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Today's Naval Action Headlines


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Simplicity is all that is needed to keep the world's so called best navy in check.  Luckily for us, American crews are known for the constant practice at gunnery and accuracy, whereas our cousins across the pond are often stingy on the amount of powder and shot they expend.  When it comes to battles, their ability to hit their target is often quite lacking.

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Trinc went RIP with the removal of it from stores.  Same with the Privateer.


The Ren doesn't cut it as a replacement for the Trinc.


Also, since the Constitution is now very close to being just as fast as the Trincomalee there is really no point in choosing the Trincomalee over the Constitution. (Because of Trincomalee's speed "nerf" in a previous patch).

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Trinc went RIP with the removal of it from stores.  Same with the Privateer.


The Ren doesn't cut it as a replacement for the Trinc.

The former best ship in the game now has one use:

Trincs can stagger their chaser fire to keep a running renom in the instance, until it has worn down the ren's sails plus repairs then catch and kill it.

Sad fate when they remember being nambawan.


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