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Gun Decks Locking


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I have a problem with gun decks locking on one side and unresponsive to clearing with the "F" keys. Strangely this only occurs with the guns elevated not at close range. Clearing the registry as per the rudder problem did not help. Suggestions please? 

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If you go into aiming mode and elevate your guns all the way down, do the x's go away?  From my experience this happens when mixing gun types, longs and regulars, or those types with carronades.  Also happens on rough seas.

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Mr. Staines, pay heed to Prater's advice. This problem most often occurs when you have a mixed set of guns on a ship with more than one deck.

Please let us know if you've checked the Constructor and you have all decks equipped with the same type of gun (e.g. all Long, all regular, or all carronade).

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