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>>>v1.3 Feedback<<<(Latest Update: v1.3.9.9 Rx2)

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Soo, after the last update, I'm getting very odd behavior in my campaign.

Around 1905, as German Empire, I still have had no war (and almost no opportunities to capture minor territories except Netherlands in 1891, requiring ~200000 tons, lol), so I decided to escalate things with France a bit (War was almost inevitable at this point anyway though). Since France, GB and USA all have at least twice my GDP and Naval Budget (And every time I look away for a few turns their GDP seems to jump up by huge steps, but that's an old tale by now) and I'm thus behind in crew training and technology, I decide to go for quick colonial conquest along the african coast. 

This works very well for Mauritania, but then the odd behavior started to show. 
While I was invading Senegal, the french sailed a fairly big task group down the coast, engaging my own. I won the battle, but lost most of my screening force. 
After that, the required tonnage for the naval invasion suddenly was way higher than before, like four times as much or something. Since I still had a second task force and readily available reinforcements in the area and the invasion was almost done, this was not a big deal, I still succeeded (also in the next turn I think the requirements halved again) 

The next two turns, USA and then China with whom I had relatively neutral standing joined the war. Probably a result of them forging alliances with each other, but still felt a bit weird. Maybe some sort of text popup like "Due to their new alliance, NATION joined the side of your enemy in the ongoing war" or something would help to keep you informed whats going on. 

For the time being I decided to ignore them unless they mobilise task forces against me and just take French Guinea. In the naval invasion screen, a required tonnage of around 23000 was displayed. But as soon as the invasion started, the requirements started to WILDLY jump around, sometimes even during the same turn, just when I ordered a new ship or something. When I reload the save now, I'm sitting at 700000 tons (!) requirement.

Also, France is constantly starting land invasions against provinces with obviously stronger forces, fails them, then immediatly starts them again while my government refuses to launch any kind of counter offensive. 

Granted, it's an "old" campaign file, started a few days ago, but updates shouldn't break running campaigns every time anyway.

I do have multiple saves (1 before the war, one before the really odd behavior started or at least right at the point where it started and the current state) to send bug reports from if that helps. 


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7 minutes ago, ColonelZoom said:

Soo, after the last update, I'm getting very odd behavior in my campaign.

Around 1905, as German Empire, I still have had no war (and almost no opportunities to capture minor territories except Netherlands in 1891, requiring ~200000 tons, lol), so I decided to escalate things with France a bit (War was almost inevitable at this point anyway though). Since France, GB and USA all have at least twice my GDP and Naval Budget (And every time I look away for a few turns their GDP seems to jump up by huge steps, but that's an old tale by now) and I'm thus behind in crew training and technology, I decide to go for quick colonial conquest along the african coast. 

This works very well for Mauritania, but then the odd behavior started to show. 
While I was invading Senegal, the french sailed a fairly big task group down the coast, engaging my own. I won the battle, but lost most of my screening force. 
After that, the required tonnage for the naval invasion suddenly was way higher than before, like four times as much or something. Since I still had a second task force and readily available reinforcements in the area and the invasion was almost done, this was not a big deal, I still succeeded (also in the next turn I think the requirements halved again) 

The next two turns, USA and then China with whom I had relatively neutral standing joined the war. Probably a result of them forging alliances with each other, but still felt a bit weird. Maybe some sort of text popup like "Due to their new alliance, NATION joined the side of your enemy in the ongoing war" or something would help to keep you informed whats going on. 

For the time being I decided to ignore them unless they mobilise task forces against me and just take French Guinea. In the naval invasion screen, a required tonnage of around 23000 was displayed. But as soon as the invasion started, the requirements started to WILDLY jump around, sometimes even during the same turn, just when I ordered a new ship or something. When I reload the save now, I'm sitting at 700000 tons (!) requirement.

Also, France is constantly starting land invasions against provinces with obviously stronger forces, fails them, then immediatly starts them again while my government refuses to launch any kind of counter offensive. 

Granted, it's an "old" campaign file, started a few days ago, but updates shouldn't break running campaigns every time anyway.

I do have multiple saves (1 before the war, one before the really odd behavior started or at least right at the point where it started and the current state) to send bug reports from if that helps. 


We fixed yesterday this problem of required tonnage not updating properly but it will function only in new invasion instances. Please check in new invasions if the problem persists.

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11 minutes ago, Nick Thomadis said:

We fixed yesterday this problem of required tonnage not updating properly but it will function only in new invasion instances. Please check in new invasions if the problem persists.

I started the invasion in question tonight (around 01:00 CEST) with patch 1.3.9. R already installed. So unless I'm confusing the version numbers or there was another minor patch since then, this should be a "new" invasion. 

I'll definitely check later today if I still have the problem with a further invasion though.

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@Nick ThomadisUpdate:

So after I somehow managed to have 2 simultaneous naval invasions of French Guinea going, with the bug persisting for the second one, I decided to let them both end and switch to Ivory Coast. 

Selection Screen showed 34,313t.
Invasion started with 198,805t.
I played a convoy defense mission (Victory, all enemies sunk without losses on my side): 363,298t.
I used auto resolve for the next defense mission: No changes. 
I played an ambush mission (Draw, avoided the enemy): 527,791t. 
Next turn: Back to 363,298t. 
Ordering a new ship, designing a new ship, changing research priorities, improving relations with another nations all had no effect.

So, the bug seems to persist for new instances of invasions and seems to somehow be tied to manual battles. Whenever i do a battle, the number just rises. In turns without engagement, the number sinks back to 363,298t, but not below that. 

Also sent an ingame bug report with a short summary of this problem. Bild_2023-06-20_170351745.png.22df055e5d81acb5121f4d7a1e58c9be.png




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18 minutes ago, ColonelZoom said:

@Nick ThomadisUpdate:

So after I somehow managed to have 2 simultaneous naval invasions of French Guinea going, with the bug persisting for the second one, I decided to let them both end and switch to Ivory Coast. 

Selection Screen showed 34,313t.
Invasion started with 198,805t.
I played a convoy defense mission (Victory, all enemies sunk without losses on my side): 363,298t.
I used auto resolve for the next defense mission: No changes. 
I played an ambush mission (Draw, avoided the enemy): 527,791t. 
Next turn: Back to 363,298t. 
Ordering a new ship, designing a new ship, changing research priorities, improving relations with another nations all had no effect.

So, the bug seems to persist for new instances of invasions and seems to somehow be tied to manual battles. Whenever i do a battle, the number just rises. In turns without engagement, the number sinks back to 363,298t, but not below that. 

Also sent an ingame bug report with a short summary of this problem. Bild_2023-06-20_170351745.png.22df055e5d81acb5121f4d7a1e58c9be.png




New repair arriving soon.

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I just rage quit my latest french campaign.

Spend half a decade at war with china. Sink a ridiculous amount of its pocketBB swarm. Army starts an invasion on southern china. Yes finally! But wait USA joins on chinas side, brings in italy too. Now my army starts losing the war. Also USA has biggest fleet in the world, Italy no pushover either. I ally with britain and Japan to offset this. Continue to wreck the chinese, USA, Italy fleets but suddenly britain drops out of the war and army invasions (now with some attacks on italian colonies) kinda stall again. 

After another wrecked fleet USA wants peace. Great! But I only get one tiny colony of the 3 I asked for. Oh well, at least I got something.

But now italy is also out of the war WITHOUT any message or rewards for me who is the clear winner. Army invasions are gone. Booo!

Anyway, war with Chinese continues. I keep killing ships, land invasion slowly ticks up to 89% and up. Next turn Japan makes peace with chinese, and BAM my war is just gone, no message. No rewards, 6 years of war and hundreds of thousands of victory points just gone up in smoke. Would have only been about 2 turns before I had southern China as well. 

It wasn't even that I was fighting Japans war and they decided to stop. NO, it had been my war from the start, going for years before japan even allied me!

This just sucks so much. So many hours fighting this war and it's all for nothing. Just hello kittying down the drain.

Why would I even play a campaign if this is how shit goes?

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3 minutes ago, Knobby said:

Next turn Japan makes peace with chinese, and BAM my war is just gone, no message. No rewards, 6 years of war and hundreds of thousands of victory points just gone up in smoke. Would have only been about 2 turns before I had southern China as well. 

I had the same thing happening to me a few weeks ago. I hope you still have the save file for the devs to look at.

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Current bugs/issues that are Irritating me are that at least half of the conquests I'm prompted with fail to pop up on the map after i hit yes, as if i had hit no.

Also every time an ally makes peace with a common enemy, the war ends abruptly and you receive no spoils. Just a notification that your enemy and your ally have negotiated peace, and when you check your politics tab relations have been reset with no actual resolution. Half the time an ally who chooses to end the war on my behalf, will also break the alliance with me, changing everything about the circumstances I'm in between turns, with the most minimal notifications to me, and no way for me to have any agency in that situation.

That whole system needs a rework. like a war counsel popup at the start of a new month with a list of options you can choose. Here you could decide to join in a war, enter peace negotiations together, or if there are fundamental disagreements you can choose to break alliances and continue a war on your own. Dozens of other things could be done in a mechanic like that.

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France with its 13 billion GDP all but canceled out by it's huge peace time navy causing a -$10billion naval budget deficit is about to collapse them. Can the AI place them all at limited status, mothball or scrap some of these ships in an effort to preserve itself?

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7 minutes ago, Zuikaku said:

SI builds overly sized fleets it can not support. Are there not any limitations that are dependant on GDP?

well, there is this
ai_ship_gdp_ratio,40000,"threshold that makes AI to stop building ships. As we enlarge, the AI will stop building ships sooner in relation to GDP/Tonnage.",,,,,,,

I played around with it some time ago, and was actually gonna have a go at it again

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Britain hopes building more battleships will stimulate their economy. A bold strategy, I'm sure it will work.

They had been at -20% annual GDP growth for years at this point, and it actually improved to -10% when they went to war with me. With -47 billion in the bank, I wonder why they haven't dissolved yet...

2023-06-20 22-07-20.mp4_snapshot_00.01.20_[2023.06.21_06.36.09].jpg

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Invasion tonnage issue still happening I started an invasion with 492k ton requirement on the next turn it jumped to 1.4 million ton requirement. My whole navy in 1917 only has 800k tons and that's with 182 ships this is ridiculous as it as happened on 3 invasions prior to this. Bug report submitted but its still frustrating because to get high tonnage in the early 1900s is hard without more than a couple hundred ships and 50% at least being battleships and that gets hard to manage.

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Uploaded Repaired Version x2 including the following:
- Fixed required tonnage of Invasions not updating correctly (Definite fix).
- Fixed issue which could make camera to freeze in ship design environment of campaign.
- Aiming mechanics' refactoring, fixes of issues.
- Fixed allied ships staying for too much time in their allies' ports.
- Fixed minor allies not refueling and re-arming properly (So they could be very weak in late battles and retreat always).
- Fixed some tech issues (2x hull techs that did not have bonuses if no hull was available for a nation, a 1100 tonnage DD becoming obsolete in wrong year).
- Improved part placement snapping. 

Please restart Steam to download the update fast.

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AI running away at the start of the battle was not adressed?

Oil fired ships still do not get all the bonuses oil provided. Compared to coal fired ships, they needed only 1/3 of boiler crew. In the game that woul'd mean reduction of hull crew required by 30% at least.

Edited by Zuikaku
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SUGGESTION - i think supply of OIL should also depend on status of trade fleet. As Oil could be bought from others and then transported home. Controlling Oil resource should be still important, but at the other side, If country has plenty of TRs, it should get a bit of a bonus to its oil input that way.. It would also made losing TRs more problematic even for countries with Oil available from colonies as having healthy trade fleet would be even more important.

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