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A new nation emerges


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Just thought I'd show something I threw together. All basics, but it works. Still some details to flesh out. Don't mind the insane negative fund, I got a $ error on crew 😝

For testing purposes I'm only using USA hulls and generic guns




Edited by MDHansen
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Well, it works. Not replacing any other major nation, just "promoting" Norway.

Now, I have two issues, and they ain't small either, though not breaking.


1. The flag. I just can't get it to appear. It is using the neutral minor flag with a ? inside, on map and in battle.

2. And probably somewhat connected to 1; Even if South/North Norway is set as home region, the game still treats it as colony. So initially in a new game, you have no standing army since you don't have a home population, and no crew pool. As soon as you conquer a new region you will have home population and an army, BUT, your home region is still considered colony and the new land is considered home.

EDIT: overlay colour stays in neutral colour aswell

If anyone have some ideas do let me know :D


Files I've edited within resources.assets :










I've also added to resources.assets

player-norway (type Material), but as far as I can tell it works fine without it

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There was a lot of text to tweak and add in the resource files. I do believe, however, that this is as far as I can get without some tools. There are files I can't just copy and change their names, since they have corresponding "containers" and I can't open them properly, nor make new files properly. And therein lies the problem I have with home region and flag

I got to add though that I am no experienced modder at all

Edited by MDHansen
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Does the nation work in custom battle? Do you see the flag in the selector? You wrote that its not visible in most parts. This would allow at least some fun experiments there too.

Edited by Astor
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totally forgot to check custom battle. Works a charm! Flag works in shipyard AND battle!

EDIT: well, just noticed the stern flag is white, but isn't that a vanilla bug?





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this is a valid question. I have edited the nation name, government and ruling party. but havent found a way to tie the different governments and parties to the nation, should it ever change. I was kind of assuming it would be a natural way of the game as things happens... hmm

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  • 5 months later...

I am picking this up again. And I was hoping @Nick Thomadis could offer me an answer.

With the current tools and means we have to edit the files, is it at all possible to add a new major nation? (not replace a major, but new, like f.ex. Norway or Ottomans)

I have the same issues I had 6 months ago. I can add in a new nation as Major and it mostly works, except
1) Flag on the Map (in the resource.assets file, other majors have several "flag" entities, wich I can't add to for a minor/medium nation)
2) Home regions doesnt recognize population and armies (it is done correctly in provinces-assets)
3) Crew doesn't work, because of 2)

-I can "fix" crew through the savefile, but it won't increase. Again, because of 2

Edited by MDHansen
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Well, this is exciting.

Can you force events? If you can, can you force a conquest event? Again, if you can, you can force a conquest of a home region at the beginning of the first turn and solve the pop/crew problem immediately, so long as your new major has at least two regions.

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  • 6 months later...

May I ask what specific content you have edited in the files? I am also trying to add a new nation, but all I get is the result of getting stuck in the loading interface.

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May I ask what specific content you have edited in the files? I am also trying to add a new nation, but all I get is the result of getting stuck in the loading screen.

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Posted (edited)


aiAdmirals - follow the setup of the other nations
aiPersonalities - make a new personality (this strictly isnt needed as you can use one of the other majors)
partModels - either make a new set, or just use another nation (e.g. gun_16_x1_italy, newnationname)
parts - same as partModels (e.g. bb_7_bismarck,,hull,Super Battleship II,,-1,-1,2.33,1250,bismarck_hull_a,1.4,,,germany, newnationame,)
players - use the setup for the major nations when promoting the minor
provinces - add home nation to your country
relationMatrix - follow the setup in the file
shipNames - follow the setup of the other nations

Saying this. at the moment we can't add new home territory, because it is hardcoded, confirmed by Nick in my thread here 

I also highly suggest using MelonLoader and UnityExplorer when modding, as you get a live log on what's going on when you start the game.
However, there is a log in C:\Users\"name"\AppData\LocalLow\Game Labs\Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts\Player.txt / Player-prev.txt

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
On 5/14/2024 at 7:05 PM, t5cy said:

It still doesn't work. I tried to do this test in Malaysia, and used AssetBundleExtractor to unpack and edit.




I can see your relations matrix is incomplete @t5cy. You have yo add

,0;0;0;0;0;0;            (or what ever numbers you wish to use)

after each of the rows to increase relations of your qustom nation with each other nation.

Edited by HMS Implosive
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