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>>>v1.3 Feedback<<<(Latest Update: v1.3.9.9 Rx2)

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Playing new US campaign and, while exiting to world, the screen went white. Trying to post a screenshot but steam won't let me view it. All kinds of bugs today. I blame those dirty Canadian hippies.

Yes, had to exit and reload to clear it.

Edit: The white screen I'm referring to was in the view of the world. You could see everything, just everything suddenly changed from colorful map...blue water, highlighted borders etc...to a bright white. Thought I would clarify that.

Edited by Admiral Donuts
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@Nick Thomadis please do something about these missions when AI ships run away as soon as mission starts. Got bunch of Cl vs. Cl mission where AI simply run away before making contact. Both mine and AI CLs were of the same tech and roughly the same (100-200 tonnes of difference) tonnage. It is extremely annoying and time consuming.

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2 hours ago, Zuikaku said:

@Nick Thomadis please do something about these missions when AI ships run away as soon as mission starts. Got bunch of Cl vs. Cl mission where AI simply run away before making contact. Both mine and AI CLs were of the same tech and roughly the same (100-200 tonnes of difference) tonnage. It is extremely annoying and time consuming.

True. Determine if they desire to run, and let them withdraw before battle.

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-Bug report-

  • Magnet bug. It is in game forever, I think? Never fixed and always ruining the experience in the battlefield. Pick any division and sail at a 90-degree angle towards or away from the enemy to see the bug in action.
  • Range found spikes still in game.
  • Medium and big caliber guns not working, issue. Probably related to smaller guns, better ROF when in action. Disable the secondaries to fix the issue. A CPU bottleneck issue? Never fixed.
  • Torpedoes not working without any reason.
  • An ally made a peace treaty with the enemy. Because of this, my war ended. The war was initiated by my government. The ally that ended the war only assign an alliance treaty with my government after the war started. Because of this, not only the war ended, I also didn't get my war reparations. I didn't get any warning about the war ended.


These are major issues that are ruining the gameplay experience for the players.

With the game development coming to an end in the next months, I am really concern this issues will never be fixed.

Edited by o Barão
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5 hours ago, Zuikaku said:

@Nick Thomadis please do something about these missions when AI ships run away as soon as mission starts. Got bunch of Cl vs. Cl mission where AI simply run away before making contact. Both mine and AI CLs were of the same tech and roughly the same (100-200 tonnes of difference) tonnage. It is extremely annoying and time consuming.

These "missions" really make the game no fun.


Likewise, when I have a mission of DDs vs CA/BB, etc, where I hit withdraw and get a failure where I have a clear speed advantage.  So, I have to spend several minutes withdrawing manually.  If I have a speed advantage, I should be able to withdraw every time.

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Uploaded Repaired version including the following:
- Improved the mission generation system so that the decisions to invade lesser nations take into consideration the relations with major nations. An invasion will be decided only if the county has no major ally or if the relations with a major nation are near war or at war. This improvement addresses the temporary problem of too frequent wars, happening just because major nations invaded minor allies of other major nations, causing instant decrease of the relations to the minimum level. A campaign restart is necessary to notice these changes more evidently. 
- Fine tunings to tension and relations adjustments between major nations, to balance the system further.
- Submarines have now even more effect in raiding transports (auto-attacks per month). Combat against submarines will utilize with more importance the ASW of ships and the stealth of submarines.
- Ship fuel replenishment is now more affected from nearby supply ports. Sending your fleets to unsupported sea regions should be suicidal.
- Power projection matters more in the generation of invasion missions against minors. By sending a large fleet in a sea zone, you will make it more probable an event to conquer a smaller nation.
- Fixed bug causing a dissolved nation to not disappear in the next turn, and still fight.
- Fixed decor parts not interacting with obstacles in some cases (for example, casemate doors to not disappear when we add a gun).
- Some UI minor fixes.
- Other minor improvements.

Please restart Steam to download the update fast.

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Crew pool is how many crew they have to spare, not in ships. So with that many ships in service it makes sense for them to not have that many left over.

It does mean they will have problems crewing any new ships they build though, and if they have that many in service it typically also means they're not scrapping much and a large part of their navy is horribly outdated. Which is a problem.

Doing them a "favor" by sinking a lot of ships in battle (not hard, especially if their ships are old and outdated) does help though.

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Question, since the search feature is not working.

How do you rebuild (upgrade) existing ships?

It would sure be nice to have a "How To" section on this forum.

Finally, it would be nice to be able to sell old ships to your minor nation allies. This was historically done, so why not here?

Edited by Gregg
spelling correction
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18 hours ago, Admiral Donuts said:

And, crash to desktop at turn change.

Bah, don't bother investigating this. I hadn't updated steam so no screenshots and a lot of CTDs in other games as well. Rebooted the puter and hopefully it will all clear up now.

edit - yes the problem has cleared.

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5 hours ago, Gregg said:

How do you rebuild (upgrade) existing ships?

Finally, it would be nice to be able to sell old ships to your minor nation allies. This was historically done, so why not here?

Refit: Click "View" on one of your ship designs in the Ship Design tab, along the top of the screen is a Wrench-like icon. Click it, you are now designing a refit-design. Once done, save it. Back into your Ship Design-tab, you now have a refit available, click it and select which ships of that class you want to have refit. Only ships that are in port and not being repaired can be refit. I hope that made sense.

Selling old ships: You can do that. Mothball the old ships you want to sell (mothball = move the Crew slider to 0 in the fleet tab), and next turn one of your allies might offer to buy it. The price they offer to pay is usually around half of the original value. Some times more, some times less.

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Semi-Armored Cruiser - gun placement is very bad - there is no obstacle around, but gun line of sight is still showing as obstructed:




Game it seems simply assumes Tower will be always placed in that place:



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This is just ridiculous.. 103 TBs in a fleet... guess what will happen - they run away, but it takes time.. and while its happening, game runs 15 FPS due to all those small ships somewhere...


There needs to be a limit how many ships AI can have in a fleet, especially because Game itself cannot handle 100 AI ships at once.. just find the limit (im guessing around 50) and dont allow more ships at once in battle



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2 hours ago, JaM said:

This is just ridiculous.. 103 TBs in a fleet... guess what will happen - they run away, but it takes time.. and while its happening, game runs 15 FPS due to all those small ships somewhere...


There needs to be a limit how many ships AI can have in a fleet, especially because Game itself cannot handle 100 AI ships at once.. just find the limit (im guessing around 50) and dont allow more ships at once in battle



You absolutely right, limitation of maximum number of ships in the battle is needed.

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5 minutes ago, Lima said:

Have now, am I right?

Yes, thanks, corrected.

21 hours ago, o Barão said:

-Bug report-

  • Magnet bug. It is in game forever, I think? Never fixed and always ruining the experience in the battlefield. Pick any division and sail at a 90-degree angle towards or away from the enemy to see the bug in action.
  • Range found spikes still in game.
  • Medium and big caliber guns not working, issue. Probably related to smaller guns, better ROF when in action. Disable the secondaries to fix the issue. A CPU bottleneck issue? Never fixed.
  • Torpedoes not working without any reason.
  • An ally made a peace treaty with the enemy. Because of this, my war ended. The war was initiated by my government. The ally that ended the war only assign an alliance treaty with my government after the war started. Because of this, not only the war ended, I also didn't get my war reparations. I didn't get any warning about the war ended.


These are major issues that are ruining the gameplay experience for the players.

With the game development coming to an end in the next months, I am really concern this issues will never be fixed.

  • Magnet bug? Sorry i do not know this :)
  • That is expected, they can happen when range has been found with increased accuracy and can lead to many shots actually finding the target. Without those moments, you just sail forward in fast forward speed with expected result, without the need to evade shots from your enemy. 
  • I know you are very experienced in the game, so I cannot suggest the known tips (aggressive mode, go closer to target because guns may not be in range, or UI delay not showing temporary problem of guns not rotating fast enough or not able to fire due to pitch/roll etc.) but any bug such as this, if it exists, must be very rare, because it is not reproduced in any tested case. Maybe it is something peculiar related to a specific design or some modded aspects.
  • Again, the same, there are reasons: friendly fire (if you encircle enemy and there is friendly on the other side, too close), heavy weather and pitch/roll, non-aggressive mode etc.
  • The last is something very peculiar and rare. If you have a save with such a problem it would help to have a bug report.


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One thing i wanted to say, is there a way to add a preview of how bad recoil is going to be on a hull? I built a modern BB with 3x3 mk2 16"/50 guns and whenever they fire the accuracy drops to almost zero even at close ranges because recoil causes a -120% debuff in accuracy.
I'm not saying it's unrealistic or bad, but i'd like to know if there can be any way to understand how much recoil there will be while building a ship and what it depends on. Like, does the mk of a gun matter? Does the length? Does the round velocity and weight? It would be useful to know.

Edited by Aurora
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17 hours ago, Nick Thomadis said:

Uploaded Repaired version including the following:
- Improved the mission generation system so that the decisions to invade lesser nations take into consideration the relations with major nations. An invasion will be decided only if the county has no major ally or if the relations with a major nation are near war or at war. This improvement addresses the temporary problem of too frequent wars, happening just because major nations invaded minor allies of other major nations, causing instant decrease of the relations to the minimum level. A campaign restart is necessary to notice these changes more evidently. 

As I understand it, this improvement does not affect the chances of choosing a minor country for an attack?

So I was very interested in the possibility of attacking your enemy's minor allies. This thing can really improve gameplay, colony warfare is what empires are for.

I tried this feature on an old campaign where I, Austria, attacked Britain, Britain has allies - Romania and Greece. For 10 turns, there was no ground attack on them, although there were battles with their fleet. 

Then I tried the new campaign in the scenario of Germany vs Britan + Belgium. It Also didn't work. And I parked more than half of my fleet near their shores - there is no naval invasion.

However, in both cases there was an offer to attack some ungoverned territory almost every turn, which is cool, but at the moment I am at war with a major player and I would like to solve strategic problems.

I still would like to see the ability to manually select a minor country to attack (guys get your asses to Iraq and take that damn oil). But if the government regularly chose a minor ally of the enemy to attack, say after 2-3 turns after the start of the war, this would be a good substitute to a manual country selection.

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