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>>>Beta v1.1 Feedback<<< [RC 6]

Nick Thomadis

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15 minutes ago, Urst said:

So how do I attack minor powers? I've had a fleet set off of both of Mexico's ports for 4 months in "Invade" formation and nothing's happened.

So far, there is no way to choose a minor to attack.

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1 hour ago, Urst said:

So how do I attack minor powers? I've had a fleet set off of both of Mexico's ports for 4 months in "Invade" formation and nothing's happened.

Not yet implemented.  Against a major power, however, as long as you are at war with them, you can invade.  Once at war, and you have 100,000 t of ships in the body of water that the port belongs to, under the Politics tab, you can choose to invade a province.  On the following turn, put your ships in the red circle that pops up.  If you hover over the naval invasion diamond, you can see the tonnage actually needed for the invasion to progress and the number of turns your ships need to stay there.

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7 hours ago, RNV said:

Is it me or the "ships going back to random port" issue has almost disappeared for task forces (sometimes damaged ships retreat to unexpected locations) but is worse with battles generated by port-based ships? I had a battle randomly pull ships from ports in different sea regions and then send them back scattered across half of my home provinces.

I've had this too, ships been pulled from ports and returning to different ports. 

Question: Do we have to change repair priority in ports so if 'low' ships remain in the same port or 'high', for ships to move to best repair port? Same as for TF repair priority.  

Edited by Skeksis
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Regarding the quality of AI designs.


These are the two most advanced ships of the USA (VERY ADVANCED TECH) in my current campaign - the year is 1930.




They have to giht against this...




Auto resolve battles between the CLs for example should be 1000% always a win for me. The game thinks otherwise.


This game has still a long way to go in terms of AI designs and overall balance.

Edited by ZorinW
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Does "add crew" still add crew back to mothballed ships automatically?

Additionally: I want to be able to build obsolete hull designs. I don't care if my gunboats are useless, I want to build them for port defense. (And if aircraft were in the game they'd make amazing AAA platforms)

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47 minutes ago, ZorinW said:

@Nick Thomadis Can we get a "Return to home port" button for our task forces? We have to spend way too much time post war sending all our ships back to their home ports, IMO.

I like going the extra step and organizing my ships into task forces that are based out of specific ports.  If I have to combine them for some reason but want to send them home, having a home port assigned to a ship and having a button that does it for me would be amazing.

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I get that this game is pretty much a vessel for having cool battleship fights, and not a logistical/industrial simulator, but at some point, the devs might want to take a look at the refit system.  Sure, some things on a ship can absolutely be done pretty fast, but I think its a little ridiculous that upgrading a ships main armor belt or powerplant would only take a month. Secondaries, Firecontrol, radar, etc, make more sense. I've also seen situations where a MORE radical change actually reduces the amount of time. Or how the same level of changes on my destroyers take 7 months instead of 1 or 2 on the BBs. 

And I know that we did get radical refits/rebuilds, like in the case of the Andrea Doria, but that took a considerably longer amount of time than represented ingame. 


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1 hour ago, ZorinW said:

Regarding the quality of AI designs.


These are the two most advanced ships of the USA (VERY ADVANCED TECH) in my current campaign - the year is 1930.




They have to giht against this...




Auto resolve battles between the CLs for example should be 1000% always a win for me. The game thinks otherwise.


This game has still a long way to go in terms of AI designs and overall balance.

Agreed.  If you're trying for a long campaign, the AI nations fall behind VERY fast.

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8 hours ago, AdmiralBert said:

Regarding port size; it is really, really annoying how there are some ports which have such a low tonnage level that they can never be useful.

You do realise you CAN put more ship in a port, wich exceeds port capacity right? Nothing is stopping you. Just need to pay money, which i hardly belive is an issue for any player here.

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4 minutes ago, admiralsnackbar said:

Research difficulties [which i think are defined in months] are such that for most technologies it comes to 1.5-2.5 times the length of the campaign. 

So what you are saying is, there is no way to completely research everything in one campaign?

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*Update 18*
- Probably the definite fix for formations, at least for this patch. The ships should keep their distances more effectively overall. We need feedback to understand what more there is needed to fix.
- Fixed old bug that caused division speed to become reduced when a ship detached or became sunk.
- Fixed bug that made low fuel penalty to not apply consistently.
- Fixed saved battles not working. All saved battles have to be deleted, reset.
- Fixed bug that made ships on refit to wrongly participate in battles.
- Fixed problems that caused premature dissolve of Major Nations after losing some provinces. This needs test on a new campaign.
- Fixed Battle AI wanting to retreat too often.
- Fixed "Nome" port appearing at a wrong place on map.
- Further optimizations in targeting and shell dispersion.
- Other minor fixes and improvements.


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Low fuel is still a massive issue.

Where are the supply ships?!?!

How are we supposed to have succesful  naval invasions when our ships end up dead in the water when attacked during the invasion because they ran out of fuel and ammunition?!

Task Forces always travel with their support fleet.

Edited by ZorinW
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1 hour ago, Suribachi said:

So what you are saying is, there is no way to completely research everything in one campaign?

In an 1890 campaign almost certainly not. A 19XX campaign start will keep you up to date on most of the technology associated with that date much as a 19XX battle will. But how well you can keep once you start going through the months depends on how many techs are stuffed into a given 10 year period and how much time is required for each. For some tech lines there aren't actually any additional techs after 1940. 

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13 minutes ago, JackHammer said:

I'm getting huge lag spikes when I have ships selected and attempting to aim at enemy ships/move the cursor round the map.
Lots of the weird "pathfinding" wiggling appears to have gone though so that's good. 

Same here.

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On 1/8/2023 at 2:04 AM, PainKiller said:

Me for example. I start a campaign, go into a war (usually with the german as it's the easiest) because i have those shiny ships for a reason. Baaam, transport losses on almost every sea as i have colonies basicly everywhere. This is not a problem, as i was just prepared for that, i had built 130 ship exactly for this reason. I send task forces out to almost every sea area .....okay okay good good, we have less transport losses.......but now literally everyone start to hate me over time, and at one point or another go into war with me.....okay fine, i can handle this.......Beat everone's a**-es everywhere, get lot of money and even more ports. And at this point the problems starts to escalate. Since my ships have to go to repair time to time, it's impossible to protect the transports everywhere all the time. Slowly, but surely, those small transport losses add up, and i start to get into a war spiral, where even if i try my best to not to be at war (with pollitic tab influence, and getting my ships all home to britan so i don't influence on other waters) Despite transport building slider is in +100%, my transport capacity is just 50%, having huge GDP losses. That's where my campaign is at the time, I'm spending a lot of money now to try to be at peace with everyone. It's looking good, as long as i have money, i'll probably need like 2-3 year without war to rebuild my transports. 

i want to say that i have no problem with anything i just wrote down, i just wanted to give a summary how my campaign looks like and what the experience is. I quite like it.

That being said, i'm pretty sure the AI has a hard time doing the right thing. As we know they are not very good at..not being in war :D


On 1/8/2023 at 9:59 PM, Lima said:

Sooner or later, all AI become communists. There is a very good modifier for rebellion, so they are not so worried about constant defeats. Without the participation of the player (without a very strong beating), AI will never give up being a communist.

And this is a problem, given the absolutely unplayable -GDP modifier for communists, AI grows very slowly, even at high difficulty.

Finally caught up reading the whole thread...

I too have been playing as the RN starting in 1910.  I am now to 1917 and in true RN fashion I have the largest fleet in the world with 50% of all great power capital ships and 2x as many capital ships as the next two largest combined.  With that, there are some things that don't make sense or issues I have with the game..

1. As the RN, not being able to circumnavigate the globe is a real killer.  It is a long way from Singapore to Auckland.  

2. Shipyard capacity doesn't make sense to me.  I have crew training, research and transports maxed out and I still have more funds than I can spend in British shipyards.  That is with telling all my minor allies "no" when they want to buy a ship from me.  

3. I am constantly at war.  The main adversary is the USA.  They have gone to war with me four times.  I can be at peace and then just a couple months later, back to war.  There needs to be some sort of cooling off period or something.  

4. I now posses Hawaii and Alaska.  Apparently, the best route to Anchorage from Scapa Flow is up around Baffin Island and Hudson's Bay.....in January.

5. I also now have the Panama Canal.  Apparently, the USA blew it up before they handed it over.

6. I would like to be able to dispatch the transports once the escorts are done away with.  Feels funny to turn the guns off of the last ship to then go hunt transports.

7. My economy sucks.  I have consistently been at -8% GDP growth for a long time.  I am not sure why.  I am not nationalist and I am not communist.  My transport capacity seems to be about 99%, so hasn't been completely wrecked.  Not only that, I am the UK, so I am not trying to fall victim to one the classic blunders and get involved in a land war in Asia.

In contrast, the best economy is the USA which is communist and constantly at war with everyone except the Soviet Union.  Not only that, but I know their transport capacity has taken a beating...in one month the RN knocked out 20 transports....still chugging along at 8.5% GPD growth.

Then there is China which is currently under a joint Japanese RN blockade and does 1.5% GDP growth.  Not only that, my fleet is slicing through their transports like a hot knife through butter.


Other observations:


The time between turns isn't very bad for me, but I am running a 5950x.  Does anyone know if this game utilizes more than one core/thread or is it pretty much single threaded?

As others have noted, when I get in battle there are times when it gets really laggy with low FPS.

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