


Can someone reset me server side or tell me what to try next?


Thanks. It's been a week.


Next suggestions? Miss playing.




Bob Williams

Bristol RI


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I don't know how to send a message to admin - there is no button or function that I can find to do that.


Windows reinstall?


Currently I've been running the game on two completely different systems - I get the same indications when I sign on and start with either machine (one of which I comletely removed the game and steam, then reinstalled steam and the game - same outcome.


This has to be server side - two completely different computers - same symptoms EXACTLY.


If ANYONE knows how to elevate this to ANYONE that can look at this, I certainly appreciate it.


Now 9 days without NA... seems I need to find an NA meeting.


Regards all, and thanks for the suggestions Capt, Comery,


Bob Williams (Muttley), Bristol RI, US

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Different laptops - completely different - not a graphics or video card issue.


Can't seem to see how to 'restart' the client.exe' proc - not in any way I can find in Win 8.1 task manager. Only exit. Restarting NA regenerates the client.exe


Any other ideas appreciated.


Capt. Comery thx - found link to admin message - did so - appreciate the patience all.




Bob Williams, Bristol RI, US (Muttley)

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My apologies and thanks. This appears to have been firewall or network related.


I was having the problem with two different laptops, but on work travel in a hotel the entire time. HOTEL connection for the entire time that I've had this problem. Sorry I didn't think of that until the Game-Labs guy mentioned networking, firewalls, ports, etc. 


Just tried it from the work location wifi on my lunch break and VOILA - Problem's gone.


So if you are having a problem like this - check for an alternative connection or firewall or network port, etc.


Will simply use my iPhone as a connection and play that way for now.


So many apologies and thanks A TON for Game-Labs help.


See you all in the game, and thanks again.




Bob W., Bristol, RI, USA (Muttley)

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BTW Capt Comery - Thx again - was starting to get aggravated until Game-Labs rep helped me walk out of prob - but you were a great assist - and patient while I was getting increasingly steamed.


So thanks - will not forget - and will try to remember how you gave advice when others (me) were getting impatient.


See you in game.


Regards, Bob W, Bristol RI, USA (Muttley - Back at Sea)

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