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Port battles

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We are starting active work on the port battles... Lets refresh what was discussed in this topic and finalize ideas. We are going to review it carefully. If you have new and better ideas or improvements to what was discussed - it is perfect time to share them.

Can you got a backbone of it already? if yes please share it with us - common sailors/testers/captains :D

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One thing just coming to my mind :

If there is to be coastal batteries, make a system or use the actual boarding system to simulate the capture.

A ship must stay in a certain area near a costal battery and engage in a boarding round to capture it.

2nd idea : have some AI transport ship (or player?) forced to carry the item "troopers" who have to sail to a beach or a specific zone, and stay in there X minutes.

Players in ships have to protect them.

3rd idea : some special ports might have chains grading the entrance, chains removed only if the two fort guarding them are taken.

Objectives : land troopers / capture all forts / sink all enemy ships.

If None of these objectives are completed : attacker are defeated, transports ship and "troopers" item are lost. (trooper items could be rare and expensive and only sold by admiralty depending on an honor ranking)

If one of these objective is completed battle is a draw. Port stay in current owner side, but heavy losses to economy.

If two of these objectives are completed : port is taken, loosing side can retreat and take in Port item and ships with them.

If three of these objective are completed : total victory, defenders loose every object and ship they had in Port.


How player enter port battle ? 

-Attacker must be near it in OW, with apprioriate item in hold (trooper etc...) to trigger the instance.

-Defenser : every time a player connectsto the game, a message prompt asking if he want to be on list for upcoming port battle.

-If a player is in area near a port where port battle occur, with his faction being defender, (and if he is enlisted for PB) a message prompt asking him if he wants to be teleorted to instance. Area could be quite large in OW (100 km radius around the player) If defender player is out of this radius, a message just tell him X port is attacked. 

-Attacker should see before engaging port battle how many defender players are in the area and are enlisted and aviable for port battle. 


Edited by trinkof
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