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>>>Beta v1.3 Feedback<<<(Released)

Nick Thomadis

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3 minutes ago, o Barão said:

Not working.


  • Stormy weather.
  • 40 knots max speed.
  • Ship doing 39.5 knots
  • Ship motion is the same as calm sea.

Ship motion and top speed gradually reduce after a change of weather condition. At least for now, the battles do not start initially with maximized motion effects due to unfavorable animation jitters. Please notice how much those will be affected after some minutes of gameplay.

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The stormy weather works, but now it's pretty much impossible to notice enemies torpedoes at latewar tech and dodging it with heavier ships as the torpedo warning sign dissapear after a while. 


It seems like the text is wrong. 

Edited by Vinrellren
It seems that I misunderstood.
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17 minutes ago, Nick Thomadis said:

.... do not start initially with maximized motion effects due to unfavorable animation jitters. Please notice how much those will be affected after some minutes of gameplay.

Ah, I see. Tested and working.👍

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Russian port of Magadan is in a province with no name according to the province borders.  Hovering the mouse over the port falsely lists the port as part of Siberian Russia, which is next to the no name province.

Edited by Suribachi
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2 hours ago, Nick Thomadis said:

Beta Update v1.3 "Build 3"
- Province borders with color highlight have been finalized. You can find a new button on the top right corner which allows you to toggle on/off the color highlight according to province ownership, which helps to monitor your territory possessions.
- Balance overhaul for accuracy and visibility according to the new weather system. Please note that the fog visuals will be improved so that ship control is easier at maximum zoom out level.
- Ship motion due to waves further improved to provide an even more realistic experience. The maximum designed speed will be possible only in very calm waters, because the large tides will reduce the ship's top speed and acceleration accordingly.
- Added back the manual rudder control. Players will still have to steer carefully because in large formations a full rudder could cause unwanted circular movements for all ships.
- Disabled the common alliance mechanic, which caused too frequent world wars.
- Oil, Rebellion and Major Offensive flag icons are now properly scaling according to map zoom level.
- Various bugs of the UI have been fixed.
- Fixed major bug of the auto-deesign (temporary of the beta build) which caused late tech CL to not be buildable.
- Auto-Design optimizations.
- Battle AI optimizations.
- Various other small bug fixes.


Thank you for the hard work Nick!

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48 minutes ago, Suribachi said:

Russian port of Magadan is in a province with no name according to the province borders.  Hovering the mouse over the port falsely lists the port as part of Siberian Russia, which is next to the no name province.

hm. This shows correct for me

ignore my bad eyes! Yes, this shows as Siberian Russia on the info popup. Searegion is correct

Edited by MDHansen
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Thanks for the updates it is needed especially with the alliance war issue. But has the Victory points issue been dealt with? I have never gotten a major victory even with 35k VP and they have 3k it is still a minor victory. Not to mention half the time I don't even get enough reparations' to make the war even worth the time I spent battling it. During my 4 year war I got 35k in VP and they had 3K I was awarded about $198,000,000 not even close to enough for a territory and just enough for one of their old battleships. I reduced their fleet from 109 ships to just 8 using my 54 ships, something just does not seem right.

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Noticed that if you mouse over Hawaii, Maine shows highlighted.


2 things in this picture, Prussia shows owned by Russia here wile Germany still posses it, and Shetland shows as part of Scotland, even after Germany naval invasioned it. The color coding shows that i captured all of Scotland, when the British still clearly hold those British isle ports.


Feedback on the weather, even clear and sunny gives massive debuffes, what happened to the minor bonuses? In really bad weather, accuracy can be essentially reduced to 0, if the weather was that bad these battles shouldn't even be prompted in the first place. Battles should start with weather in reasonably good condition, otherwise the 2 fleets never should have had spotted each other to begin with. Weather should only be able to turn really bad part way through a battle.

The incredibly dense fog from some weathers totally obscuring everything should not include UI elements, like the doted heading line, green arrows, or torpedoes that have been spotted. I would assume there are dozens of crewmen watching all spotted torpedoes like a hawk, as a result the player should see these highly illuminated regardless of weather.


Naval prestige should be able to be used as an influence currency, sure we are not the nation's benevolent dictator, just the grand admiral, but if i wanted to burn 250 naval prestige to strongly suggest something, that should be the mechanism for how i do that. Im sort of tired of plying campaigns were i see my nation sit idle when it could be gobbling up neutral territory. Like i could suggest an invasion of some unclaimed African, middle east or south east Asia territory we have a colonial land boarder with, or naval invade anything anywhere else on the map.

building off of that naval prestige idea, maybe we could even set the nation's basic ambitions on the new campaign screen. Something like this

world conquering lunatic- will invade minor neighbors constantly

isolationist- doesn't look for trouble, doesn't accept alliances lightly and only short term as necessary

internationalists- Want to be part of huge global alliances long term, prone to instigating conflicts, thinks they are morally superior to world conquering lunatics


Edited by Fangoriously
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Amount of time I got a battle at evening/night with an overcast/stormy weather is just infuriating. Night got -30% acc, with stormy weather that's -10/15%. Even with RADAR, I will think that the ships would rather disengage than attacking in middle of the evening while there is a storm in the AO.

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Its nice to see the improvements but I cant be the only person to notice this game takes 1 step forward and 2 steps back. Every time a new release is put out that fixes 5 problems 10 more show up. Its just kind of annoying really because its a great game but the bugs keep compounding making for a frustrating gaming experience.

Edited by Kiknurazz91
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9 minutes ago, Kiknurazz91 said:

Its nice to see the improvements but I cant be the only person to notice this game takes 1 step forward and 2 steps back. Every time a new release is put out that fixes 5 problems 10 more show up. Its just kind of annoying really because its a great game but the bugs keep compounding making for a frustrating gaming experience.

Can you please elaborate? What are the 2 steps back exactly?

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14 minutes ago, Nick Thomadis said:

Can you please elaborate? What are the 2 steps back exactly?

As I stated in the post as an example 5 problems fixed and 10 more show up. Sure fixing/changing features is great and it's welcome (especially the alliance issue), adding new stuff awesome (border and territory colors was awesome), but the bugs make gameplay frustrating and it seems like more and more keep popping up with each update which is to be expected sure but it does get frustrating.

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Обычно я критикую разработчиков за необоснованные ожидания, но это обновление меня очень порадовало! Разноцветная карта - это супер! Теперь игра действительно похожа на стратегию. Погода, которую здесь много раз ругали, тоже супер! Ночное небо со звездами, смена дня и ночи, закаты - все это великолепно! Вы еще и русский добавили! Однако машинный перевод — это не локализация. Но начало положено, и я верю, что и это будет завершено. Я уже хотел отказаться от игры (это не шутка - я играю в нее, кажется, 4 года!), но теперь я снова вижу, что игра супер!

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Still not understandable what exactly you mean for several.

An example of something not understandable:

On 4/16/2023 at 4:53 AM, Kiknurazz91 said:

In custom battle when selecting the option of having a BC it doesnt let you choose a BC hull only BB hulls


The game already for years, does not allow to have a BC unless the technology is available. For example, you cannot have  a BC in 1890 year. Yet you consider this a bug and step backwards? Anyways, hope you like the beta overall.

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3 minutes ago, Nick Thomadis said:

Still not understandable what exactly you mean for several.

An example of something not understandable:

The game already for years, does not allow to have a BC unless the technology is available. For example, you cannot have  a BC in 1890 year. Yet you consider this a bug and step backwards? Anyways, hope you like the beta overall.

No I'm well aware certain years only have certain ship types available. As Japan in 1940 on custom battle I chose 1 BB and 1 BC when I went to design the BC it would only let me select BB hulls and not the BC hulls. I have not been on to see if it has been fixed so yes this was a bug.

Edited by Kiknurazz91
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21 minutes ago, Kiknurazz91 said:

No I'm well aware certain years only have certain ship types available. As Japan in 1940 on custom battle I chose 1 BB and 1 BC when I went to design the BC it would only let me select BB hulls and not the BC hulls. I have not been on to see if it has been fixed so yes this was a bug.

There is no bug here. Click on these icons to switch between ship types in a custom battle.


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Just now, Lima said:

There is no bug here. Click on these icons to switch between ship types in a custom battle.


That is what I did but it still didn't work it must have just been a glitch with my game at that moment I'll double check when I get home from work. I know how to use the ship design and play this game I spend more time on ship design than the game itself.

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1 hour ago, Kiknurazz91 said:

That is what I did but it still didn't work it must have just been a glitch with my game at that moment I'll double check when I get home from work. I know how to use the ship design and play this game I spend more time on ship design than the game itself.

In this case, this is some very specific problem, because I have never experienced it, and as you can see in the current case (Japan 1940), it also does not exist for me.

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