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>>>Beta v1.3 Feedback<<<(Released)

Nick Thomadis

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And now I've reached the point of save-scumming any time I get a night battle.  The issue with enemy ships having cloaking technology has only gotten worse.

Just lost an entire group of 4 destroyers, torpedoed by enemy destroyers whom they never even saw.  Nevermind that my tech is more advanced, I have the best towers available, and by all rights should see the enemy before they see me.  Nevermind that the enemy is significantly behind me in tech including things like torpedo range.  None of it matters.  The enemy always sees me first, always attacks first.

So, can't invade since its a bloodbath no matter how badly I out match the enemy.
And now I'm having to reload until I get something that's not a night or storm battle (which means I have to reload nine or ten times just to have a battle.)

I swear.  I've been PC gaming since the days of Das Boot, and I have never seen such general incompetence, poor design, and absolute refusal to address long-standing issues as I have in this game.

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2 hours ago, Urst said:

Skill issue. My GDP as Germany is 53 and þe only two larger are þe British at 56 and þe U.S. at 63. (As of 1906)
Try conquering more of Africa. Oh, wait, we're not allowed to even suggest þat þe army should consider looking at invading anywhere!

Let us, as Admiral, suggest to þe army's leadership þat þey should try to invade certain places, giving a bonus to þe chance if a naval invasion of þe province would be possible.

Damn, I wish we can told the army where to invade. They stupidly attack areas where the navy could not help.

Yes, early gameplay (Up until 1910s) I can still compete against Americans and Brits in GDP. The problem is that, I conquered all of Russia and half of Japan even half of Africa (thanks France)but even Japan still have a higher GDP than I do. Year is 1939 and I only hover around 200 billion, while US is on 5.7 Trillion (that's like 1990s IRL GDP), the Brits is at 4T (Current UK GDP).

Edited by Vinrellren
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Both started in the evening and massive debuff on accuracy



I had to turn off avoid torpedo button because, what the heck are the other ships did? They all ran away from the lead division because of what? Torpedoes that missed them a while ago?


Maybe a torpedo wake highlight would be a better one? I know torpedoes can spread (as it should) but the warning is just misleading, there are 3 torpedoes that are quite far from the warning sign (one even on the left of my ship) making the warning almost useless, especially if battles in this pitch black night. I can only see a torpedo wake around 0.5km from my ships making it quite impossible to dodge with a large ship.

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Start at 1890, now is 1940 US is at 7.3 Trillion (IRL 1995 GDP of US), Britain is at 5.4 Trillion (Larger than current UK GDP). Japan with 3 province got 411 Billion, and then there is me with 43 province and 186 Billion. Maybe I should convince the gov to cut the army budget, because why the heck we need 2 million men during peacetime?

Anyway, quite a good change for this build (1.3 BETA B4). The introduction of dynamic weather is a good one, one step forward, sadly the step is not that firm. I definetly not going to endure the suffering again though, until the torpedoes and the almost guarantee evening night battle are gone. Economy is still a bit wonky (but this is an old issue, not specific to this version only). Hoping good changes before this became a stable release! Keep it up devs!

Edited by Vinrellren
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Played 27 years starting in 1890 as Germany and am just furious now. Land invasions are just ******. In a war against France I have 10x the victory points, but my army with every budget at 100% all the time (no clue if that even makes a difference) can't as much as defend my home provinces! Btw, the AI only gets Victory Points because I can't be arsed anymore to fight any battle that does not at least feature a BB on my side and that in turn means that the hopeless auto resolve screws me over big time.

Also I am trying to conquer Africa, but a) naval invasions with a massive tonnage plus fail again and again and b) even if I conquer all of Frances' terirtories the loss of their supply ports has zero effect on their land bound forces retaking those territories.

It's all just extremely annoying. All I can do as a player should lead to easy world domination but all these mechanics I can't influence AT ALL screw me over HARD!

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I only started testing this version.

The weather and the night are nice, but I don't like the terrible lack of clarity in night battles during storms. Especially the torpedoes are disastrously visible, but I don't even know where a ship is sailing until I get close to it.

Bugs that I reported several versions ago are still not resolved (FPS drops, leaky parts of hull models, incompatibility of weapons and superstructures, incorrect dodging of torpedoes in formation).

The map overlay is nice! But it has errors East Siberia and Maine are poorly displayed.

The provinces are great, but the layout of the borders is quite out of line with the history. (It would probably be enough to add another depending on how the world was laid out, for example, at the end of the 19th century).

Plus, it boggles my mind why all the ships are sailing like they're listening to Snoop Dogg...


(Sorry for the offensive tone, but I wish such a great game idea had better features).

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53 minutes ago, GronusCZ said:

First that comes to my mind is that ship has a Longitudinal offset by a "1000". None of my ships does that even during the worst storm.

I have no fps drops either. Didn't really have them in 1.2.9 either, cept for occationally in the designer.

Can agree on the ship models dissapearing in the sea though, looks a bit cheap.*

Overlays are being worked on, as devs have said several times


*to be honest, the ship and waves doesn't feel sized to match eachother. Multiply the ship model sizes by x2-3 or something

Edited by MDHansen
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@Nick Thomadis 
The game allready offers the option to turn off the UI in battle, ctrl-alt-shift-z.
Is it possible for you to make it toggleable between ->normal->remove overlay dmg indicators->ui off-> ?

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I am failing every single naval invasion now. 20 out of 20, 10 different ports, 2 tries each. more than twice the tonnage needed

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There is absolutely something wrong with port repair priority.
I just fought a battle in the Baltic Sea against the Italians. Only one of my ships, SMS Kaiser, partook in the battle, and was only superficially damaged. Both Danzig and Pillau are set to Very High repair priority, and Kaiser was also set to Very High repair priority prior to the battle. Naturally, I would expect her to either return to Pillau to get a new coat of paint, or nearby Danzig if the crew wanted to mess with my order of battle a bit.

It would take the fastest ship in my navy ONE WHOLE YEAR to cover this distance, and SMS Kaiser did it over night. The port of Honiara is, of course, set to low repair priority To Prevent This Exact Thing From Happening In The First Place. If anyone in Honiara's local cruiser division is damaged, the port is big enough to provide them with adequate repairs, but this should only happen for battles that take place in that region, for ships stationed in Honiara itself.

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Yes, the automatic return of ships after a battle works very poorly. Can the "fleet" menu indicate the home port of each ship, where it should return?
Or disable this feature, let the player choose the route himself after the battle. Although, this way an extra move will be spent...

Maybe after the battle, ask the player if he wants the ships to go for repairs and where?

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This improvement, in which common alliances are no longer created, is extremely cool, now there are no situations when the world went crazy and started a war against one state, and the campaign has become many times better, thank you very much.

Edited by __Arminius_
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On 4/22/2023 at 2:26 PM, Knobby said:

naval invasions are ridiculous now. 4 times in a row I failed an invasion while I had 9-10 times the needed tonnage.

Also, the actual needed tonnage is about 50% higher than the indicated tonnage in the naval invasion dialog

last naval invasion i tried i had 610,000 tonnage for 28,000 needed. it failed of course...

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17 hours ago, SodaBit said:

There is absolutely something wrong with port repair priority.
I just fought a battle in the Baltic Sea against the Italians. Only one of my ships, SMS Kaiser, partook in the battle, and was only superficially damaged. Both Danzig and Pillau are set to Very High repair priority, and Kaiser was also set to Very High repair priority prior to the battle. Naturally, I would expect her to either return to Pillau to get a new coat of paint, or nearby Danzig if the crew wanted to mess with my order of battle a bit.

It would take the fastest ship in my navy ONE WHOLE YEAR to cover this distance, and SMS Kaiser did it over night. The port of Honiara is, of course, set to low repair priority To Prevent This Exact Thing From Happening In The First Place. If anyone in Honiara's local cruiser division is damaged, the port is big enough to provide them with adequate repairs, but this should only happen for battles that take place in that region, for ships stationed in Honiara itself.

They have said that this should be "fixed" twenty times by now, going back to over a year ago. How many bugs can there be possibly be in the system that determines where ships go back to port? At the very least in your case, the game should choose something in the North Sea, if the Baltic was bugged. But magical teleportation to the Solomon overnight?


Shame on Game Labs for continually resurrecting this ancient issue every other update. I will still refrain from returning. Everything here tells me this is not worth wasting the time to test. It's sad - because at this point the code is likely too top heavy to ever be overhauled to fix the broken, shoestring garbage lurking underneath. I suspect their Stillfront Group mobile game overlords are throttling this project.

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53 minutes ago, Littorio said:

They have said that this should be "fixed" twenty times by now, going back to over a year ago. How many bugs can there be possibly be in the system that determines where ships go back to port? At the very least in your case, the game should choose something in the North Sea, if the Baltic was bugged. But magical teleportation to the Solomon overnight?


Shame on Game Labs for continually resurrecting this ancient issue every other update. I will still refrain from returning. Everything here tells me this is not worth wasting the time to test. It's sad - because at this point the code is likely too top heavy to ever be overhauled to fix the broken, shoestring garbage lurking underneath. I suspect their Stillfront Group mobile game overlords are throttling this project.

This issue is not ressurected, it has never gone away in my experience.🙃

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Beta Update v1.3 "Build 5"
- New models for German late tech guns of large caliber.
- New models for Austro-Hungarian late tech guns of large caliber.
- Chinese guns models updated for the large caliber guns.
- Fixed issues of the new dual barbettes.
- Lowered further the chance for bad weather. Previously the chances for rain and storm were 5.5% and 3.3% respectively. Now it is 3% and 1%, very low chances. If you get too frequent storms  then there must be something not working as expected.
- Ship physics further improvement for more realistic and consistent acceleration.
- Torpedo reliability improved (due to weather, torpedoes would deviate just too often, depending on their technology).
- Battle AI fine tuning.
- Fixed various minor bugs that were reported (thank you).

Please note that the changes on the gun models will surely affect designs and gun fire arcs. If you notice guns to stuck it can be due to this reason so you will need to update your designs or restart your campaigns.


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3 hours ago, Nick Thomadis said:

Beta Update v1.3 "Build 5"
- New models for German late tech guns of large caliber.
- New models for Austro-Hungarian late tech guns of large caliber.
- Chinese guns models updated for the large caliber guns.
- Fixed issues of the new dual barbettes.
- Lower further the chance for bad weather. Previously the chances for rain and storm were 5.5% and 3.3% respectively. Now it is 3% and 1%, very low chances. If you get too frequent storms  then there must be something not working as expected.
- Ship physics further improvement for more realistic and consistent acceleration.
- Torpedo reliability improved (due to weather, torpedoes would deviate just too often, depending on their technology).
- Battle AI fine tuning.
- Fixed various minor bugs that were reported (thank you).

Please note that the changes on the gun models will surely affect designs and gun fire arcs. If you notice guns to stuck it can be due to this reason so you will need to update your designs or restart your campaigns.


Issue with the new barbette is still present after the patchimage.thumb.jpeg.0e611a9d90c9929ab1b556b7669c174e.jpeg

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Well done on rolling out the fixes and tweaking.

Would you consider adding information as to why our ships have reduced speed? A simple "weather" or "damage" etc. Thanks


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As a player, I notice that playing Germany, UK, France and the US. I got a maximum GDP growth (peacetime) of 10.20% yearly, no matter the percentage of convoy (100% or 200%). Well during wartime, half that ofc. So to have the money to maintain a fleet you must be at peace for optimum growth (or will be like my Germany run). The AI will get much higher growth.

So why do I go to war then? No incentive to do so (except prestige, which just a number that go up in the screen and doing nothing else).

If we won the war the war reparation just absolutely small in number, enemy ships? AI ships are so bad that I just do not bother to look at this option.

With war, the poor mechanics of naval invasion and the utter incompetence of our ground forces itself is another thing to avoid.

Wartime harms our GDP growth, so countries that are stuck in long war is pretty much done for (Lagging behind in tech), but interestingly due to AI miraculous economy (or just cheap ships) they still can employ more ships.

To show power projection, maybe?


Anyway, adding content is good. However, I think that there should be a major bugfixes and overhaul (not saying this is easy) before adding the world map in 1.09 because new content would likely make bugfixes harder. Avoid torpedoes still buggy, @SodaBit complain is valid, that bug is so old and countless times announced that it is fixed but it's not..

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