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>>> v1.06-1.08+ Feedback<<<(17/8/2022)

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It seems that the devs intention to fix AI spamming ships by increasing maintanance cost doesn't work really well because the brits overload Limasol and based on my experience it will be a pain in the ass to maintain a ship in an overloaded port, but somehow the british can do that for a long time. Similar to the french at corsica, and now (as others has pointed) I have doubt our torpedoes TDC because it just doesn't make sense. AI torp could hit you quite far, but my own torps missed an enemy that are quite close..

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I feel we are at a point again where a roadmap thread that would be constantly updated by the devs would be ideal.

For me at least, the game and its features have run their course and there is absolutely nothing worth testing anymore. We reported a great amount of bugs and now have nowhere to go in terms of spending time with this game.

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so many thing i would love to see fix nerf buff and so on like the ai love of using corditte and dunnite and torpedo fire angle and they should add major victory in game ohh and add some british hulls for 1910 and unword like dd cl ca bc and bb and and option of turning off guns seperated lets say i build a bb with 2x3 14inch and 2x2 14inch i would love to turn off the 2x2 and if they run out of he shells i would love to change to ap shells also the same for secondary guns

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3 hours ago, Zuikaku said:

Way to go! With the nonfunctioning campaign which even lacks basic elements and some historically based features like...you know... shore batteries what we need right now are some more fantasy turrets with 6 or 10 barrels sticking out and, why not, some 22" ,24" or, hell, why not 50" guns.

This but unironically.

That saying, guns larger than 406mm are still more or less unusable due to how ridiculously their reaload goes up and accuracy down.

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Nah, there is absolutely nothing we can playtest anymore. I played 3 campaigns and mostly goes the same, same bug, same unbalance. I believe that these forums have been reporting major issues and bugs quite a lot but to no avail. I do still hope that the devs actually see our reports and comments and right now are fixing/balancing all of the comments, but it would be neat if the devs communicate with us players to further improve the game and also give us roadmap for the future. The devs have been quiet lately and that is no good for a game that is still in beta that needs player feedback. We the players are not here to ruin the game but we are here to improve the game and hopefully make the game better in all aspects by giving feedback.

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I'm being increasingly worried about the future of this game. There has been no word from the devs for a while now and overall progress of the development seems slow anyway. After almost 4 years of following development of this promising game I'm disheartened and increasingly pesimistic.

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3 hours ago, Zuikaku said:

I'm being increasingly worried about the future of this game. There has been no word from the devs for a while now and overall progress of the development seems slow anyway. After almost 4 years of following development of this promising game I'm disheartened and increasingly pesimistic.

I think the devs are doing a great Job. Coding just takes a while and the team is not large enough for a major update every few months. Judging by the development speed of the recent updates I think they are working at a steady phase. Also we have heard from them more or less lately in a Q&A video. 

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I'm not sure the size of the team, but just looking at Steam there was a gap from April to July with limited updates. Then a surge of updates in July and August.

I suspect part of it is simply that things take time and it's a small team which just makes that a lot more apparent. It doesn't seem like an unusual gap and it hasn't even been a month since the last major update.

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On 9/3/2022 at 5:56 AM, thewolfpack said:

I would love if there was an option to use "obsolete" techs and hulls, just a check that removes the "obsolete" tag from the player. Would be really great!

Yes, again, why are players being  limited by the needs of the AI?

This is a problem in many areas, ship design,  campaign management, TF management (what little there is) to name just a few. If you are going to try to treat the AI as just another player then you will need to limit the game to only state-of-the-art high end machines and will need to make much better use of the computers resources. 

For a typical game machine, the AI must cheat. The trick is to cheat in such a way as to not pissoff the players but still make sure the AI presents a challenge. If possible make the AI cheating invisible to the player, NOT by limiting the player to suit the AI. The players are paying you, the AI isn't. 

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1 hour ago, kjg000 said:

Yes, again, why are players being  limited by the needs of the AI?

This is a problem in many areas, ship design,  campaign management, TF management (what little there is) to name just a few. If you are going to try to treat the AI as just another player then you will need to limit the game to only state-of-the-art high end machines and will need to make much better use of the computers resources. 

For a typical game machine, the AI must cheat. The trick is to cheat in such a way as to not pissoff the players but still make sure the AI presents a challenge. If possible make the AI cheating invisible to the player, NOT by limiting the player to suit the AI. The players are paying you, the AI isn't. 

There is gooing to be mode on which ai uses player designer ships later on. Right now they are doing what they can to make IT replayable. Code is spaghetti probably that is the reason for most of issues i assume. 


Next update is gooing to be huge from what i herd all or most nations full map, task force size and most importantly subs and asw. 


That is gooing to be huge update. I expect news early next week about IT as i fully expect many mechanice must be strongly refunded for all this to work

Edited by Grayknight
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I wanted to clarify that yes, I know programming and making games is hard. I do. I respect the devs that keep working on this game, the problem however lies on communication and nothing else. Maybe hiring a community manager/spokeperson that directly communicate with the devs would work? So the devs could focus on developing the game. That's just my opinion.

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