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>>>v1.4 Feedback<<< ( Opt x2 latest version)

Nick Thomadis

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Did anyone else's campaign disappear overnight?  I was playing a 1900 American campaign. I was in year 1925.  I shut down last night and came back this morning and it was gone.   I restarted the game and now it crashes when I try to continue the campaign.

Edited by Mike L
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Hi I'm new to posting here,although I've been lurking in this forum since day one. I have enjoyed playing this game for hundreds of hours.

So my comment is that since this last patch the economy seems drastically toned down. Maybe  its my imagination.

Or I don't know how to play the game correctly.  So looking at these other post I guess it's Britain that gets the best economy.  Here I am  little old USA can't afford anything.

Edited by Tal79
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Question about how research works now. I can start a game as the UK and put research to 100% on turn 1 and keep it there the whole game. Within 5 years or so I will be "behind" and by 10 "very behind" while having the largest GDP of any power. While powers with literally 10% my GDP can be advanced. Is this a bug? Is this how its supposed to work? If so why? How does spending less money on research make it to go faster?

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21 minutes ago, cipher315 said:

Question about how research works now. I can start a game as the UK and put research to 100% on turn 1 and keep it there the whole game. Within 5 years or so I will be "behind" and by 10 "very behind" while having the largest GDP of any power. While powers with literally 10% my GDP can be advanced. Is this a bug? Is this how its supposed to work? If so why? How does spending less money on research make it to go faster?

Are you setting research priorities? Those have a cumulative negative effect on tech development; avoid using them if you can.

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On 12/19/2023 at 12:18 AM, Hasty R said:


Also, fewer but better updates are preferred over what is looking to me like spam updates with something new every day. Is anything being tested before it goes out? Feels like we get to be the quality control for every patch. Again, please respect us, the paying customer, and we will give you loyalty back. It matters (just look at what happened at Creative Assembly recently if you want to see a painful negative example).


LOL CA, I ditched them 10 years ago after the botched Rome II launch and haven't bought anything from them since. As to this game...

I played it since they had their first campaign demo pre-Stream, and exactly what I predicted has happened. Things have become increasingly top-heavy mechanics wise, where every little change inadvertently ripples out to affect myriad other things. The issue is simply that there was a never a realistic chance of them going back and ripping up the early frameworks, so-to-speak, in order to accommodate proper fixes that last.

I suspect that a lot of the underlying code is a mess, jury-rigged from layers and layers of activity to flesh out differing areas of the game, growing in scope and complexity as time wore on and new features were added. Of course, I don't know for sure, but this is simply how the game feels.

Ultimately, the fact I came back to try the latest version after much time away, and I still have to read about people saying that: enemy task forces are immediately running away before being visually sighted, that the UI, particularly when viewing the fleet, is cluttered with popups, that fleet formations are still unwieldy garbage, that the Strait of Messina is still not passable, etc. - means there is much that has been either ignored by the devs, or more likely, deemed unfixable given their resources and operating responsibilities.

I mean, how many times can you "further optimize Battle AI and Auto-Design?" I will say - they added weather and more visual backgrounds. That was badly needed. But too many things about UAD don't make sense, and I don't believe they ever will, simply because too much complexity was baked into the game too fast, and unraveling all that complexity would just break too many systems to be viable...

Edited by Littorio
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The ship roles are a little micro management intensive at the moment. I have a few suggestions to reduce the required micro management:

  • Could we get an option to change the default role for newly build ships? (An option in the game settings would be ok.)
  • Could you have fleets, that split off existing fleets, keep the role of the original fleet? Currently, if i have three ships in one fleet that has the role "Protect" and i send one of them away the one ship will always get "Sea Control".
  • Could you change which roles ships get when they move from and to harbors, depending on their previous role?
    Leaving harbor: Limited and In Being -> Protected; Sea Control -> Sea Control
    Entering harbor: Invade and Sea Control -> Sea Control; Protect -> In Being
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Hi Everyone and Merry Christmas,

This is a question for the Dev's and Community alike.

I've just had a 'mega battle' with a minor power in the 1930s which pitted circa 100 of my ships against 100 of theirs and it goes without saying I had to be incredibly careful in managing my fleet with a MASSIVE drop in frame rate and the game severly stuttering until I managed to sink all the opposition.

My question is about as to whether a faster GPU would have aleviated this massive slow down?

Now it is not that I have a pedestrian rig (CPU= AMD Ryzen 9 3900x 12 core, GPU RTX 3080, 128GB of Ram, M.2 SSD) and I understand the game only utilizes only one core of the CPU, but I was wondering if I upgraded to an RTX 4080 would this alleviate such a potentially catastrophic slow down?

If anyone has any views, answers etc, it would be greatly appreciated.

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Bottom line, a cpu with the highest clock speed as possible running one core. I am myself running games on an i9-13900kf @5.9ghz single core, 4090, 64gb ddr5-5400, samsung pro990 m.2. And fights with over 100 ships i ger around 15-20 fps, running 3840x2160 all settings cranked up

Edited by MDHansen
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1 hour ago, HopefullAdmiral0786 said:

Hi Everyone and Merry Christmas,

This is a question for the Dev's and Community alike.

I've just had a 'mega battle' with a minor power in the 1930s which pitted circa 100 of my ships against 100 of theirs and it goes without saying I had to be incredibly careful in managing my fleet with a MASSIVE drop in frame rate and the game severly stuttering until I managed to sink all the opposition.

My question is about as to whether a faster GPU would have aleviated this massive slow down?

Now it is not that I have a pedestrian rig (CPU= AMD Ryzen 9 3900x 12 core, GPU RTX 3080, 128GB of Ram, M.2 SSD) and I understand the game only utilizes only one core of the CPU, but I was wondering if I upgraded to an RTX 4080 would this alleviate such a potentially catastrophic slow down?

If anyone has any views, answers etc, it would be greatly appreciated.

No, it isn't a GPU problem.  


The game just can't utilize all the CPU.  The 200 ships are just overloading the few threads threads it does use and can't get info to the GPU fast enough to render.


Here is a custom battle with 100 total ships on my 5950x and 3090.  The gpu is showing 16% utilization and giving 10fps.  Oddly enough, none of the threads pegged out at 90+%.  



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6 hours ago, applegrcoug said:

No, it isn't a GPU problem.  


The game just can't utilize all the CPU.  The 200 ships are just overloading the few threads threads it does use and can't get info to the GPU fast enough to render.


Here is a custom battle with 100 total ships on my 5950x and 3090.  The gpu is showing 16% utilization and giving 10fps.  Oddly enough, none of the threads pegged out at 90+%.  



I just have one question. How can you control so many ships?! Usually in my task force I have two to three battleships, a heavy cruiser, two light cruisers and five to six destroyers. And it’s hard for me to cope with all of them. I have never encountered an enemy formation with so many ships. Unreal.

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Many thanks to the developers.

I'm making a historical mod for myself ( parts, partsmodels, shiptypes...etc) (Separately thanks o Barão), playing for the Russian Empire since 1890. I try to make all the ships strictly as they were then and as similar as possible. In 1916 I experienced real catharsis. I felt like Tsar Nicholas II, the revolution, the collapse of the economy. This is what I call a game! And most importantly for me - all the newest Russian ships that perished at Tsushima are absolutely NOT NEEDED after 1906 - they are just old tin cans!

Thank you.

P.S. I will continue to make historical models, playing for other states. This means a full set of armor size and quality, gun caliber and length, and so on. Now I know that in one year you can give the AI only one model for each type of ship (Shared design). And it works!

Edited by vonPeretz
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9 hours ago, applegrcoug said:

No, it isn't a GPU problem.  


The game just can't utilize all the CPU.  The 200 ships are just overloading the few threads threads it does use and can't get info to the GPU fast enough to render.


Here is a custom battle with 100 total ships on my 5950x and 3090.  The gpu is showing 16% utilization and giving 10fps.  Oddly enough, none of the threads pegged out at 90+%.  



I've been having the same experience since day one - CPU usage is heavily single-threaded, creating a bottleneck, while my GPU is taking a nap in the backseat (Ryzen 5 5500, RTX3060Ti).


Hopefully the development team will keep bringing performance improvements, especially on the CPU side.

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8 hours ago, vonPeretz said:

I just have one question. How can you control so many ships?! Usually in my task force I have two to three battleships, a heavy cruiser, two light cruisers and five to six destroyers. And it’s hard for me to cope with all of them. I have never encountered an enemy formation with so many ships. Unreal.

Well to answer that particular question it happens when one is drawn into an invasion of of a minor power.

I do tend to arrange my navy into several 'fleets' (or mega Task forces). On this latest occassion, playing as Germany, I began in 1890 and by the 1930s I had 6 fleets of circa 40-50 ships each.  These were located across the world as fleets in strategic locations (Home Fleet, Mediterranean Fleet, Far East Fleet, African Fleet etc) as dictated by my Empire. Subject to my previous successes early in the campaign, my entire navy had grown to circa 300+ ships. Each 'fleet' consists of around 5 BBs, 8 CA's 14 CL's 22 DD's. 

The usual precursor to the 'mega-battle' is for when the game prompts a challenge from a minor power, you react positively and therefore have to arrange sufficient tonnage of ships to answer the invasion challenge, often in several task forces or fleets simaltaneously by positioning them in the 'invasion zone' (in my latest case, I was Germany invading Norway).

After one turn, the minor power sends out it's entire fleet, which it seems to have accumilated since the start of the campaign and the mega battle commences!

On these occassions, the minor power contains many obselete ships, as it does not appear to update their fleets as frequently as an active human player does, and they appear not to scrap obselete models often. Their fleets simply get bigger and bigger as the campaign progresses, especially if you begin the campaign in 1890. 

To handle such a battle, I tend to draw my fleets into several 'line ahead formations' with the DD's closest to the enemy as a screen and torpedo delivery line, followed by the CL's in the next line, the CA's in the 3rd line and the BB's in the final line (hopefully out of torpedo range).

I tend not to use the builts in-game behaviours like 'screening my capital ships' but rather I tend to concentrate on keeping the lines intact and parallel to the enemy to deliver a broadside and adapt the speed to maintain the four line-ahead formations. In these bigger battles I simply let the AI choose the target and concentrate on keeping the 4 lines intact at the same cruising speed to optimise hit ratio's.

These 'mega-battles' have happened to me previously on a number of occassions, for example when I was playing Japan and India got annoyed and I had to send my fleet into the invasion location to 'sort them out' and also the Ottomans got annoyed with the me as playing as the Italians. I tend to experience at least a couple across a single campaign.

But this has been by far the biggest single fleet engagement that I have experienced!

I do recall it happening to Brother Munro a couple of times and was featured in a number of his campaign video's on You Tube.

It is not that I do not enjoy battles of this size, it is just I wished I had more control on my fleet, rather than battling the software to provide an sembalance of of control given the massive stuttering and slow frame rate. Because if I get it wrong and lose control, I'd risk losing a very substantial part of my global navy!

I also notice that a few destroyers seem to race across the battle field out of control at 'warp speed' (I estimate at 400-500 knots) most likely when they are hit and fall out from the front of the line-ahead formation.

But at least the main body of the fleet and the bigger ships behave, albeit in a very 'stuttering fashion'.

I hope this helps.


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On 12/26/2023 at 9:09 PM, kineu.a.hansen said:

am i the only one who have seen ships with low fuel in each battle

I'm seeing ships with Low Fuel, that are close to friendly ports, a lot lately.

Also seeing ships with zero ammo of any kind in battle (both mine and enemy ships), that have not taken a single hit. One of my BB's in a recent battle scored a couple hits early in a battle, then just quit firing; I checked and found it to have no ammo for any gun or torpedoes, saying "Out of Ammo" for everything. The ship had not been hit, as it showed no hits taken; and the overall damage summary ar the upper right corner of the battle screen, showed the enemy ships had yet to make any hits.

And I'm seeing ships in battle (both mine and enemy ships) with large blacked out wedges radiating out from them. This makes the In Battle screen displays very difficult to use.

I'm constantly sending Bug Reports on all three of these issues.

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  • Nick Thomadis changed the title to >>>v1.4 Feedback<<< ( latest version)

Hello everyone and wishes for happy celebrations during the New Year's Eve! We want to inform you that  we just deployed a new update. Additionally, we offer for the first time the ability to switch to a previous stable version of the game easily. Get informed here:

Optimization Update v1.4.1.0

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Very nice

ai_difficulty_hard_tech_multiplier,1.25,modifier of AI GDP in Hard Difficulty Mode,,,,,,,
ai_difficulty_legendary_tech_multiplier,1.33,modifier of AI GDP in Legendary Difficulty Mode,,,,,,,

Happy new years to the team!

Edited by MDHansen
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Question: For technologies such as "Improved tripple turrets" do i have to refit my ships for that to improve the turrets or will it be active for all ships that have tripple turrets as soon as it has been researched?

Generally speaking, how do i know what tech will be available to all ships immediately and what tech will require a refit? (Aside from tech that concerns things i have to select when designing/refitting the ship, obviously, like engine type.)


Edit: Experimental evidence suggests i need to refit the ships to get the improved tripple turrets.

Edited by Tortenschachtel
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