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An all carronade ship?

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Its insane damage wise but like someone else said, carronade is very weak against range and thus against a proper sniper, it will be dead within minutes.


Actually no - if the guy with longs snipes at range it will be a non event - draw - neither side will have enough dps to win. 

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If in game carronade's damage and range and perhaps more important dispersion at range were realistic then there should be no restriction on where you put them.


Whether you can successfully get close enough in action before long guns rip you apart is something you will have to cope with.


I would love to come up against a Victory with all carronade armament. I simply wouldn't let it get close enough and a lack of incoming fire at range would soon be noticable.




HMS Victory used the two 68-pounder carronades which she carried on her forecastle to great effect at the Battle of Trafalgar, clearing the gun deck of the Bucentaure by firing a round shot and a keg of 500 musket balls through the Bucentaure's stern windows.

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If in game carronade's damage and range and perhaps more important dispersion at range were realistic then there should be no restriction on where you put them.


Whether you can successfully get close enough in action before long guns rip you apart is something you will have to cope with.


I would love to come up against a Victory with all carronade armament. I simply wouldn't let it get close enough and a lack of incoming fire at range would soon be noticable.




HMS Victory used the two 68-pounder carronades which she carried on her forecastle to great effect at the Battle of Trafalgar, clearing the gun deck of the Bucentaure by firing a round shot and a keg of 500 musket balls through the Bucentaure's stern windows.

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I think we should look at historical armament to determine deck restrictions for carronades.  Reading the Wiki on carronades there is the following statement "Long guns were also excessively heavy in comparison to a carronade because they were over-specified, being capable of being double shotted whereas to do this in a carronade was dangerous". Perhaps the only restriction should be that carrondades cannot be double shotted.

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